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About this mod

A makeover/improvement of Sheogorath's Shrine, using some of the lovely assets the Shivering Isles added. Has several different versions to choose from, including very basic ones to ones that make it looks like the worshippers live there, as well as Better Daedric Shrines compatible versions. Requires Shivering Isles.

Permissions and credits
I wanted something to spice up the daedric shrines of Oblivion, so I downloaded Better Daedric Shrines by scot and Stroti. While it's great work indeed, some of the shrines weren't my style. When it came to seeing Sheogorath's revamped shrine, I was a bit disappointed-Shivering Isles added a lot of new flora and such, and almost none of it was used. The only other daedric shrine improvement mod I found on the nexus was Daedric Shrines Prodded with a Stick, which adds signs of the worshipers actually living there to the shrines and gives them eating and sleeping schedules. Not a bad mod either, but a bit more simple than I wanted. 

I kept thinking about what I would do to use some of the SI flora to make Sheogorath's shrine more interesting, and what other features I'd want to add... I ended up getting so many ideas, I decided to try and practice with the Construction Set and make them a reality. I decided to try and make the mod a bit modular so people would have more choices when I finally published it. It's not perfect, but hopefully it'll allow you to find a version that you like as well. I've also made some Better Daedric Shrines compatible versions, so if you want to you that mod alongside this one, you can as well (and they look rather nice together, I must say). Note that this mod requires Shivering Isles (it uses many assets from it), and I used retextures in the screenshots, so it might look a bit different in your game.

Explanation of this mod and its versions (I highly suggest looking at the screenshots):

00 A1 Basic:

Just Shivering Isles plants in and directly around the Sheogorath Shrine (both harvestable and non-harvestable plants). Compatible with both Better Daedric Shrines and Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick.

00 A2 Basic with Bugs:

Same as above, but it has butteflies, moths, and fireflies added right around the shrine. This was added retroactively, so the positioning of the bugs might different from other versions. Compatible with both Better Daedric Shrines and Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick.

00 B1 Oh Hey A Table:

Adds a table with cheese and randoms odds and ends to the right of the benches. Minorly incompatible with Better Daedric Shrines and Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick; the table clips with a chair in the former, and the table and the rat clips with a tent in the latter.

00 B2 Oh Hey A Table with Bugs:

Same as above, but it has butterflies, moths, and fireflies added right around the shrine. This was added retroactively, so the positioning of the bugs might different from other versions. Minorly incompatible with Better Daedric Shrines and Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick; the table clips with a chair in the former, and the table and the rat clips with a tent in the latter.

00 B3 Oh Hey A Table Better Daedric Shrines Compatible Version:

Non-bug version of Oh Hey A Table, with the table moved back and a bit to the side so it doesn't clip with a chair from Better Daedric Shrines Sheogorath. It does not require Better Daedric Shrines to work. Minorly incompatible with Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick; the table and the rat clips with a tent.

00 B4 Oh Hey A Table with Bugs Better Daedric Shrines Compatible Version:

Bug version of Oh Hey A Table (the one with butterflies and fireflies), with the table moved back and a bit to the side so it doesn't clip with a chair from Better Daedric Shrines Sheogorath. It does not require Better Daedric Shrines to work. Minorly incompatible with Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick; the table and the rat clips with a tent.

00 C1 NPC Personality Additions:

Changes the inventory items for the NPCs around the shrine to hopefully fit their personality/caricature more. Also adds a dog bowl with dog food for Beewos by the table of odds and ends, and a little flower garden Gregory Arne made to hunt bugs. There are butterflies, a moth, and fireflies in Gregory's garden; these were added retroactively, so their positioning may be different from other versions. 

Beewos: Added dog food (an SI item) into her inventory, as she believes she's a dog (well, she's gotten "better", but still). She also has some wolf pets in her inventory. Deleted her shoes, as why would a dog need shoes? Kept the Leather Helm as I wasn't sure if it should stay or not. 

Angalsama: Changed her clothes to some upper class clothing, to show that even well-to-do people can go mad. Gave her an enchanged silver dagger, and a jade amulet. She will always have a torch in her inventory as well. She will now preach in front of the pulpit rather than by the rock(s) with candles on it.

