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Dmcs1917 DurtyHorse sinuspain
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Version 1.3
-Extensive tweaks made to all weathers for a more realistic experience in general, I am only listing the most noticeable ones here.
-Improved light bouncing
-Improved sky colors
-Improved sunlight
-Improved ambient occlusion (I know I do this every update, this is probably my final time doing this since I think I've gotten the occlusion exactly how I want it)
-Improved moon lighting again
-Improved horizon colors for sunset/rise
-Improved all rain particles
-Improved performance across all weathers
-Improved stars and made star constellations more noticeable
-Improved lighting for many interiors
-Improved cloud shadows across many weathers
-Improved stormy weather
-Adjusted twilight colors
-Adjusted sunrise/set colors
-Adjusted day and night brightness for all weathers accordingly
-Toned down lantern brightness to look like less an LED
-Redid chapter 1 mission weathers
-Redid clouds for almost all weathers including sunny, clouds, misty, fog, overcast, overcast dark, thunder, thunderstorm, hail, blizzard,
-Redid thunderstorm weather completely
-Redid hurricane weather
-Redid fog for mist and fog weather
-Removed clouds from high pressure
-Removed Ambarino high pressure (it was pretty useless from the start and isn't very unique)
-Updated sandstorm weather
-Updated all snow weathers
-Fixed rain weather at night
-Fixed extreme darkness for thunderstorm weather
-Fixed all issues for snow weathers
-Fixed snow particles
-Fixed shadows for night
Version 1.2
-Added 2 new custom weathers(more to come): High Pressure Ambarino and Stormy (weathers are showcased in the images tab)
-Overhauled moon lighting
-Overhauled sunsets and twilight
-Improved/Redid many mission weathers (American Venom, Red Dead Redemption, My Last Boy, etc.)
-Improved ambient occlusion and shadows (again)
-Improved lighting in general
-Improved snow weathers in general
-Improved rainy weathers in general
-Improved clouds again for many weathers (cloudy, overcast, drizzle, hail, etc.)
-Improved sandstorm weather
-Improved weather climates for dynamic seasons merge
-Improved cloud lighting (clouds have a more subtle glow during day time)
-Improved fog and mist (again)
-Added rain fog under clouds for rain weathers
-Added "light pollution" for bigger towns like Blackwater and Saint Denis (nights in cities are brighter, stars are less visible, etc.)
-Adjusted brightness for some weathers
-Adjusted wind gusts and speeds
-Adjusted rainbow visibility for some weathers
-Adjusted moon visibility during day
-Adjusted star visibility
-Adjusted rain particles
-Adjusted cloud colors during sunrise/sets for some weathers
-Adjusted night weather visibility (weathers such as overcast, thunder, rain, etc have all been brightened in general, i noticed on certain weathers you would still only really see the ground with a lantern or gunshot light, it is now a lot easier to see at night without being overly bright)
-Mostly fixed shadow streaks on clouds during sunrises/sets
-Restored some missing values
-Removed hurricane weather
-A lot of other minor stuff was changed and would be too much to list everything
Version 1.1
-Improved clouds for sunny, high pressure, fog, misty, and rainy weathers
-Improved fog for misty and fog weather
-Improved water reflections
-Improved cloud lighting
-Improved ambient occlusion and shadows
-Improved night sky
-Improved moon and sun's appearance
-Improved cirrus clouds
-Improved contrast and exposure
-Improved hurriance and thunderstorm weather
-Improved sunsets/rises
-Adjusted night and day brightness
-Adjusted wind speeds for certain weathers
-Adjusted particles for snowy weathers
-Adjusted weather transitions
-Adjusted night colors for misty and foggy weather (they are now more green/blue, similar to vanilla)
-Adjusted mission weathers
-Fixed colors during sunrises/sets for overcast weather
-Fixed snow light weather
-Finished guarma weathers
-Removed rain from overcast dark weather
No donations accepted
"Real", Oh how I detest that word. So devoid of imagination! - Dutch van der Linde
This visual mod completely changes the graphics and overall aesthetic of the game to be more realistic and closer to real life.
Some major changes are: -Realistic Lighting and Colors: Light emitted from the sun and moon have been altered to show more realistic colors. I always felt like the game's colors weren't vibrant enough especially with sunsets and sunrises. So I have changed the colors to better represent their positions. Like for sunsets when the sun is setting over open country it has a nice orange color and gets closer to almost being red when it reaches the horizon, you can see this best in New Austin and south Scarlett Meadows where the sun doesn't set behind Mountain Shann. For sunrises the sun is exposed to basically the entire map but rises over the east and more civilization, therefore it has more intense colors. Moonlight was also changed extensively with a slight blue hue for aesthetics but less intense light with softer shadows compared to the sun. The moon is most intense during high pressure where there is no clouds to reduce the light. -Realistic cloud depictions: Clouds for every weather have been completely been redone to accurately depict real life cloud types. Sunny and Cloudy weather contain cumulus clouds which are the most common cloud type seen with sunny conditions, these clouds don't absorb a lot of sunlight/moonlight so cloud shadows are relatively light and not very intense. Overcast weather contains stratocumulus clouds which typically covers most of the sky and absorbs a decent amount of sunlight/moonlight to where the ground is duller/darker, there are still small gaps that allow sunlight to break through sometimes. Weathers like Overcast Dark, Drizzle, and Misty have stratus clouds which are usually thick and close to the ground, they darken the ground a lot and usually hide the entire sky. Fog weather has thin and relatively high clouds that create minor shadows, Rain weather has nimbostratus clouds which has moderate rain. Weathers like Thunderstorm, Thunder, Shower and Hail have cumulonimbus clouds which are the biggest type of clouds that have anvil shaped tops, they block out the most sunlight and don't have much color. -More Realistic Weather Transitions and Much More: Transitions between weathers have been slowed down significantly, but depend on the type of weather. For example: a transition from high pressure weather to overcast takes a lot longer than a transition from cloudy weather to rain weather. Other changes include: -Revamped Night Sky -A custom weather with a big storm over the mountains -Vignette Removal -Glowing Pickups Removal -Drastically decreased Color Correction (basically removes the color changes with areas like New Austin and Lemoyne which are very exaggerated) -Improved Ambient Occlusion -Improved twilight times and colors -Improved water reflections and puddles -Improved rain and snow particles -Improved interior lighting -Improved TAA -Adjusted wind speeds to better represent real life -Revised and Improved mission weathers
-I recommend matching/tweaking your in-game settings to be similar to the .txt file for the best -Any suggestions can go in the "Posts" tab, Bugs/Glitches can be posted in the "Bugs" tab -The visualsettings.dat IS merged with Persistent and Natural Dirt, but is incompatible with any other mod that edits this same file. -If using Dynamic Seasons, download the merge instead of the main version. -I have put many months of research and hard work to get this mod as good as I could make it, an endorsement would be appreciated!
KNOWN ISSUES: -Specific missions like Revenge is a Dish best Eaten and the Guarma boat sequence have certain frames that are very dark, there isn't really anything I can do to fix this right now. -Some minor issues with reflections like rare flickering or trees blocking water reflections, there is not much I can do about this as of now. -Certain areas like Annesburg and sometimes near valentine the weather will be quickly set to sunny, I have no idea why this happens.
Recommended mods: 4K Upscaled Stars (Makes stars look more high quality at night) Stash That Lantern(I recommend using this mod so you can keep your lantern on you at night at all times) Any timescale mod (I believe the nights and days are way too short in-game) Any of beniguess1899's mods, all of his map mods add better variety and colors throughout the map.