The Mill

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The Mill

"One cloudy day
before the rain and storm,
a word was delivered to me.

The girl I adored
to be mine once more
brought a letter for me to see.

It said;
meet me at the mill tonight,
meet me
and I'll be yours.

My heart was warmed
while my lungs were filled
with purest joy of all.

And I watched her smile
as she went back down
to her daily call.

The grey of day
slowly passed
as I waited by the door.

Then at dark she came
with her hair of gold,
asking me if I wanted more.

She said;
come with me,
come my love,
tonight I'm truly yours.

My hand in hers
and her laughters song
while she swayed her hips.

Her scent was sweet
as I lowered down
to taste her lovely lips.

Soon I was trapped,
caught by her charm,
imprisoned by her will.

As fangs so sharp
sunk into my heart
and I died inside the mill.

She whispered;
sleep my dear
while your blood give life,
tonight I'll be drinking yours."


  1. Amevenastral9
    • supporter
    • 178 kudos
    Well, very glad I caught this! When first joining these two on the blustery afternoon, I was quite happy for the young man, his love was to meet him that eve at the Mill with the stars to witness their unbridled affections but as in so many cases it was not meant to be no matter how seemingly perfect. I could say he died a happy man? Until that ill-fated moment , he knew extraordinary pleasure and only a few moments before his descent into the black. Death for our young man might have seemed like a dream. Well done my dear friend!!!
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      I had a feeling you would like this one, Amewen!

      I'd say he died a happy man, because just as you say he did embrace a lot of pleasure at the end before she took his life...and who knows? Maybe she even turned him? That'll have to be another story though. As usual it's too damn late...

      Thank you for the lovely comment, dear!
  2. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    What a wonderfully romantic poem, Rick!! You're an real artist!!
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      Thank you for these kind words, Angie!

      I do love to write, so it's very nice to hear it transfers well even in English...
  3. SimClarke
    • supporter
    • 165 kudos
    I noticed a deep mutation every time you write a an inner metamorphosis which allow you to create and share these beautiful words with us...but maybe it's just my impression!
    Very great shot, I always thought that a mill, with its simplicity, represent a perfect place to meet your love!
    1. Excellentium
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      Thank you kindly, Sim!

      I'm glad you notice some changes. It can only mean I'm getting more secure with my writing in English. I have to admit, the English language is very nice working with when it comes to writing poems. I'd say there's another reason to why most popular music of today is written with English lyrics.

      I also have to admit, I've always had this sense of mine when I get inspired by images (in particular) which allows me to really transfer a part of myself to the framed world of the picture. Sounds like crazy talk of course, but lets just agree on calling it a very vivid imagination...

      Lovely that you like both the words and the image! I've also had this vision of a mill as a place for fooling around and young love, although this time it went dark for the man..
  4. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Awessome are fantastic...great picture for it
    What was first, the pic, or the poem? Like this creepy atmosphere here
    The whole set is pure art

    Do you know the works of Gottried Benn?
    1. Excellentium
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      Lucky for me I have a beard or you would see me blushing right now...

      Thank you so much, Heike!

      Writing is really my main interest, so it's very warming to hear it's appealing to you. I still feel helpless at times when using English instead of Swedish, but it's a great deal of fun regardless, so I will continue doing this every now and then.

      The image came first. They mostly do, because I do get very inspired visually and then the words keep coming by themselves. I do poem first too of course, but here where the images are having the leading role, my poems are fully inspired by the pictures.

      I had to google Gottfried Benn and I'm sorry to say I haven't heard of him, or read him. I've actually read quite few poets, since reading books and novels is more close to me. I find writing poems very creative though and since I do love to get in connection with emotions, poems are the right way to do it...

      Truly thank you once again!
    2. BlackMaid
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      • 330 kudos
  5. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,115 kudos
    Great capture and wonderful verse Rick
    1. Excellentium
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      Thank you ever so much!

      I'm so glad my poems make sense even to you British people...
  6. zjamz
    • member
    • 93 kudos
    Oh now this pure freaking art! Just wow, reading through that whole poem with such a twist! Definitely the actions of a vampire, so beautiful and sad. The image was perfect, coincides with the heart-felt poem brilliantly. Art in many forms my friend, art in many forms... Bravo Rick!
    1. Excellentium
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      Thank you so very much, my friend! I had a feeling you would like this one when I saw you came on site just minutes ago!

      Quite a timing if you ask me as well, since I just uploaded this and I'll give you some credit as well for the dedication with Kiara, since it made me miss some vampire themes. I'm not far enough in my Dawnguard adventures, so I had to use a bit of my good ol' dark screenshooting to find the right spot for some writing. The mill seemed spooky and sinister enough in that grey dusky gloom and there it is...

      I still remember the day when I was so uncertain if I should upload any writing along with my images, so let me just thank you for the encouragement back then. Otherwise works like this would've never been written...

      Thank you!
  7. lesjones
    • premium
    • 159 kudos
    Fabulously dark image and a wonderful poem with a really dark and magical twist at the end!

    Brilliant, Rick!
    1. Excellentium
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      You're most kind and I really appreciate it, Les!

      I have a soft spot for darker themes and it's very refreshing to see things like this can get some admiration as well. I'm starting to get a bit spoiled here regarding my writing, but it's a real boost for sure...

      Thank you kindly!
  8. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    that is a beautifull, yet very sad ending, or happy, depending on your standing , story
    That Mill looks just right for a story like this. Very Nice combination.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you, my friend!

      I'm overdue with a lot of writing her at the image share, so at least this is something. I'm nearing my next chapter with my characters Zareni though, and even if it's been very long since I wrote of her, I hope she's not all forgotten. This text turned out to be very story-driven even if I aimed for a poem at first. Kind of like the result though...