The Dawn Will Come

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  1. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Thank you, Jon for another great contribution! I like the combination of landscape and character here, so I picked one of each for the final presentation set. The bleak icy looking dawn in the main shot is very appealing, I must say. I like how calm and serene it is, yet still can be deadly if you should fall into the chill water. Great looking snowy trees and refelction upon the water surface.

    The character comes through as a woodland barbarian-type of man. It's obviously his name giving me this idea and I have already read you took the name from the Old Norse. It's a pronouncing we still very much use in similar ways here up in northern Europe. "Skog" is infact the Swedish word for "forest or woodland", while "skogar" is the plural form.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks for the name bit. I pulled it from some Norse dictionary. If I end up restarting him I will change his name to Skog and drop the "r' :)
  2. bison1967
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    A very interesting, and capable looking character! I like the armors he is wearing, and his look and name as well! Exquisite work, Jon!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Many thanks Bison - glad you enjoyed the post :)
  3. deleted3656968
    • account closed
    • 70 kudos
    Somber beauty is everywhere & perfect choice for incoming HOT days Splendid work Jonathan.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Noisepulse - indeed incoming hot is what we are expecting in New England :)
  4. Xorp
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    That main picture
    A cherry on top of a great set
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks very much Chris! :)
  5. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Is the main black and white? I really can't tell. It seems to have just a hint of color. Great shots for the theme. Wolf-Grin, I like that and I wonder where you will go with it. It's a fitting name for Skogr.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Patrick. I can't take credit for the last name though:

      I always like to find my own first name but don't mind borrowing the last name in this case.

      Main is not black and why - just the style of the preset and the bright white of the area ... and it being dawn so less color visible. It is also low color preset on top of that.
  6. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 329 kudos
    I like the clearness and colouration of the main pic very much ... looks very real and fits very well to the theme ... morning dusk ... The last pic continues ... looking for what will upcome...
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Heiki! Been away from Skyrim for a while and debating who I want to be when I return!
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      This is indeed not an easy decision ... with the time you have so many interesting chars ..
      I like zpthem all
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      My curse really as I have always preferred just ONE main character. Even having two in FO4 has been a huge problem let alone the half-dozen I have in Skyrim. Just isn't how I play. But with Grim retired I am left wanting to play again but need to find a character I can enjoy .. so the hunt continues :)
  7. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    Great images for the theme. A pleasant srprise to see a character I've not seen from you before,..
    He is looking great though and indeed,.. mildly unsettling,.. I like that robe from im also,.. has a great lore friendly touch to it,..
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Windy! I always said I dislike making characters and stick to one or two mains now have so many in Skyrim :p I blame it all on Grim's stories which got me making followers and companions for the story ... and then Skyrim and mods that kept me playing. But if I am too play again I need to find a way to connect to my main character and game world again.

      Skogr is an idea I am toying with. The only other characters that still hold my interest are Kavel (who would be more to finish his story as I told Kayol), and Wolf (both to finish his story and because he is a favorite from FO4 as well). The Thistle King is more just for fun and not a serious character, even if Fenrir is ... but I do not want to play as Fenrir as Fenrir is who I follow, my god if I were to pick one, so could never play him. Fyrulf is fun but I have tried a few times and it never seems to last, same with Marrok. So Skogr, Wolf, or Kavel it most likely will be.

