Lagarde Whisper - Archmage of The College of Whispers

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  1. Bowsong
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    You always create the most interesting characters- and the most beautiful images of them. I would love to play the game that you'd create, populated with your unique cast members. Would be absolutely amazing!
  2. User_6005213
    • account closed
    • 200 kudos
    I love his dress ! Fantastic character !
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Great - what a fantastic speech to introduce this diabolic man - Lagarde Whisper (btw very interesting name ) This name we should notice
  4. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Another grand creation Fabrizio! You are an VERY intense writer with the lore, kudos. Maybe one day someone will take up your stories and create a full game with your lore. That is also the coolest robe I have ever seen. What is it called if I may ask?
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      Thank you very much for your words, my friend. The robe belongs to TERA armor pack on Nexus.
  5. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    Wow one dark character for sure! Nice shots and very cool back story even if he is a bit dark for my own style.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      This is the fourth male character I've done with this I close this parenthesis amused masculine. there would be an orc, but I do not think of making a set on him, it is not aesthetically so original, to deserves some shot.
      Sadly, males are interesting, but do not seem to raise much interest then. Nexus is really depressing and conformist in a truly obscene.
      thank you my friend!
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Lol aye welcome to my world Well I for one very sincerely appreciate your short foray into the male character department. You did an awesome job with them. I don't really mind all the female focus, even if I b&@*$ about it now and then, as that is what the majority likes. Although I do wish the men had more armor and cloth choices.

      Well Liadys is busy adding some new male followers so we are making some progress! Keep up the nice work .. male or female
    3. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      More MY style

      Awesome backstory and the images.... Wow.
    4. Farvat
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      I had to prove to Jess, who was able to make even the men, while maintaining my style and my originality. Also there were the male characters in my stories, and I wanted to put it into practice at least someone in the face. For clothes and armor for women, there is a lot of stuff but also a lot of junk, like swimsuits and improbable platform shoes. Unfortunately Skyrim has never been a platform well suited to males, find decent male followers, is really a quest and I am pleased that there has been some new publication (Liadys)

      Of course this is a character, very my style, often dark, more suitable for Jess, who embodies in the fantasy, a scientistic attitude in which knowledge is put to the full service, enslavement and complete dehumanization. Lagarde, captures the essence of Jiggallag, a form of madness, which is not born from the chaos libidinal of the psyche, but by an excess of control exercised by the superego. Therefore, the feelings, the passions, the emotions are completely uprooted to give space to what is called "instrumental reason", absolutely cold, inhuman and calculator. There are many scientists, which in effect think that way.

      Thank you Jess and Jonathan!
  6. t56yr
    • BANNED
    • 117 kudos
    Stunning work, my friend!
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      Many thanks to you!
  7. gun805
    • premium
    • 86 kudos
    Great job,Fabrizio!!
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      Thank you very much friend!
  8. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    Your ability to create a beautiful image is only superseded by your knowledge of the lore and therefore tell a great story. This char is awesome and could very well have been used to portray the Arch-Mage Shalidor himself. All hail Farvat.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      It is actually the archetype of a certain kind of magician, narrow face, hair groomed beard conical piercing eyes and a sensitive sense of chill. I am amazed by the fact that as far as he is canon, here on nexus, seems quite unique. Thanks for the comment friend!
  9. YourDearFriend
    • account closed
    • 14 kudos
    A handsome and knightly appearance that facade a malice resolution.
    The college is always full of surprises, I'm always delighted to read of such character
    as I find their existence to be more fruitful.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      Thank you for your appreciation. I usually make females, but represent some male character was challenging. And the founder of the College deserved some shot and a small text.
      Thank again!
  10. papp263
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    Nicely done.
    1. Farvat
      • premium
      • 302 kudos