Ortis: He appears to be a cannibal (at least he likes to eat children...), so I gave him a Steel Bow and Steel Arrows to imply that he hunts...certain prey. He has some human hearts, skin, mort flesh, and ectoplasm (he had to try how human ghosts taste) in his inventory, as well as some new Yellow Team Heavy Rainment. Was he kicked out of the Arena for attempting to eat his opponent once they were down? Did he take it off one of his marks? That's up to you to decide. 

Gregory Arne: His entire character is liking to eat bugs and drink them with mead. Unfortunately, there don't appear to be any insect items in vanilla Oblivion, so I gave him some plant items/ingredients with which he could lure tasty bugs in with. He will go over to a small garden off to the side and hunt for bugs three times a day for his meals. He will always have a mead in his inventory.

Ferul Ravil: He appears to like eating men and mer like Ortis, as he ate a Bosmer (although he got sick afterwards) and says he'd like to eat your eyes. So I gave him a human heart and human skin. He also has a daedra heart (for some food variety), dog food (to feed Beewos), a cheese wedge, the book Blessings of Sheogorath, as well as many heads of lettuce and spools of yarn. He wears Aqua Silk Robes and an Aqua Silk Robe, as I felt like he should wear something more colorful then his regular white robes.

Minorly incompatible with Better Daedric Shrines; the table clips with a chair in the former. Incompatible with Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick without tweaking; if you use a bashed patch and add the bash tag Actors.AIPackages to Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick, it seems to be compatible.

00 C2 NPC Personality Additions with Bugs:

Same as above, but with but with butterflies/fireflies around the shrine. Minorly incompatible with Better Daedric Shrines; the table clips with a chair in the former. Incompatible with Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick without tweaking; if you use a bashed patch and add the bash tag Actors.AIPackages to Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick, it seems to be compatible.

00 C3 NPC Personality Additions Better Daedric Shrines Compatible Version:

Same as C1 NPC Personality Additions, but made to be compatible with Better Daedric Shrines. Simply had to move the table to not clip with a chair again. Incompatible with Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick without tweaking; if you use a bashed patch and add the bash tag Actors.AIPackages to Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick, it seems to be compatible.

00 C4 NPC Personality Additions with Bugs Better Daedric Shrines Compatible Version:

Same as C1 NPC Personality Additions, but with butterflies/fireflies around the shrine, and the table moved so it doesn't clip with a chair that Better Daedric Shrines Sheogorath adds. Incompatible with Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick without tweaking; if you use a bashed patch and add the bash tag Actors.AIPackages to Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick, it seems to be compatible.

Note that if you use Better Daedric Shrines Sheogorath, the place where Angalsama and Beewos do their preaching/praying might be changed. Better Daedric Shrines has Angalsama in her vanilla spot, and moves Beewos to pray in front of the altar/pulpit. It seems if you start a new game or start from a save where you haven't visited Sheogorath's Shrine yet, it will use Improved Daedric Shrines Sheogorath's marker locations for those two npcs; if you have visited Sheogorath's Shrine before on that save (even without a mod affecting it active), it will use Better Daedric Shrines locations for them. This seems to be true regardless of which mod is below the other in the load order, or if a Bashed Patch is activated. Incompatible with Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick without tweaking; if you use a bashed patch and add the bash tag Actors.AIPackages to Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick, it seems to be compatible.

00 D1 Actual Habitation:

This version definitely has the most changes in it. The NPCs now have eating and sleeping schedules, their own bedrolls and tents, and some have a chest or sack holding some belongings. Most NPCs have a drink in their inventory, which allows them to drink from a mug when they sit down. There is a large fire with stools to sit around, some barrels that hold food, and a keg to supply drink, and a tent/bedroll on one side. On the other side is the leader's tent and the rest of the NPC's bedrolls/tents. Butterflies and fireflies were added around the Sheogorath statue (the fireflies specifically being the yellow and purple variations). This is the first version to have these added, so the location of the butterflies and fireflies may differ from previous versions.

Beewos: She has her bedroll situated by the rocks near Ferul's tent. Her bedroll has wolf pelts around it, and her bowl has been moved from by the table with odds and ends to near the foot of her bedroll. Beewos will go to her bowl and crouch down next to it to simulate getting food before every meal. She will always have a ham and cheap wine in her inventory so she is able to eat and drink (dog food isn't considered edible by the game, unfortunately). She also now has a bone near her bed as well.

