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About this mod

Adds a brand new MLO interior with vanilla like functionality

Permissions and credits

Midnight Beer Hall, Annesburg, New Hanover

Tucked away in the loud mining town of Annesburg lies the Midnight Beer Hall, a once-forgotten cornerstone of the town's history. Originally closed after a devastating fist fight during the 1880s, the bar has been reopened, offering weary miners and curious travelers a place to wet their whistle and swap tales of the frontier.

Introduces a completely new interior to a previously overlooked area

A vanilla-like implementation with a fully functional and custom bartender that serves drinks and food.

An attempt at capturing Rockstar's interior style

Provided completely free of charge, for RDR2 singleplayer only.

MonsieurGremlin - Adding seamless bar mechanics for liquor and food
TheRealJohnModding- Creating the ped spawning script, walla sound code
SoggyFry - Furnishing a large part of the interior
FenianShimbo- Creating the bartender character
WesternAndCo - Making the RPF Archive CodeX Build 
ook_3d - Making his GTA V MLO Tutorials which were a huge help
DexyFex - Creating CodeX
Ktos93 - Making the very intuitive AMV Tool for Blender


A big thank you to everyone who contributed

1.0. Release Version

Lenny's Mod Loader