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JTeghius Kittius

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  1. Locked
    For apply just extract the file ?
    1. JTegh
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      it should tell you there's a required other mod to download called the "fluffy mod manager" this is a program that manages mods and is required to install any mods for RE2Remake, 3Remake, REsistance, and RE: Village. if you run that program and select RE Village as the game it'll create a few folders.

      *your mod manager folder*\Games\RE8\Mods\ just puit the .rar file in there and run the program again or hit "refresh mod list" the mod should show up in the list. click on it in the list and it will install the mod for you. click on it again to uninstall the mod.
  2. KaneRonnie
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    no wonder why A2 detested YorHa.
  3. dfawx01
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, awesome looking mod! Was wondering if you can have the virtuous contract over Ethan's knife?
  4. 2B9SA2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Where did that 2B dress model came from? 
    1. JTegh
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      SoulCalibur 6
  5. logan1710
    • member
    • 21 kudos
    "Remember your pain: the pain of having your daughter stolen!"
  6. XenoVars
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    Good stuff!!! Is it possible to have White "2P" version please?

    Even better if you can pick and choose which daughters to have. Others have Black "2B" and White "2P" Alternatively.

    Godlike work as always!!
    1. JTegh
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      ?that's definitely doable. I'll do that today

      Edit: they're available now in the downloads. both visor and non-visor version

    2. XenoVars
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      THANK YOU!!!!!!

      YOU ARE THE BEST!!! :)
  7. Emg2018
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is it possible too use on one daughter only
    1. JTegh
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      not at the moment. the daughters share a lot of the same files. I'd need to rework the mod a quite bit to make that work
  8. RenValaria
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    when skirtless version  and when skirtless white version for tall lady 
  9. godzillaeater15
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hi just wondering if you or anyone has any advise on ripping models from this game...i usually use ninjaripper but cant get it to work here.

    If you could help or point me in the direction of a forum that could it would be much appreciated.
    1. JTegh
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      you can extract the .pak file with this tool:
      and you can rip the models/textures with these tools:
  10. animi
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    The clean face/make-up seen on the screenshots is another mod or another part of yours not yet available?

    Really cool mod.
    1. animi
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Disregard, just saw the last line of your description.
    2. JTegh
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      yeah it's not made by me. In case you're looking for it it's here:
  11. Shiro3Usagi
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    f*#@ yeah, a NeiR mod.