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  1. Skelephant
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Firstly, I just want to thank you for this amazing mod! I've got over 100 hrs in the game thanks it. It's been my favorite way to enjoy a quick 30-40 minute game session, and I look forward to whatever future updates may bring.

    In my last run, I encountered a bit of an issue where the logic put Strikebreak in the soul cutter zone chair, but the last Big Key is at soul cutter. So with the changes to the gates, I think it's impossible to get into that area, unless there is still some way to glitch into the area that I don't know about. Just thought I would bring it up in case there is an issue to be looked into there.

    Thanks again for the fantastic mod!
  2. KitsuAri
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hay just a simple question that you may of said about already.         

     is the game meant to crash when I use the map.
    1. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      the rando doesn't touch anything related to the map and it works fine for me so this probably isn't a randomiser issue
    2. KitsuAri
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you
  3. E113
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i'm confused on how to install this randomizer, how do i set it up?
    1. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      download the exe and run it
    2. Linksta07
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm running the mod via nexus and it's not working.
      EDIT: figured it out, it's an exe not just some mod to run.
  4. deleted127039643
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason I can't randomize outfits, enemies, levers, or transitions. Is that intentional?
    1. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      yeah it's greyed out because it's planned
    2. KitsuAri
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      how long do you think it will take you to add them?
    3. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      outfits have been added and enemies should be fairly easily done, but transitions are tricky because they require a logic rework and levers also are because it'll require some custom blueprints
  5. 13laac
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    thank you for mod. the fast majority of my playtime(75h) has been doing runs over the past year and it still hasnt gotten old. my only request is the option to choose your starting inventory. sometimes i just really want to practice slide jumps but it takes me 30 minutes to find slide and i would love to just start with it. i would also love to try a transition randomizer but understand the work that needs to go into it.
    1. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      the praise means a lot thank you! yeah development has essentially stopped apart from the music rando i recently added and i might also make a setting compatible with pseudomenumod so different seeds can be on different files. not sure what would happen to checks you start with in the world but that would be a nice feature. transition rando would be really great but would require a fourth logic rework i'm not prepared to do. again thank you so much for playing!
  6. maxface14
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Super impressive and a lot of fun! This game is absolutely perfect rando fuel. One thing I might suggest is displaying label(s) for the room that the player is in (the same way it’s written in the logic tree) somewhere onscreen so that the player can check the logic tree to see whether or not a given skip is possible with their current equipment. Obviously there are some rooms with multiple logic checks in them so I’m not sure how much work that part entails, but it would be a lovely quality of life feature.

    Again, great work! I’m excited to see where you take this in the future!
    1. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      thank you for the kind words! i feel like the labels could be done just by editing the map image files so that could be a fun endeavour
  7. idiotchicken
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is it possible to maybe have some kind of pak file that works with pseudo menu and makes the rando only affect one save, or will the rando only work globally?
    1. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      it is possible but it would have to be an extra option for me to put in - i don't really see too much point tho since you can just move the generated rando_p.pak somewhere else while you play vanilla
  8. SharloBun
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Are there any plans or interests in getting this randomizer functioning with the Archipelago Randomizer? in case you dont know what that is heres a link https://archipelago.gg
    1. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Amalgaeon is working on an archipelago version  )
    2. SharloBun
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      only saw your response but lets gooo! just finished doing another seed with some frens and we were just talking about this again :D
    3. SharloBun
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      sorry for the double reply but who is Amalgaeon, just searched nexus and couldnt come across them, are they someone in the archipelago discord or are they just someone you know. just wondering cause im very excited and wanna keep an eye on how its goin
    4. Aikeon
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Any news on this ? I saw an archipelago mod of Pseudoregalia, but it cleary isn't as complex and cool as yours, so I was wondering if this mod had any ties with Amalgaeon or not...
    5. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      here is the link to the archipelago version https://github.com/pseudoregalia-modding/pseudoregalia-archipelago
      unfortunately only compatible with the last version of the game and with less options - the creator is currently taking a long hiatus
  9. ChapChris03
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I had just started a randomizer run, but when I got to a point I picked up a power and it was a second cling gem? My game crashed when I picked it up, was there a setting for this? I was really enjoying it up till then
    1. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      weird that it crashed - there would be a second cling gem if you enabled split cling which splits cling gem into 3 pickups
  10. twelfthnote
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Does the Spawn option affect the logic at all yet?
    Because I started a run to try out Spawn, with Abilities/Health/Small/Big/Progressive/Spawn enabled and Tricks unchanged.