      The robe I saw Dicky using and had to try it - love how much detail is on it. Very good textures from Gamwhich.
  8. Kayol
    • supporter
    • 220 kudos
    Cool addition to the theme! As great as Skogr looks, I must say that the first landscape is my favourite of the bunch - the colours and lighting really speak to me.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks! Been rather behind in Skyrim related things and only just recently started toying with another play through if I can decide on who I wish to be.
    2. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      So you put Grim to rest for a moment? I'm really curious how you would build your new char.
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Aye - my last story I did with Grim (with his older siblings, the twins Hati and Skoll) was his last (last being relative if my mood changes of course). It is a prefect place to end his very long saga over 5 years now with 4 books worth of stories written on him (something like 1500+ pages). Fenrir has retired so he can enjoy a life that was stolen from him eons and eons ago by an ancient sect of the Thalmor who enslaved him in chains of fire below Nirn. Now he wanders the multi-universe serving the forces of Nature (in Skyrim that is Hircine, in FO4 that is Gaia, in Pillars of Eternity it is Galawain, and so on ... its how I keep a consistent mythology and lore for my characters and myself in many games as the same "person") and the Eternal Balance between Chaos and Order and Life and Death. He also sometimes visits his old home in Skyrim as Fenn the Thistle King.

      Grim was supposed to take over Fenrir's role after he freed his father (end of book 3). He got sidetracked (book 4) but finally did. Then Azura stole his divine soul and at the end of that he decided he was not ready to be the Guardian so Fenrir held onto it. Finally, in the last story, Hati and Skoll appeared to contest the position. In the end Grim granted the power to them.

      So Fenrir is off being retired. Grim, Erik, and Wolfgar continue to work with the Black Wolf Company and the Thieves Guild to protect Nirn from the Thalmor and the forces of Molag Bal.

      I have tried a few other characters since then - Marrok, Wolf, Kavel, Fenn (aka Fenrir himself) without much luck. I need someone not tied to Grim's lore directly I think. So that may be Skogr Wolf-Grin. Will see. He will still serve Fenrir, all my characters do in all worlds/games, but consider this a different timeline (or dragon break in the lore of TES).

      If he doesn't work then most likely will return to playing Fenn, Wolf, or Kavel. For now Skogr is a WIP.
    4. Kayol
      • supporter
      • 220 kudos
      I'm really curious what kind of character he'd be - I wonder how you would handle someone extremely sly, more chaotic neutral than anything else. Merging such a grey character with your usual flowing/epic narrative would be very interesting!
    5. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Fenn Finn-Gall (FO4) is probably the closest I have to that kind of character. Chaotic in nature, dark things haunting his mind, how he came into existence. Basically a good person but he can be a con-artist, has a slightly violent/crazy edge at times, a real charmer out to earn money.

      My darkest character in Skyrim is Kavel Bloodmoon. I wrote him explicitly to explore writing dark, tragic, sad stories. I did his first 4 chapters which covered his parents and birth. He is a dark sort. I would really like to finish his story someday as I have it all planned out - how he grew up, childhood issues with the Lord of Falkreath, lots of anst and tragic things go on in his life with his first wife, later is best friend and potential partner before they broke apart in a bitter fight, near suicide, his hero worship of Hircine, and so on. I might return to him.

      But no real going back. I miss those days but community is different as am I. I don't have the energy/time/motivation to spend 40+ hours on one story (which is how long many of my epic Grim ones took when adding in screen shot work and posing, writing and proofing, and putting it all together)/. That being said I think if I did return to write something really in-depth it would be Kavel Bloodmoon. I really love his darker story and I have the entire story plotted out - it is a matter of writing it and sharing it.

      For now, however, it is short stories that I can handle without getting OCD about finishing and wiping myself out in the process. Skogr Wolf-Grin might have some. His wolf name (the name the wolves gave him) is "he-who-grins-in-the-forest" and Skogr means forest. Hence his human name which I thought sounded very norse like. I can't take full credit as I saw Wolf-Grin used in Pillars of Eternity and liked it so much I knew I had to use it as a surname for a character.

  9. kestrelhawk
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    The landscapes are lovely, I can feel them, cold and crisp. Your Skogr is quite...lovely, too. He looks so very at home.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Kes :)

      I wanted Skogr (which means forest in old Norse) to have a cold winter look with pale skin, light grey hair, and startling eyes (purple) or cold eyes (light grey). Still undecided with the eyes.
  10. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    Great looking captures and character Jonathan a fine tribute to the theme
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks kindly Izzy!