Prey (2017)
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  1. Methanhydrat
    • premium
    • 62 kudos
    I finally found the time to update the mod and resolve some outstanding issues:

    * Fixed a regression that caused the previously added auto reapply to break the near FOV entirely when zooming
    * Moved automatic reapply for 'Near/Weapon FOV' into dedicated option 'Near FOV Reapply'

    * Added option to disable notifications (sound) for gaining Sim Points in Mooncrash
    * Changed motion blur option to allow disabling camera and object effects individually
        * Note that previously object motion blur was always disabled, which altered the appearance of certain Typhon (see below)
        * Also note that this results in resetting the motion blur option in existing configs
    * Extended 'Near/Weapon FOV' option to prevent FOV from being reset after certain QTE/first-person events
    * Added experimental option for scaling 'near' effects with 'Near/Weapon FOV' option
        * Examples for this are fullscreen effects such as when targeting PSI abilities
    * Fixed support for GOG version of the game
        * Note that since one of the last updates, the GOG version differs technically from the Steam version and now has to be supported separately
    * Fixed a bug that caused the max FPS limit to set to 1 when generating config presets
    * Fixed a regression that broke the 'Timed' behavior of 'Show Dynamic UI' in v1.8
    * Fixed object motion blur always being disabled regardless of setting
    * Fixed a bug that cause 'Interaction Direct Use' option not working reliably (no more unintentionally shooting/wrenching screens!)
    * Fixed a regression that caused the 'Objective Markers' options to be mapped incorrectly or work not at all
        * Note that there is still a known issue with combined markers (see Known Issues above for details)
    * Setting the 'Skip Second Loading Screen' option now shows a warning regarding effects in Mooncrash DLC
  2. manarchy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod set off my Bitdefender upon unzipping: "Prey Interface Customizer-18-v1-9-1-1711966969\dinput8.dll tried to load a malicious resource detected as Gen:Variant.Tedy.544204 and was blocked."

    I ran the zip through VirusTotal and had these results come up. It's got quite a few more flags than the VirusTotal scan you posted a few months back. What's going on here?
    1. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      Unfortuntely I cannot tell you how particular scanners inspect and classify programs. I can only say that with these kinds of mods that hook into an application and highjack functions, there always are issues to a certain degree in regards to these showing up as false positives. Sometimes this even happens with trivial programs (see this post on StackOverflow as an example).

      However, I always would adivse anyone to not download something they are not comfortable with. If you want to be on the safe side, you can wait until the classification changes.

      But also know that I am not aware of anything I can do to change the classification at the moment.
  3. datsyuk13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Super handy mod/tool!  Fixes the annoying low crosshair on my 16:10 monitor.  Thanks for sharing it with us and keeping it updated for GOG users.
  4. aristidetorchia717
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    It seems that using the custom 'use mousewheel to scroll hotbar items' keybinds executes it at the same time as zoom in zoom out when the scope is on.
    Is there a way to make these two modes exclude one another?  
  5. Klemc
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Will it be THE final version ?

    Great thanks for your hard work, this game is verry good (not mooncrash btw) and i like the idea Prey is not Prey 2, like if the second episode direct sequel of 2006 version, but instead something else :) 
  6. TheOneTrue8
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just leaving a comment to say the mods been locked down for anti virus flags, just incase you didn't know yet :p
    1. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      Thank you. I am aware and also have already contacted the Nexusmods moderators to investigate this. Unfortunately nothing happened yet. I am not sure what the issue is. I created everything as usual, but the latest file is for some reason flagged by a small set of scanners (as can be seen in the report).
    2. Klemc
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      If never fixed (already seen that happen here) so you'd have to upload on Google Drive or any hoster.

      Thanks for all ;) 
    3. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      If you don't want to wait, the mod is also available on PCGamingWiki.
    4. Klemc
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      My favourite source for games infos, thanks for the link.
    5. Klemc
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I seen modders upload a zipped txt file containing an external link written in iit (could be an .url file too)...

      ... you could do that since it's available on PCGW.
    6. TheOneTrue8
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      File has been cleared for download it seems!
  7. reb1rth123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Works great.  However, I play with high FOV on both near and perspective, which causes my legs/body to look silly, and more importantly, makes the space helmet (Talos external ventures) all narrow and in my face, which sort of ruins the experience.  Is there any way to disable the helmet in first person and have it never show up?  A dummy mesh or something?

