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File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Jeff B

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Virus scan

Safe to use

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About this mod

Enables the game's debug menu

Permissions and credits
How To Use:
-Extract the "Ori & The Blind Forest Debug Menu Enabler" with 7zip
-Open the "Ori & The Blind Forest Debug Menu Enabler" folder you just extracted & there will be a "debug.bat" file
-Copy & paste the "debug.bat" file into your "Ori & The Blind Forest" game folder: "C:\ or D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ori and the Blind Forest - Definitive Edition"
-Drag & drop the "oriDE.exe" onto the "debug.bat" file once
-You will need to start a new game when using this
-Once you are in-game, press 8 on your keyboard or click R3 on your controller to open debug menu
-Have fun!