About this mod
Let Ashina Genichiro put on Nameless King's armors
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
This mod first needs Genichiro's costume mod which can be found in "ZullieTheWitch's Costume Pack Mod". Thanks to Zullie for those amazing mods which make this costume mod possible.
And other Genichiro's costume mods can work with this mod as well. Such as The Clean and Dirty Genichiro Pack.
As for Dragonslayer Swordspear, you can find it here: Dark Souls III Weapon Replacements.
This mod also needs DS3 and Bloodborne Material Pack.
1. Nameless King's Armor: Golden Crown, Dragonscale Armor, and Golden Bracelets.
2. Replace "Mortal Blade" with "Dragonslayer Greatbow".
3. Replace "Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella" with "King of Storm (mini version)".
1. Install Sekiro Mod Engine.
2. After decompression, drag these files into the folder "sekiro\mods\parts".
3. Enjoy!