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Created by

NoImageAvailable and DarkInquisitor

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About this mod

Allows showing of hair below helmets and other headgear.

Permissions and credits
This mod allows pawn hair to show under headwear.
Headwear that doesn't cover the upper head (e.g. sunshades, goggles, etc.) displays the normal hair texture.
Covering headwear will have the texture replaced with custom textures that fit exactly under the headwear, thus allowing to display hair at all times without any clipping. Works with all headwear, both vanilla and modded.

Supported hairstyles (mods):
- vanilla (default)
- Rimsenal Hair Pack
- NackbladInc Rimhair 2.2
- Spoon's Hair Mod
- RimNGE
- Xeva's Hairstyles

*Remember that you have to download them separately.

How does it work?
The mod places texture sets called "FullHead" and "UpperHead" within a folder structure equal to the hair's texPath, e.g. the textures for the vanilla Afro would be placed in `Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Hairs/Afro/`. The mod automatically detects properly placed and named textures, and will switch to the FullHead/UpperHead texture if the respective BodyPartGroup is covered. If a texture can't be found it will default to Shaved hair, meaning vanilla style hiding of hair.

To make a hair mod compatible:
  • Make a folder next to your png files and name it the same as the hairstyle,
    like ABC_front.png means the folder should be named ABC
  • Inside that folder you add Bodypart + _front, _back, _side, like FullHead_front.png
  • Valid bodyparts are FullHead, UpperHead and Jaw, making a total of 9 if all are used
  • If an image is missing, the shaved head will be used