8th Theme - Summer

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  1. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 110 kudos
    Thank you so much for creating the extraordinarily beautiful images which allowed my flight to fancy. To my own fairy tale:

    A Midsummer Fairy Tale

    This would be her first time.

    For centuries, the daughters of the Marmedi had made the annual journey. Emmatipeletele, Emma for short, or 'little Emma' as some of the old ones called her, had earned the title of Sachraltessadotarra in the competition among all the daughters of the Marmedi. She was not the swiftest swimmer, nor the brightest intellect, nor the most beautiful, the most genial, the most beloved
    or indeed the most anything among the daughters.Yet, she had enough quality of body and mind - but especially of soul - that the Unnarliwachorn - those ancient deep-ocean dwellers, sacred to the Marmedi - cast their weighty vote for her.

    Of course, all the daughters of the Marmedi knew the route to the holy ground. But, on the holy day of Midsummer, only the Sachraltessadotarra was allowed to break the surface of the waters and enter the sacred places. For only on that day and only for that daughter, would the ancient gods of the ground allow her to walk on the land as a land dweller would. It was the day in which the sea and the land were as one - as they had been at the dawn of time.

    On Midsummer's day Emma set out on her journey. She passed the sunken ships of the land dwellers and said a prayer for those brave or foolish souls (she knew not which) who had crossed over to "The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveler returns". She swam past the lush growth on the seabeds and hummed along to some ancient paean of the land dwellers - "the ocean is a desert with its life underground and a perfect disguise above". She sent a mental greeting to one of the eternal swimmers near another deserted shipwreck and then rested for a bit on an ancient chest containing useless junk that was somehow meaningful to those who had carried it to sea.

    She swam past several more of the giant eternal swimmers and felt their hunger - and their respect. She felt them whisper "god's speed" to her and then swim below her in the ocean dweller's version of a bow to her sacred mission. And then she was on her own again, swimming through the sunrays that filtered down into the now shallower waters.

    Here, she met Kimkobi - one of the Unnarliwachorn. Her lone horn was ancient and long, much longer than any Emma had seen before. This bespoke of Kimkobi's status within the Unnarliwachorn - one did not grow a horn like that without attaining great age. And among the Unnarliwachorn, with great age came wisdom and great honor. Emma didn't know her individuality - the Unnarliwachorn had a sort of group consciousness - and she greeted Emma formally, but Emma could feel the warmth and goodwill behind the greeting as well as that of the other Unnarliwachorn.

    Kimkobi asked if she could have the honor to accompany Emma on her first journey. Emma was surprised and even more humbled and honored to be accompanied by such a respected member of the Unnarliwachorn. Kimkobi's mirth at Emma's emotions came through as she spoke through her thoughts to Emma as an individual. "I'm old. I rarely go out and about anymore. I enjoy my freedom to be away from my constant obligations. The land dwellers call it a 'vacation'. And it is an honor to accompany a daughter of the Marmedi on her sacred mission. It is, after all, something you do for all ocean dwellers. We all appreciate your efforts on our behalf."

    With Kimkobi's thoughts echoing in her brain, Emma realized for the first time the true importance of her mission. She had been training for it formally for some time and wanted to accomplish it with honor but hadn't really thought about its impact. Now, as she swam through the shallow waters with the ancient and respected Unnarliwachorn at her side, the reality of what she was about to do hit her like a massive internal wave. Kimkobi's soothing thoughts reached out to her immediately. "You'll be fine. You know what you're doing. You have the knowledge and understanding in you. The gods of the ground will know it, too." Emma relaxed at this - but just a little.

    They swan together in companionable silence - enjoying the cool green water of the shallows, watching the gentle sway of the plants - until Emma reached the spot. Kimkobi sent her one last burst of warm wishes and swam away. Emma swam forward and up, the filtering sunrays becoming more visible until finally she could see the pale disk of the sun. And, then, she broke the surface. It was a glorious day above the water which was both azure and emerald with a fine mist clinging to the surface.

    To both her surprise and delight, Emma found that she could move freely above the water's surface. She was shocked to find that she could move freely upon the land! She said all the formal prayers to the gods of the ground. When she had completed the rituals, a burst of euphoria ran through her and she spun merrily around, falling in joyous laughter into the grass. And, she felt the gods of the ground smiling.

    She explored a little more, taking in the green trees, the purple flowers, the golden grasses, exhilarating in the strange and wondrous environment. As the sunrays began to cast longer shadows, she recited the formal prayers for departure and then, in her own farewell, sent kisses to the gods of the ground, hoping that they would see them as love and not impertinence. She reached the shoreline, took one last look around, and entered the sea. She would be back next year. That thought kept her happy all the way home.

    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Thank you from the bottom of my heart, that you found the words for my picture story. It's so as you have read my mind ....

      I will make this sticky , because it's the perfect writing for it. Now it's completed
  2. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Atemberaubend schöne Bilder, Heike! Diese Nixe ist so zauberhaft und einzigartig, einfach ein schönes Unterwassermärchen.
    Jetzt trau ich mich gar nicht, dieses Outfit zu nutzen..
  3. dragenella
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    Nach langer Zeit der Abwesenheit habe ich wieder angefangen und rumgestöbert. Und was sehe ich? Eine aussergewöhnliche Kollektion....schon allein die Bilder erzählen eine eigene Geschichte. Du hast Dich konsequent weiterentwickelt und lässt andere an Deinem Talent teilhaben. Vielen Dank dafür....:-))
  4. jumarbye
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Fantastical and lyrical Summer time set with thoughtful, beautiful pics Hammersmcp words are a wonderful accompaniment to your images.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Thank you so much for your friendly words ... I'm glad, you like the pics and the story from hammersmcp
  5. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 662 kudos
    Hello there!
    Thank you for sharing your excellent new collection with the Nexus Mods Community!
    We like it so much we're going to promote your images on our Social Media.
    Look out for your collection appearing on our Facebook or Twitter over the next few days!
    Keep up the awesome work!
    - Nexus Mods Staff
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      I`m really glad, you like this collection and I feel very honoured, that you will promote it in the social media. Thank you so much
  6. lesjones
    • premium
    • 157 kudos
    Well, I certainly cannot follow the comment by hammersmcp, so I will not attempt to do so, other than to accuse you of what you accused me of..."you are a master"

    Brilliant concept and an amazing contribution of your work to Rick's theme
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Thank you, dear Les, for your wonderful words. I'm very glad, you Ilke my idea for the Summer theme
  7. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    And there is my answer. You have a very beautiful world under the ocean Heike.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Thank you, I like my underwater Skyrim too
  8. Darksaber87
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    Such a wonderful and beautiful Summer set, Heike.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      I'm really glad, you like it
  9. Kayol
    • supporter
    • 220 kudos
    That was magical!
    Beautiful tale with no words needed (although hammersmcp's fairy tale was a great accompanying piece), enchanting and also very relaxing to view. Loved it to bits.
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Thank you so much for this comment, it means a lot to me and it honours the work of hammersmcp :h
  10. Froloff007
    • premium
    • 54 kudos
    Oh, it`s very nice set!
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Thanks a lot, you like it
  11. Reaper060389
    • supporter
    • 151 kudos
    tolles Set schwer beeindruckt
    1. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Vielen lieben Dank, freue mich sehr über den Applaus