Unsure Cultist With a Hot Friend

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  1. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Great chapter! Love the fire shots!
    But first shot up is my favorite! Love these two!
  2. Kalilies
    • premium
    • 1,506 kudos
    Ahhh, I love how sassy Irene is xD You go girl! (almost feeling sorry for Miraak ;3)
    1. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      Haha, almoooost? ;p thank you very much!
  3. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Wow the story is simply wonderful and those shots zero are so colorful and bright and so just wow...
    1. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      Well, thank you very much, Heaven! =)
  4. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    It is so great to see new adventures of Irene, Alana and their friends! Wonderfully written chapter with awesome shots, you are great with writing fighting scenes and this chapter was heavily action packed, very dynamic and I agree with Kayol, Irene also reminds me of Lara Croft with her strong character and flighting style. Irene and Alana are so cute together, loved their scenes together, they are so sweet and caring to each other. Loved the banter in this chapter, Miraak sure was impressed by feisty nature Irene, he won't invoke fear in her, that is for sure. I am looking forward to see what will happen next!
    1. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      Strangely enough i never thought of Irene as Lara Croft, but when you say it... maybe it makes sense... and i cant say much cause i have yet not started playing the newest Tomb Raider game I'm also glad to hear your thoughts about how i write the fighting scene, how i brng in the action.. i'm thankful to hear that.
      Alana worries about Irene because she knows how her confidence actually is.. and that Irene can really push the limit many times. She could've pushed it too far when meeting Miraak, but Miraak underestimate her that he will kill her or do anything else next meeting.. perhaps.. but one thing for sure, he was impressed by her persionality, deep within his mask unshown.. he was impressed.
      Spasibo! ^^
  5. RONALD15
    • member
    • 66 kudos
    Awesome story mate, really love it
    1. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      I am grateful, thanks so much, mate!
  6. mymajestymv
    • premium
    • 94 kudos
    Aww, they are back and quite a long chapter! Will take me a while to read and generate acceptable comment)))
    1. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      Hehe, thanks so much and yea.. it got abit longer chapter than i first thought
    2. mymajestymv
      • premium
      • 94 kudos
      and yes.. didnt say it - cool burning shots!
    3. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      Spasibo! ^^
  7. m14aria
    • supporter
    • 111 kudos
    Nice story once again, love the fire color in these shots.
    1. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      The Goddess ENB really fell in my taste, and one of the reasons was the fire effects given thank you very much, Moein!
  8. Kayol
    • supporter
    • 220 kudos
    Your installments are always so action packed! Your Irene fights more than Lara Croft But it's a good thing, it keeps the readers in constant suspence about what will happen next.
    Irene and Alana are so cute together!
    Great work, my dear!
    1. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      Well.. what can i say.. Irene likes to think about competing against Lara Croft hehe - i'm glad you think so, thank you very much! ^^
    2. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Yup, what Kayol said! I love the shots of Irene and Alana, very tender amidst the fiery action and death shots!! Just awesome work hon!
    3. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      I glad you approve aswell, dear! Thank you very much
  9. SydneyB
    • premium
    • 1,094 kudos
    Great story and shots, Stig!
    1. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      Thank you very much, Ash!
  10. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    Those skeletons do seem to like being send flying into pieces among the dust of those ruins, facing Irene's blade and spell as they did, they don't lack in courage at least That conversation with the cultist was an interesting one, not often do they choose to speak instead of fight, he certainly did not impress the group with his hesitant words, his fiery friend however seemed quite the foe, luckily Irene can shield herself with a swirl of frost. I like how they keep an eye on each other, Irene warning Frea of that falling rock, cautious for another to fall on a friend. Irene did exchange quite the sharp words with that Miraak, like a little bit of sparring with words. That part as Irene returned from that realm to Alana squeezing her with her arms was so sweet and amusing ^_^
    1. zeroxee
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      They enjoyed it alot.. i'm sure. And i think courage is their best defence Glad you found it interesting, cause i almost got too much into it and it could've become longer than it already was A fact Irene should do more frosty spells, when her Frost Cloak works like that.. her other Frost Spells should work too
      Thank you very much, Alexi!