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  1. wyattman15
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    • 0 kudos
    it randomly crashes at times
  2. dh1148
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    Gonna try another few load orders-- but just wanted to drop in and say I'm unable to get this to work so far.

    I've installed all of the requirements and I'm very familiar with using REframework mods/plugins because I already use several of them. I installed the Script_Core core mod after REframework was installed, before installing dodge (dodge is the last mod in my load order so nothing overwrites it).

    I get the dodge plugin in REframework and can change the settings of it, including the bindings and the distance and speed-- but no matter what I bind it to, the actual dodge mechanic just won't work in game. Not sure what I'm doing wrong if there is anything.

    Will post again if I figure out what's wrong-- but just wanna add my name to the list of people having issues here.

    **Also, just want to add that I've used several of your mods across multiple RE games and you do really nice work. Thank you for all of the time and effort you've put into making some of my favorite mods.
    1. crazyslugger1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same as me im unable to dodge even i follow all the steps before ,   the author d ont seems intrested to help us and its very sad................this dodge stuff could be the best mode ever created for RES 8 but we cant even try it ,
      hey silver could you help us?   if so many people cant make it work there must be something wrong........
    2. dh1148
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      • 0 kudos
      Out of curiosity (and to confirm if we're experiencing the problem the same way)-- are you able to view the Dodge options in your REframework menu in game?

      Just to be 100% clear, I can see the menu and change the settings... it just doesn't dodge when I try to do it.

      If that's exactly how you're experiencing the issue, then yeah-- we probably have the same problem and it's probably a bug with the mod or a compatibility problem.

      I haven't tried the mod without any other un-required mods installed-- although there's not much use to me for a mod if it can only be used by itself or with very few others. I tend to have 20-30 mods installed at once but I'm good at troubleshooting my own issues and typically figure out how to make everything work. I did cut down to around 15 mods-- mostly other weapon mods and several made by Silver here-- but still no luck. Idk if it's compatibility either.

      Idk if Silver is necessarily neglecting the mod, it's only been out for a couple of weeks. It's hard to decide a side in the modders vs mod users drama because yeah... tons of modders are incredibly lazy and smartass about support-- but also there's so many end users that ask stupid questions and automatically trash the modder when something isn't even their fault that I can't blame modders always for maybe assuming people are being dicks.

      It's definitely a trend though. I've actually been learning to make some of my own mods and if I ever release any publicly (I'd like to eventually when I get my skills up), I plan on leaving pretty good install instructions and offering a reasonable amount of support. I'm sure end users will be twats to me no matter what I do though, and that's probably the reason why Silver got snarky. That ValeraMishlen guy was already giving him s#*! just for not replying within 24 hours. I'm guessing this guy probably has a life or a job though, whatever it is it probably pays more than $0 which is what supporting homemade stuff on Nexusmods pays.

      Aite I'm done rambling, I've just thought about this s#*! for a long time as a mod user and have never discussed it. @SilverEzredes get back to us when you can, and have a good one.
    3. crazyslugger1
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      • 0 kudos
      i have try it with no other mod loaded and doesnt work..........

    4. dh1148
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      That sounds pretty conclusive. Just to be clear-- you're still installing the Script_Core mod requirement though (and obviously REframework), right? Just making sure since you said "no other mod"-- but I think you meant you tried the correct installation of this mod and its requirements, and nothing else-- but it's still not working.

      I'm gonna test it like this myself just to see if I can replicate the problem with only dodge and the requirements installed.
    5. crazyslugger1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      OBVIUSLY YES    framework and silver s   SCRIPT CORE THEN  THE MOD infòuffymod manager   ,i see the script and option in re-framewornk in game but no dodge...........
    6. SilverEzredes
      • premium
      • 547 kudos
      I ain't sure why the mod wouldn't work. Best guess is that you guys use a non-english keyboard. 
      That had an effect on one of my RE4R mods.

      EDIT: or maybe your REFramework is not up to date.
    7. SilverEzredes
      • premium
      • 547 kudos
      Additional I've made some changes to SCRIPT_CORE, so update it and see if the issue is fixed.
    8. crazyslugger1
      • member
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      ohhhh finally it works thanks for your effort mr silver ....i must say thath i dont use a keybord for playng but only gamepads ,then i must say to other users thath you guys must just TOUCH the left styck or rigth do perform the dodge .....i figured out after some try...its a bit discomfort so its better in option of re framework to disable the o circle HOLD BUTTON the fact you put such an option is good   so the fact i can personalyze the distance of teleport that its very little by default especially when you dont have blue energy......
    9. crazyslugger1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      this is indeed a great idea put a dodge-teleport mechanic in a character that should be overpower but is instead  underpowered .........shure would be better have even an backward dodge , and a switch-hold imput instead of a quickly touch imput for now it works for me but, if the author want......the mod should be improved from the imput-side    , sorry for my englysh im not american
    10. SilverEzredes
      • premium
      • 547 kudos
      I'm glad it's working for you now. 
    11. crazyslugger1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you for update SCRIPT-CORE  this mod is far from perfect but is ONE OF THE BEST IDEAS IN ALL RE-MODDING.  ENDORSED !
    12. dh1148
      • member
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      Hey Silver, thanks for the feedback. I'll check my version of REframework. I had thought about that but I've been lazy and didn't do anymore testing since I was messing with RE4R a bunch this weekend.

      REframework might be why I'm also having the same issue with WeatherFX for RE4R-- works in menu but no effect in game that I can tell. Either way, you do awesome work, thanks for all the mods. I don't think some people realize just how many mods you make. Supporting them all has gotta be a chore.

      I'll follow up if/when I get mine working and list what it was... for information's sake. Later.
    13. SilverEzredes
      • premium
      • 547 kudos
      If updating REF is still not doing it for you, then download the latest script core.
  3. NickShooter25
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    I wonder if we can play as Rose with her powers in the main game, that would be a cool and addition way to play it! But there is no way to play as her, other than an outdated mod for the third person of Rose :(
    1. ValeraMishlen
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      RW Apocalypse Schoolgirl 1.0 
      Ethan's replayer is inside the mod, but you just have to play with this look, there both the voice replaces and the Ethan's mute
    2. NickShooter25
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      I didn't know that! Thanks for the help! Hopefully, there be future mods that let you play as Rose in the main game, because I want to use it with Hound Wolf Tundra!
    3. ValeraMishlen
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      • 0 kudos
      I already dropped a mod that allows you to play as Rosa in the main game, with her voice, a very high-quality replacement for Ethan.In Google, enter the name of the mod that I sent you, download the set and see for yourself)
    4. NickShooter25
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Got it, thanks so much for your help!
  4. LeatherSeats
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This, but no 1st Person mod. :(