    One other issue is the near FOV is changed after zooming, which is unavoidable if discovering traits from scanning new alien thingies.  Quick save then quick load sets it back correctly, but I guess this could be a bug.
    1. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      Disabling the helmet should be possible. However, I cannot say when I will have the time to look into it.

      Regarding the FOV issue: Are you already playing with v1.9 of PRIC? Because that should reset the near FOV whenever it is outside of the set value.
    2. reb1rth123
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That would be great regarding the helmet.  I cannot appreciate Talos outside at it is.

      Yes, I'm using the lastest build.  I did try your earlier one before but it wouldn't work on GOG.  The issue persists with a near FOV of 120.  The near FOV seems to change with the zoom.  It appears to then fix the near FOV in relation to how far it zoomed, and stays that way until a quick load (thankfully only takes a second on my system). 

      Other mods I used in the playthrough:
      Real Light plus Ultra Graphics
      One Button Hacking
      Better Scopes
      Realistic Earth

      Plus a reshade.
    3. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      There is another person who reported the near FOV issue and created a bug for this in the tracker. I will try to look into this.
    4. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      The near/weapon FOV zooming issue is now fixed in release v1.9.1. Note that additionally the FOV reapply is now part of a dedicated option that has to be enabled explicitly. This is to ensure that the feature can be disabled if additional issues should occur.
  8. Fargoran
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Is it possible to get on option for disabling the screenblood? I find it very distracting.
    1. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      Can you provide a screenshot of exactly which effect you are referring to?
    2. Fargoran
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Sure, here you are:

      After beating a Mimic in melee combat.
    3. Klemc
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      This can be called : dirt effect, onscreen blood, Splash something, onscreen effect(s).

      Yes, not the best idea in most video games it's implemented, but also are : Grain(film!?), DOF, MBlur & CA (chromatic aberratino, lol).
    4. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      This might be possible. I will take a look. However, I am not sure when I will have the time.
    5. rowell
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'd also appreciate the removal of the onscreen blood when blood loss trauma is present.
  9. Binx1227
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Malware Detection from Bitdefender. 03/2024 - "%downlads%\prey Interface tried o load a malicious resource detected as Trojan.GenericKD.71779776 and was blocked"

    Clarify please?
    1. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      As stated in the readme, all mods that are based on "hacking techniques", such as injection and hooking, could potentially be classified as malicious by antivirus software.

      If you don't trust the file, you can use meta online virus scanners, such as VirusTotal, to get an idea of whether or not this might be a false positive. Here is the corresponding scan of the latest PRIC release.
    2. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      It should be noted that Nexusmods itself of course also additionally scans all uploaded files.
    3. Binx1227
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Well... This is still coming up as malware,
      Using DLL hookups isn't really bad but it says there is a key logger being utilized. 
      I think you have meaningfully uploaded malware.
      Obfuscated Files or InformationT1027
      Encode data using XOR
      Encrypt data using RC4 PRGA
      Indicator Removal from ToolsT1027.005
      Contain obfuscated stackstrings
      Runs a DLL by calling functions
      Credential AccessTA0006
      Input CaptureT1056
      Sample has functionality to log and monitor keystrokes, analyze it with the keystroke simulation cookbook
      Creates a DirectInput object (often for capturing keystrokes)
      Installs a raw input device (often for capturing keystrokes)
      Log keystrokes
    4. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      Yes, the mod and the UI has the functionality to log and monitor keystrokes. And so does the game itself. That is what is necessary to implement any kind of keybindings.

      However, I don't even want to convince you to trust the file if you are not comfortable with it. I can understand wanting to be careful with random things on the internet. All I can do is point out that the the vast majority of virus scanners, including Nexusmods' own one, agree that the file is clean.
    5. Binx1227
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      omg you are soo right, I am so sorry!
      I really didn't think of that part of its functionality.
      Hope you can forgive my rashness about the matter and thanks for being cool about it.
      Fully me being a c*%!, so sorry!!
    6. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      All good. As I said, I can fully understand wanting to be careful.
  10. Fargoran
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    I got another one for you
    Can the pickup-sound for blueprints be deactivated?
    1. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      This should be possible. I will take a look. However, I am not sure when I will have the time.
  11. Klemc
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    HNY 2024

    could it be the year we see a GOG's version compatible out ?
    1. Methanhydrat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      GOG support is now fixed with v1.9. Let me know if you find any issues.
    2. Klemc
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      OKay, great job, i mean, it's the best mod (tool) for the game.

      Well, applies on GOG perfectly, except FPS cap.

      Much appreciated :p 

      but  this mouse wheel that triggers weapons wheel, idk why i can't configure that (those dev !).