Frankly HD Thieves Guild Armor ingame preview

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The mod is close to being finished, just some final adjustments.


  1. FrankFamily
    • premium
    • 3,734 kudos
    I'm fairly happy with how the metallic pieces are looking without the need of cubemapping, they are quite tiny after all. So, good news is no mesh changes required and therefore completely compatible.
  2. Othilius
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    What kind of daedric deal did you make, you get better piece by piece goddamn boi
  3. Faelrin
    • premium
    • 82 kudos
    Where those pattern designs I see on the leather parts (and the butterfly looking thing on the buckle) new touches? They look great. I like that the sleeves are cloth too.
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      Yes, thats an unique addition to the guild master version
  4. thek8ikat
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    Very nice. Also- how did you make the armor look so slim? Are you using an armor replacer? From my experience, the Thieves Guild armor always looks too bulky for my taste, but this looks much better.
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      mmm I think I have vanilla meshes, but I'm not 100% sure
    2. liemertha
      • supporter
      • 95 kudos
      His weight probably not on 100
    3. thek8ikat
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      Yee, but from my experience, even 0 weight looks buff.
  5. WBizzyW
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    Reguarding the standart thieves armour, maybe of interest to you: The original concept art:

    I always found the "leathers arms" of the armour a bit odd and as it shows at least in the concept it was supposed to be fabric?
    1. FrankFamily
      • premium
      • 3,734 kudos
      Yes, all the variants will have fabric in the arms, not leather, I didn't like that part in vanilla, the folds were sculpted too deep to feel like leather, in that you'd expect it to be more stiff. So, in my version it's black fabric as seen above for guild master, white for the standard armor and brownish for the blackguard/linwe set and karliah's.
    2. WBizzyW
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Wow very nice, that sounds really perfect. :)
  6. Organonmodell
    • supporter
    • 41 kudos
    I like that the sleeves aren't leather. And the pattern on the border - edging? no idea - is awesome. Can't wait :)
  7. RenaPG
    • premium
    • 72 kudos
    Looking good. Can't wait to see how it looks in-game (with the ENB I'm using, that is :P).