    Spawned in Castle Sansa and while I can get around to a bunch of spots, I can't seem to access anything, no abilities at all.
    I could fall down into the Dungeon and get the Cling Gems and a Small Key but can't get out. I can't seem to make it up to the DB in the Bailey with no abilities. The rest of the stuff appears to be out of reach, checked the logic and spoiler log and still can't tell what I would be able to get to.

    Spoiler log:
    Small Key: where dream breaker normally is in Dilapidated Dungeon
    6 Cling Gems: where the first health piece is in Dilapidated Dungeon
    Health: where slide normally is in Dilapidated Dungeon
    Pilgrimage: black hole parkour off the beaten path in Dilapidated Dungeon
    Health: up in the rafters in Dilapidated Dungeon
    Small Key: missable high walled room in Dilapidated Dungeon
    Soul Cutter: strong eyes' lair in Dilapidated Dungeon
    Small Key: in the building you slide into in Empty Bailey
    Dream Breaker: guarded by the hand and soldier in Empty Bailey
    Big Key: where solar wind normally is in Empty Bailey
    Big Key: in the tower in the middle in Empty Bailey
    Health: under the cheese bell in Empty Bailey
    Clear Mind: where memento normally is in Castle Sansa
    Health: where indignation normally is in Castle Sansa
    Health: chillin' on a ledge by the window in Castle Sansa
    Health: tucked deep in a corner in the bouncer room in Castle Sansa
    Health: the extremely slappable wheel guy room in Castle Sansa
    Indignation: the old softlock room in Castle Sansa
    Slide: cool moon room in Castle Sansa
    Health: through the wallkick tunnel in Castle Sansa
    Good Graces: in the pit next to the dungeon entrance in Castle Sansa
    Big Key: on the ledge above the bailey entrance in Castle Sansa
    Small Key: next to a bouncer in the massive room in Castle Sansa
    Health: in the room with two other ones to each side in Castle Sansa
    Solar Wind: near the entrance from sansa keep in Underbelly
    Empathy: the soul cutter lever room in Underbelly
    Sun Greaves: where ascendant light normally is in Underbelly
    Health: in an alcove behind some pillars in Underbelly
    Health: on a missable ledge in the centre in Underbelly
    Health: black hole parkour behind strikebreak wall in Underbelly
    Health: behind the locked door in Underbelly
    Health: on top of the big building in Underbelly
    Martial Prowess: where sun greaves normally is in Listless Library
    Small Key: in the buttress room in Listless Library
    Small Key: in the hay behind the locked door in Listless Library
    Big Key: tucked deep behind the locked door in Listless Library
    Clear Mind: on a beam in the corner in Twilight Theatre
    Good Graces: hiding amid the boxes in Twilight Theatre
    Heliacal Power: behind three maximum security cages in Twilight Theatre
    Memento: where soul cutter normally is in Twilight Theatre
    Ascendant Light: in the back on a pillar in Twilight Theatre
    Health: behind the locked door in Twilight Theatre
    Aerial Finesse: where cling gem normally is in Tower Ruins
    Empathy: atop the tower in Tower Ruins
    Health: where strikebreak normally is in Sansa Keep
    Clear Mind: where sunsetter normally is in Sansa Keep
    Small Key: in an alcove next to the locked door in Sansa Keep
    Big Key: in the room with a lever on each side in Sansa Keep
    Sunsetter: tucked near the theatre entrance in Sansa Keep
    Strikebreak: at the end of the parkour in Sansa Keep
    1. organicspuds
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      yes random spawn is in logic so seeds should be completable