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About this mod

Prevents most of the known (and some unknown yet) cheats/exploits/crashes by adding serverside validation checks before executing them. If player attempts to do something that is considered cheating - it either warned, kicked, banned or IP banned, depending on config settings.
Currently in beta and available only for Windows dedicated server.

Permissions and credits
Only works on Windows (or Wine/Proton on Linux), only on Dedicated Server.

Also, keep in mind: While I have tested it myself for quite a while, there's still a chance it may cause false positive or server crash (although without having any protection serverside, any cheater can crash it anyway). Thus it is not recommended to enable automatic banning, until you are certain that it works properly.

  • Various  additional admin commands.
  • IP banning system.
  • IP whitelisting for admin commands (so cheaters can't use them)
  • Chat logging (currently only in console)
  • Unreal Engine networking logging (currently only in console)
  • Configurable cheating punishments
  • PvP damage limiting (although I'd suggest not enabling PvP at all)
  • Automatic cheating/exploiting prevention & punishment

How to Install:
1) Download & extract version.dll and palguard.dll file into your server Pal\Binaries\Win64 folder.
2) Start your server once, you will be able to edit configuration stuff in palguard.json file afterwards. To apply changes, either restart your server or use /reloadcfg admin command.

Linux (Wine/Proton:
1) Install a PalGuard Proton/Wine server (don't ask me how to do this, I have no idea).
2) Install UE4SS on your server.
3) Download & extract latest Wine/Proton PalGuard file into your server Pal\Binaries\Win64 folder.
4) Start your server once, you will be able to edit configuration stuff in palguard.json file afterwards. To apply changes, either restart your server or use /reloadcfg admin command.

Admin commands:
  • /reloadcfg - reloads palguard config.
  • /imcheater - flags you as a cheater and takes appropriate action. (for testing purposes)
  • /kick Player_Name - Kick player by name.
  • /kickid Player_ID - Kick player by ID. (the one you can obtain by pressing on a player name in ESC menu while being an admin)
  • /ban Player_Name - Ban player by name.
  • /banid Player_ID - Ban player by ID. (the one you can obtain by pressing on a player name in ESC menu while being an admin)
  • /banip Player_Name - IP Ban player by name.
  • /banid Player_ID - IP Ban player by ID. (the one you can obtain by pressing on a player name in ESC menu while being an admin)
  • /ipban_ip IP - Ban IP address from joining the server.
  • /addadminip IP - Adds ip to admin whitelist
  • /setadmin UID - Temporarily grants/revokes admin from a player
  • /unban_ip IP - removes provided IP from the IP ban list.
  • /getip UID/STEAMID64 - Finds online player with provided UID/STEAMID64 and gives you their IP.
  • /give UID ITEMID AMOUNT - Gives player an item
  • /give_exp UID AMOUNT - Gives player experience
  • /whitelist_add STEAMID64 - adds SteamID64 to whitelist.
  • /whitelist_remove STEAMID64 - removes SteamID64 from whitelist.
  • /whitelist_get - gets full list of whitelisted players
  • /givepal UID/STEAMID64 CharacterID Level - Gives player a Pal (if your party is full, it will go into your Pal storage)
  • /giveegg UID/STEAMID64 Egg_ItemID - Gives player an egg **with a completely random Pal** inside. Egg item type only affects hatch time, but not the Pal inside.
  • /jetragon - Gives you admin jetragon pal (it's fast)
  • /catwaifu - Gives you admin Cat Waifu that buffs your character stats.
  • /pgbroadcast - same as PalWorld `Broadcast`, but better (you can use spaces)
  • /getnearestbase - Tells you guild name which owns base nearest to your character.
  • /gotonearestbase - Teleports you to nearest base.
  • /killnearestbase - Destroys nearest base. **Use with caution**
  • /removedroppedpals - Removes Pals that are dropped on the ground.
  • /adminlogout - Logs you out of admin mode.

Config explanation:
  • adminIPs - IP addresses that are allowed to use admin commands.
  • useAdminWhitelist - enables/disables usage of admin IP whitelist system.
  • shouldWarnCheaters - warns cheaters in chat that they got caught.
  • shouldWarnCheatersReason - provides them a reason why they got caught.
  • shouldKickCheaters - kicks cheaters.
  • shouldBanCheaters - ban cheaters.
  • shouldIPBanCheaters - IP ban cheaters.
  • pvpMaxToPlayerDamage - max damage that can be done to players IF pvp is enabled (bEnablePlayerToPlayerDamage). If damage exceeds this number, it will be floored down to it.
  • pvpMaxToPalDamage - same as above, but against player owned pals.
  • pvpMaxBuildingDamage - same as above, but against buildings. Note: specifically this option is for damage before any damage mitigation.
  • isStealingAllowed - if set to true, disables anticheat ownership checks.
  • logChat - Log all chat messages.
  • logNetworking - Log almost everything that players are sending to server.
  • bannedIPs - list of banned IP addresses.
  • allowSpawningNPCItems - allows cheaters to spawn certain items, that are usually being given by NPCs.
  • allowAdminCheats - allows admins to use cheats.
  • announceConnections - broadcast message when player joins/leaves server
  • announcePunishments - broadcast message when player gets kicked/banned by anticheat
  • bannedChatWords - allows you to get rid of pesky RMT adverts. Messages containing words from this array will be blocked.
  • chatBypassWait - allows you to get rid of 1 minute cooldown between sending chat messages.
  • logRCON - Logs RCON commands stuff
  • pveMaxToPalBanThreshold - Attempting to deal damage to Pal higher than this number will flag player as cheater.
  • useWhitelist - enables/disables SteamID64 whitelist.
  • `bannedNames` - some basic pirated versions protection.
  • `blockTowerBossCapture` - Enables/disables blocking of tower bosses capturing.
  • `blockNPCVendorCapture` - Enables/disables blocking of NPC vendors capturing.
  • `RCONbase64` - set this to `true` to use base64 encoding in RCON.
  •  `whitelistMessage` - allows you to customize `You are not whitelisted` message.
  • `bannedMessage` - allows you to customize message players see when they try to join your server while being IP banned
  • `disableIllegalItemProtection` - disables protection against Debug/Robbery spheres (some mods add them as craftable items to the game)
  • `disableButchering` - It ain't perfect, but better than nothing if you want to fix dupe exploit with infinite butchering.

Q: I've accidentally banned myself/someone. How can I unban them?
A: If you've banned their IP, for the time being you would need to edit palguard.json file and either reload the config or restart the server. If you've banned their account, you would need to remove their steamID from Pal\Saved\SaveGames\banlist.txt and restart the server afterwards.

Q: I cannot login as an admin, it says that admin commands are whitelist protected.
A: Make sure you have added your IP to palguard.json like shown on the picture. Alternatively, you can set useAdminWhitelist to false, but that is not recommended, since cheaters are known to have some kind of exploit to obtain admin password.

Q: My server crashes on startup.
A: Ensure you haven't messed up in palguard.json file, try deleting in and starting server again. If that doesn't helps and this is your first time using PalGuard, I'd suggest trying installing VC++ redistributable

Q: I cannot see certain symbols properly in my server console.
A: Please use Windows Terminal (or any alternative with proper unicode support) instead of default windows console.

Q: How can I report crashes?
A: Send your `\Pal\Saved\Crashes\*random numbers*\CrashContext.runtime-xml` file + palguard version used + log from `Pal\Binaries\Win64\logs` folder in bug-reports channel on discord (link below)

Have any question? Need help? Join PalGuard Discord