Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

1. box pile o114710
2. hanging kimono
3. hanging lantern o116601 o116601_4012 N:\NTC\data\Model\map\m11_01_00_00\sib\layout_40.SIB
4. japanese portall m012300
5. maple leaf sfx 825110 SFX:紅葉_ID825110_1001
6. panneaux o114240
7. panneaux 2 o114241
8. pot closed o114280
9. pot empty o114500
10. pot with horn o114506
11. pot with map o114200
12. pot with plant o114508
13. shelf with books o114000
14. shelf with hand drum m006100
15. tatami volet hanging m006670
16. tree resurection entrance o002550 (with lantern on it)

hanging lantern blue o256020

candle o206160

hanging VINE
m001610 (mappiece) N:\NTC\data\Model\map\m11_00_00_00\sib\layout_60.SIB  (normal)
m001620_3003 N:\NTC\data\Model\map\m11_00_00_00\sib\layout_30.SIB             (small)
m001600_3000 N:\NTC\data\Model\map\m11_00_00_00\sib\layout_30.SIB              (long)
fens o007010

fog vfx : SFX:薄靄_ID839521_1000

resurec colli box obj: o013008

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