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About this mod

Slightly expands Outward's music system and adds customization of its music.

Permissions and credits
What is this?
CCM (Creative Commons Music) is a mod that expands Outward's music system to allows users to add their own music and provides multiplayer synchronization and multiple music tracks per scene. It was primarily made with the intention of replacing the current soundtrack with music from various artists that released music under a Creative Commons license. There is a default music pack available that provides over 100 new tracks.

What is BETA about this?
Playtime/progress through the story. The core gameplay loop is functional (in both single and multiplayer) so things like combat, sleeping, day-night cycles, level/scene transitions all function. There just hasn't been enough actual playtime between another tester and I for me to have experienced enough of Outward to say this is in a "1.0" state. I really just need to make sure there aren't any little nuisances that could be lurking throughout the campaign.

Does this work in DLC Areas?
Likely not entirely at the moment. I'm not sure what the naming scheme is for the (Unity) GameObjects that play the music in those new scenes is. To some degree, CCM assumes certain patterns and/or checks for specific names when deciding what kind of music a scene requires.

Does this work in splitscreen?

Does this work with mods that add more then two players?

How do I add my own Music?
See this guide here.

Github Wiki


If you have already prepared your Outward install for modding and have BepInEx/Harmony installed. You need just extract the .7z file's contents to the main game directory (where the .exe is located) e.g. for Steam: steamapps\common\Outward.

If you do not have Outward prepared and/or 
BepInEx/Harmony installed, follow the guide here.

The steps above will install CCM's functionality. To install the default music pack, simply download the pack after installing CCM's functionality and then extract the single folder inside to the Mods folder (e.g. for Steam: steamapps\common\Outward\Mods). Overwrite all files.


To uninstall CCM, just delete the CCM Project folder in the Mods folder of Outward (e.g. for Steam: steamapps\common\Outward\Mods\CCM Project).
Then go to the BepInEx Plugins folder (e.g. for Steam steamapps\common\Outward\BepInEx\plugins) and delete the creativeCommonsMusicProject.dll.


Each of these creators have released their music under some form of Creative Commons which means their hard work is mostly free to use. If you like what you hear, throw a few bucks their way please.

See Here For License Info of The Default Tracks