Things Better Left Forgotten - Chapter 02

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  1. AaronOfMpls
    • supporter
    • 47 kudos
    A good continuation! (And I may have to go back through Teyla's earlier stories sometime.)

    And somehow I suspect there's something bad waiting for them out on the ice.

    Nicely done, both pics and story!
  2. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    She's not the sort to take no for an answer is Teyla. I like her gumption. Very nice job describing how the three became friends; finding one another amidst the intimidating newness of being apprentices. Nicely captured shots too... really feel like they're in conversations.
  3. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Oh surprise not at all who i through it was lol........ so much for that idea...... so oh wondering now how this plays into the college and what is going on....... very interesting and great story ..... and as always amazing shots hon ...... can not wait to see what happens next
  4. matherz4
    • supporter
    • 21 kudos
    awesome work sean loved the way u shown them bond with the images and ur writing is always top notch stuff, a joy to read my friend i hope Annete is gonna be well in the next ep. with that bad dream possibly foretelling bad events to come i worry :S. now iam curious what Teyla will do when she begins to get hungry in the other way that is her nature iam sure Delaen would make a fare snack, or maybe Erik and grim would fill her hunger if they visit. to big men like that with unique souls and powerful, i think she be well and not go hungry for a time . i always like the way ur create personalities for ur chars sean and the emotions and expressions are always so well done, especially Anette's smile. oh and can a succubus live of a person slowly with no harm, or would they just be eating away at there soul and life ever so slowly ? ... and how do u create ur characters sean, do u use familer faces ? i been trying to get it to work so i have more characters for my tale that i have held back from doing for far to long, mainly cause of divinity original sin game taking up my writing time XD (fun game) atm when i load the chars there faces are aged 100 :/.... Anyhows As always my freind looking forward to the next chapter
  5. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    Just a new brilliant Work my dear friend.

    1. greenbms
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      Thank you so much my friend!!
  6. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 879 kudos
    Ah I so do enjoy your work Sean! I have not yet had a chance to catch up on Teyla beyond what we talked about a little, some information from Arnold, and a skim through a few stories so will have to work at that this weekend.

    However you have written things very well so that I felt like I could just jump in (the key, of course, is knowing her origins and what she is). That man, Delaen, is one lucky college boy with those two lasses as friends - although so far it seems like he is more than the typical type and is truly friends with them which I admit is very nice to see.

    I like their loyalty to each other and I like how you covered their bonding over a two month period and then jumped back to the present.Looking forward to what is coming!

    Perhaps Grim and Erik can take Teyla out for a drink soon as they are both working there way to the college fairly soon. They need to infiltrate the College to get some sensitive information and will be posing as students. Well okay not Erik - he is almost a magical NULL zone on his own :p Especially now that he is a Nightwolf as the blessing he gets from Nocturnal as Nightwolf is a resistance to magic - it tends to fizzle around him - plus the ability to blend into the shadows by becoming a shadow-wolf for a short while.

    Anyhow wonderful chapter and I really like Teyla so far and curious to see where this is going!
    1. greenbms
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      I'm so glad to hear that Jon thanks! Hopefully Teyla's earlier stuff doesn't seem too antiquated to you I think they were done with K enb if I remember right! Nothing wrong with it just... so different lol

      Delaen better recognize how lucky he is! lol

      Oh oh I think Teyla would love that! I wonder if Teyla would be able to sense anything from Erik with his nightwolf abilities? I bet between Erik's "void" and Grims sure to be commanding presence it would make for an entertaining time! Teyla would jump at the chance to hang out with such hunks, even if they are taken I'll shoot you some thoughts tomorrow when I get time!

      Thank you very much!
  7. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Great work and beautiful girls, green!!
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 823 kudos
      I agree with you
    2. greenbms
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      Thank you my friends!
  8. tkdb17
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Awesome Read, can't wait for more! Don't take so long though!
    1. greenbms
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      hehe sorry! and thanks!
  9. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Oh I am loving this!!! Great to read of Teyla's time at the College. I wonder what has happened to her friend Anette? It is obvious that she is in danger, I hope she is ok. I wonder if Teyla will go to look for her with her friend?
    I liked that Teyla could instantly sense dislike in the ass Ancano.
    Your shots and story telling are amazing as always!! I can't wait to see what happens!
    Thank you once again for the link!
    1. greenbms
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      Teyla and Delaen i'm sure have a plan here! Thank you, and you are very welcome my friend!
  10. derek98
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    Super chapter Sean, love Anette, it seems she's got quite a crush on Teyla. I'm sure Teyla and Delaen will protect her. Teyla dislikes Ancano? I can't think why!
    Keep up the good work my friend.
    1. greenbms
      • premium
      • 51 kudos
      Thank you Derek! I'm liking Anette the more I get to use her.. some characters are just more expressive than others hehe