Resident Evil 2 (2019)

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  1. deleted135550573
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    What's the fun in facilitating the game this way? The game is already easy. One of the most interesting things about this game is precisely the puzzles, not to mention that it breaks the lore and the way the developer created the script for the player to follow. It doesn't make any sense, this is basically an Easy mod, it simply DESTROYs any kind of difficulty that the game may present you, even more so if the player plays in easy mode. With all due respect to the time you spent making these mods, but they are mods that don't add anything to the game, on the contrary, they take things away. It's practically a disservice to the community, of course there will be half a dozen people who just want to know the story, who have no interest in the game's mechanics, but in general, they are bad, bad mods..
    You could use your knowledge, to add enemies, add the model of that zombie with the red tank top next to the main hall, like in the original, and even the zombie with the police hat near that area, add a zombie with backpack on the street in mode story, there are so many things you could improve in the game, and you waste it removing and facilitating things. Terrible! It's nothing personal.
    1. deleted30965805
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      • 7 kudos
      I called my file cheat for that. I'm not balanced maker. I exploited it.
      You can search my name. I do ALL FILES AS CHEATS THAT I TAGGED MYSELF.

      I interests in game scripts. not tried made the world good.
      I NEVER force anyone to use. I didn't need points or like from this community. I just left something for I can look back in my time. I'm not teenager, man
      I show how you can exploit many things with JUST Internet tools and some knowledges. Modders should have potential in other ways more than SKIN or Visual things. It's beautiful, YES. but why you don't try to step off the line a bit?
      I can bypass manything to let the game endings, maybe for some lost archivements you needed?

      for swap anything to harder. Just search it. Mr.X EVERYwhere is good for you.

      spent much time? not at all. This thing just really quick to do it. This one key Item governed most of all Lab game scripts. This is Center Plot.
      What I spent is time for testplays. EVERY mod tested by myself to not let your steam save corrupts. want to see my corrupt save? that when you loaded All of you can do is T-Pose.

      Thanks for your comment. You're the one of normal people that not my target for leave safe zones.

      I'll lock your comment for everyone can see it. prevent to deleted it. So normal people can see your warning and decided by themselves.
  2. manson51
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    RT version please..
    1. manson51
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      RT version please..
  3. amurovalentine3
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    No matter what people say, i just want you to know that i love this mod. I have played this game many times in hardcore and done this puzzle so many times that i have memorized even the codes and how to make the toxin. But i downloaded this mod just to enjoy the story this time. 
  4. t225hp
    • premium
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    This is my first time playing a resident evil game. It is scary and fun with a good story but puzzles are too numerous for my taste. I just did the chess pieces on my first play through  and am already overloaded on puzzles and backtracking. If I play a second run I will be using some or all of your mods.

    Thank you for making your mods. I for one find them useful.

    In hindsight, and from what I have read in reviews, I should have bought RE3 instead because that is closer to what I want in a shooter game.

  5. belttway
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    No one is saying you are forcing someone to use it, you have your freedom of speech to create your mod, and I have mine to comment on that, and that's all right, at least it should be that way. At no time did I disrespect you, you are the one who is not mature enough to deal with criticism, so you block everyone who has an opinion different from yours.
    I "congratulate" your attitude, you give your answer and then block the user, so as not to have the contradictory.
    When you answer a person, give them a chance to defend themselves, don't be such a coward.
    You ended by writing: "So normal people can see your warning and decided by themselves." How can they decide on their own without any outside influence, if you block me before I can present the reply to your comment so people can see both sides? Without my being able to refute, ponder, explain any previously written word, or misinterpretation of a sentence from a user? If you impute nicknames to my user that diminishes me as a person?
    If you marked my comment with a big red line? Where do you attribute and insinuate negative characteristics to my user?
    You are very intellectually dishonest, this is very disgusting!
    You can use all the mechanisms of the site to try to impute characteristics that ridicule me as a person, "assigning nicknames" to my user, "Sticky" or whatever, but that only says about you, which in the absence of arguments, ends up leaving on the personal side, this is called eristic dialectic, more specifically "Ad Personam" and still says that I should be avoided?
    I want you to know that I already contribute with really useful mods on this site and I will continue to do so, and that if you have a different opinion from mine, or criticism, know that you will have the opportunity to present the contradictory, because the plurality of thoughts will always prevail.
    You can try to make fun of me again, blocking, adding nicknames and demarcations that try to diminish me as a user, but in doing so, you will be proving my point and will only be communicating with those you say you want to avoid.
    The country where I live has the education rate equivalent to Sierra Leone, a place where misery prevails, and you first world don't have half the coherence, intellectual honesty and education that the people of my country have.
    It's really sad.
    Evolve as a person.
    1. deleted30965805
      • account closed
      • 7 kudos
      I dont want him to edited his words too. as I want everyone to read it first (stick it). show all that someone can hate my motivation. If I want to made me safe. I can hide it.

      I'm not understand every motivation on playing. Its not his game break. but maybe also his style or pride too. so I stopped that arguments.
      if someone read it. or another account of him appeared. you can see that I didn't block. but Just pride argumenting must be stopped at all costs.
      If this also you. you don't even to defend anything. that I said just not my target to presentation. so step aside for both.

