Grim Tales - Cosmic Overture - Fenrir Unbound Book III - Chapter 11

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  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    Quick note on Ancano and Mora: I didn't make this clear enough I think - Mora is not really making Ancano his champion. Mora is well aware of what an idiot Ancano is. No he wanted an idiot as he is going to possesses Ancano and make him the mortal shell for his Avatar. Ancano's mind is going to be turned to utter mush by the process ... or at least more mush than it is already. This is to important to leave in the hands of a follower - Mora wants to be there "in person" as it were. Will spell that out a bit more in the next chapter.
  2. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    I see that Mora is still being his meddlesome self, lending some of his knowledge to that foolish Ancano for his schemes, as the caretaker watched from above. Seems he has not learned from having been humbled, his last plan having fallen to pieces, strong words spoken to him by the caretaker. I am as unsettled as the Caretaker about the Adversary seeming to be working on his own plan, his subtlety making finding out exactly what he is up to, a very elusive piece of information.

    The heights of Ancano's delusion are great it seems, him seeking to control that power to impress Domina, one that would have been more likely to see that power as a threat and plan to wrest from his grasp were she still breathing. It is not surprise that he is blind to the fact that he is a simple puppet, that the power he is playing carries some much danger for him, of course he never was a wise one that Ancano.

    It is good for Grim and his friend that the Thalmor are still in the dark about what has happened in Sarthal, them being a few steps behind this time, unlike they had been when Domina was around. Elewen is looking to be getting all the more desperate to find a way to restore her reputation before one finds she is not longer of use.

    One would certainly not have wanted to be anywhere near Hircine in that fit of anger, I can almost hear that howl of anger that shook his realm, putting fear into those among his forests. Mora was not too wise to make an enemy of his sibling, meddling with one he watched over. Was wonderful the way you described the way Hircine sought out the spirit of Kyne, his mind set adrift among the sky and following the lands, really shows his connection to the wilds. I like how you depicted the playfulness of Kyne, the mischievous wind pulling at him, teasing him and the way she communicated without words, needing only the movement of a butterfly's wings to be understood by Hircine, that subtlety fits so well with her near formless nature. Nice to see again that care Kyne has for Grim, coaxing Hircine into calling on that magic to help.

    Was great how you weaved the tale of the EC and Passion's poke of Mora's eye into this chapter. Great to see those different perspectives, to glimpse what is going on around Grim's path, wonderfully done, Jonathan
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Many thanks for this very nice comment Alexi! Funny as what you said about Domina is probably exactly how she would react - she would have seen Ancano getting such power as a total threat and she would do whatever she needed to get the power away from him and for herself.

      The Thalmor are indeed a bit in the dark although they are making some plans - hopefully Grim and his team can beat them before they marshal all their forces to take them down. Luckily Dannee is helping to keep them distracted!

      Glad you enjoyed the bit about Hircine and Kyne. I think when writers involve the princes a lot (especially me and Nataly) it is easy to forget they are close to being gods (although I think the lore says they aren't - they are just very powerful entities). So it makes sense to me that one could speak through the wind and a butterfly and another could understand it.

      I also enjoyed being able to add Passion's eye poke into the story
  3. Ncyde
    • member
    • 63 kudos
    Impressive set, good work
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      My thanks Ncyde for the comment!
  4. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Well here I am happily getting caught up on your work which is the one treat of being so far behind (I get to read several chapters at once) when POW!! You hit me with one of the most epic chapters I have ever read! All of Skyrim is in flux and you once again tie in other peoples "realities"
    Hircine call forth the Wild Magic and Ancano flirts with disaster! On the edge of my seat as I read on and see the next chapter is already up!!
    Outstanding my friend and was very honored to see my dear Ripp in the set! Thank you!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks Arnold and glad you were okay with me adding Ripp to the story. Tried to make it as open and seamless as possible.

      Really enjoyed working on this chapter as it is always fun to do cross-overs. It will also save me from having to explain a lot of details in the next chapter - as the purpose of this chapter was to explain what everyone else has been doing and why - so I can just have them all come together in poor Windhelm - the Nexus of this epic battle.
  5. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    Very nice chapter. Recap, addition and community tale all in one. Very nicely tied in. The music added a great feeling to the piece too - well selected hon. It was nice to see what the 'cosmic' forces are up to while the mortals do battle down in Nirn. That damned Mora just can't leave well enough alone. You'd have thought he'd learned his lesson from last time. Ah, but now what a puppet he has in Ancano. Sometimes the puppet can be the most dangerous piece in the whole puzzle... to the puppeteer (I'm thinking Golum now).

    An excellent set of images (both yours and the ones borrowed from the community). Reminds me of how much fun I had helping with and reading the Caretaker series the first time around.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks Jessie - I had planned on tying up this last loose end with the Unraveling story and the Caretaker and now it is finally time. I never planned on it being big - really the Caretakers story was more about everyone else's story But since Mora is still scheming in his attempt to reach CHIM (something he will never succeed at as he doesn't truly understand it as the Caretaker already told him) the Caretaker is watching him. I only wish I could get him [Mora] to appear at the college :p

      So now on to the big finale I have planned. After that we shall wait and see. I have plans for continuing on Nexus but can't say what they are till I finish the next three chapters.
  6. DiscipleOfCarnage
    • supporter
    • 106 kudos
    I see you've been at it again: The Stephen King of Skyrim strikes again, as he carefully and thoughtfully weaves many different stories around one intricate plot.

    The momentum is building, and the cliffhangers are killing me; please do hurry with the next installment, my friend. ;-)

    Florence + The Machine is good stuff, and I believe it works wonderfully well with your story.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks Mr. Carnage! I am going to have a hard time finding the right music for the next two chapters. The last one won't be to hard but finding the right balance of music for some of the stuff planned will be hard.

      Glad you enjoyed the story and hopefully will have the next one out sometime soon.
  7. gakerty
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Amazing shot. Intense mood there. I should start keeping up on these!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thank you for the kind words Gakerty!
  8. derek98
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    Another tremendous and epic episode Jon.
    Your work continues to inspire.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Woot! Thanks very much Derek, appreciate the comment!
  9. Rincevent69
    • supporter
    • 81 kudos
    Fantastic set again Jon, well done!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Many thanks Tom - glad you liked them. Now you see what I do with all those spammy images I upload on Flickr :-)
  10. PrinceNathan
    • supporter
    • 200 kudos
    Oh good, an excuse to pull out my Florence album! As if I needed an excuse

    Very nice collab, some fantastic shots by you too Hitting your usual high standard.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thank you Prince Nathan and glad you enjoyed the music. I really like her voice a lot.
  11. frank213
    • premium
    • 825 kudos
    excellentes and impressive work
    made great Jonathan
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Many thanks Frank and welcome back from your holiday!