      You can hate me. Its not winning manner. I just talk and show about technics that can use in modding. useful or not. I'm not interest.
      Modding is about Modifing. not just skinning or recoloring .or made enemy quantity increased.
      Do more than that so internet will more interesting.

      I will stop pride and manner talking here. If its not about technic-relate. you can count on it.
    2. Pluralidade
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Once again you give your answer and then block the user so they can't respond. Guys, please don't be like this guy, take him as an example not to be followed. "but Just pride arguing must be stopped at all costs." Sensura is sensura, don't use your eristic dialectic to justify your character flaws, be more than that. I don't hate you, don't impute your characteristics to me, after all, are you reading what you're writing? If there's someone here with hateful behavior, it's you, cutting any opinions that are contrary to yours, pay more attention to what you write yourself, because your attitudes don't match your words. No, modification is not just about modification, no one starts modifying something randomly without a primary cause, without a purpose, there is a motivation, add, improve, remove and even facilitate, which was your case.
      If it wasn't, you would have just made a tutorial on how to modify, and you wouldn't have made several very specific modifications following the same reasoning, again, your words don't match your actions, don't you think before you write?
      It's not possible..
      Modification is not just about modification, you are dead wrong, but in this case, I believe, you took it literally, so your mod was created haha.
      Again, it's nothing personal, it's just that you give too many loopholes to be refuted, it feels like I'm talking to a child.
      Anyway, I'm done with you, so I end this discussion here, good luck, keep blocking everyone who has a different opinion than yours.
    3. deleted30965805
      • account closed
      • 7 kudos
      : my condition on last reply you.

      I always thinked this is you too.
      Thanks for talk about how to modded now. even a bit.

      I explained in another mods of my about how to modded my files (yep, too long). how I think. except taught on programming 101. which learning from google e-learning is way too easy than post here.

      I maybe on nexus about this time period. which I'm on Work-From-Home. mostly I post mods here. just my junk hobbies. I no intend to comehere for grant service or joined the community at first.

      when back to office. anyone can use my mod to reduce OPness or else. or maybe return it to normal ways still OK.
      thats way. other mod categories will filled with weird or insane things like skyrim has.

  6. PhantomPotatoe
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    While I understand some people would think that this kind of mod breaks the exploration part of the game, this mod is actually quite useful. And it is after all tagged as a cheat, so anyone who doesn't want to use it doesn't have to use it.

    Just an idea though. Your series of puzzle skipping mods can actually turn into immersive mods if you only apply the mod to the 2nd run. It would then make much more sense, even fixing the story continuity between Leon and Clair scenarios. Now I don't know if it's actually possible, so like I said it's only an idea.
    1. deleted30965805
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      • 7 kudos
      Good Idea!
      Because you are a few one that good listening. I'm explain All of my workstep here before do something.

      look at this Board
      Zealot's gimmick editor
      His small tool basically a swap position / change item on that position too.
      I see potential in this tool. not just for randomize (that I think it such a bit lazy. why let PC do something that you can choose?), or maybe made the game harder by rip off items.

      You can see my work that didn't want to follow anyone's footsteps. why not? I'm not tool creater. I'm just use it as heart-content.
      I maybe debugged game scripted already. but I NEVER touch the whole story. You can play normally but add something to skipped it if you just a try.
      steam saves are annoying if I made anyone have a scar on it. That what I take my time for.

      so, what you said is possible.

      with this tool, some position is flagged like "leon_" "claire_" or "OnlyPosition" "_2nd"
      "leon_" "claire_" is what item that only appear on his/her route. (you can see my mods earlier is common_ because I want it can use on EVERY route)

      "OnlyPosition" is highly scripted items. Mostly uses on main Objective items. not appear on basic item swap.
      ex. 3 medals / Ben's Card / hanging position park card in claire's route / 6 plugs.
      this kind of items WILL generate items AFTER EVENTS ONLY, not appear on map before that. can make game crash or ETERNAL LOADING if you don't know how to generate those items. you're done for. (thats why I read all objective in this game. try to understand for game's code looked for.)

      "_2nd" items is what you asked for.
      its only appear on 2nd run only. can dissects to Leon B / Claire B too.
      but Unfortunately. most of it uses in RPD. because after Ada/Sherry route. most of positions after Sewer (in game script called Wastewater) aren't _2nd tags.

      I created my skipper/helper mods based on currentWR-speedrunners on youtube. look all of his steps. then set few items that can made his run shorter.

      So what can i do In EASY WORDS is most ammos or guns in _2nd into skipped route items.
      but even I set high caliber ammo to item such as Cooled-Toxin. when you take it. and progresses to Labs.

      They'll appear at the Cable-Car that you already find it !. so the door to plant zone(that Ivys around) will NEVER open because game think you not needed anymore. thats why I never generated items out of their original zones.

      thanks for long reading. I hope my explained here can inspired someone to made any swaps that most people look for.
    2. PhantomPotatoe
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      And thank you for explaining friend. I am a bit familiar with the said "Zealot's gimmick tool" actually. A while ago I edited some popular mods such as "Weapon Overhaul" and "Full Pack Ammo" by qiuyuewu1987 to be more fitting to my taste. And of course, those are for personal use only.

      Unfortunately, to edit some 2nd run scenarios things that you explained will most definitely require much more time and deeper understanding, which for now I am not at the capability to give. Perhaps you, or maybe someone out there will take the part and make it, or maybe even me when I get the chance.