Angalsama: She now preaches about the light right by the fire, to anyone who sits on the stools by it. Her bedroll/tent are situated right by the fire, with her head poking out so she can see the light of the flames as she falls asleep. This is a safety hazard, but she doesn't really care about that; she has a resist fire ring to help in case her tent catches fire. She has a locked upper class chest that she keeps her few belongings in, which includes her books, clothes, some jewelry, and many torches. Her preaching was a vanilla features, I just moved the location marker she does it at to be by the fire. 

Ortis: His bedroll and tent is between Gregory's and Ferul's, and he has a sack containing some human remains from his hunts right by his bedroll.  He will always have a beef and beer in his inventory so he can eat and drink.Gregory Arne: His bedroll and tent are close to his bug-hunting garden and Ortis' tent. He will eat a regular meal at 8 am to supplement his diet of bugs. He will always have a bread and mead in his inventory so he can eat and drink. 

Ferul Ravil: He's had the biggest change to his AI package in this esp. He will now preach at the pulpit to Sheogorath's chosen a few times a day. He will also pray at the Sheogorath statue like Beewos does several times a day, although at a slightly different location than her to prevent them from tripping over each other. He has an actual tent compared to the other tent coverings of the other Sheogorath followers, and he has a table with some items on it as well as an easy locked chest with some of his belongings in it. I removed some items in his inventory from the last esp, as some of it is now stored in the chest instead--this includes the dog fod, human heart, and human skin. He will always have an ale and a cheese wedge in his inventory so he can eat and drink.

Incompatible with Better Daedric Shrines due to clipping objects. Incompatible with Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick due to conflicting AI packages and major clipping objects. 

00 D2 Actual Habitation Better Daedric Shrines Compatible:

Moved the fire so it wouldn't be directly under a tree branch from Better Daedric Shrines. Moved Angalsama's tent so it wouldn't have a branch clipping into it. Moved Ferul Ravel's tent, and scaled it down slightly, so it wouldn't clip with the new benches, tree, or candle/candlestick from Better Daedric Shrines. Beewos' bed was rotated, and her bowl and bone moved so it they wouldn't clip with one of the Sheogorath bushes. Gregory and Ortis' tents and bedrolls (along with Ortis' sack) were moved so they wouldn't clip with the tree(s). Moved the food barrels slightly to the side so they wouldn't clip with the new bench added near them. Incompatible with Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick due to conflicting AI packages and major clipping objects. 

The Esp Documentation in the Docs files lists specific eating/sleeping schedules, item and bed ownership, and more technical Construction Set details (e.g., new markers and AI packages added) if you wish to know those things. I've also included some notes I took while figuring out the Construction Set (mainly, where certain items were, like butterflies and fireflies) and AI packages in the miscellaneous files; these are nowhere near close to being a full guide or anything, and might have some inaccuracies in them, but I figured if someone wanted to try their hand at the construction set or AI packages without any prior knowledge, they might be of some help (figuring out AI packages is a pain). 


The files were packed and labeled for BAIN format, or being installed with Wrye Bash. The letters and numbers in the front is to help keep them in the correct order.

Wrye Bash: Drop the zipped file into your bash installers and select which version you wish to use by checking the box next to it in the sub-packages window. Make sure the box next to the esp in the plugin filter is checked. At this time there are no compatibility patches, so you should be using only one esp for this mod.

Manual: Open up the zipped file, open the folder of which version you want to use, and drop the esp from that folder into your Oblivion Data directory. At this time there are no compatibility patches, so you should be using only one esp for this mod.

There is currently no support for OBMM/NMM/Vortex/FOMOD, although I believe MO/MO2 supports BAIN packages. If you wish to convert this mod into a format installable for these mod managers or any others, you have my permission to do so--just give me credit for making the mod/esp, please. 

Permissions:You don't need permission from me to make your own versions of this mod, compatibility patches, use this as a base for your own mod, translations, etc. and upload them here or elsewhere, as long as you give me credit for the base mod/esp. The only thing I don't permit is selling this mod or using it for files to be sold. Otherwise, have at it. 

FAQ (or random questions I thought might be theoretically asked):
Q: What mods/retextures/texture replacers are you using in your screenshots?
A: I mostly followed Bevilex's graphics modlist, using the Lush and Gaudy Revisited and Blackwood Jungle flora/grass retextures/texture replacers and ORL (no ENB, however). You can sometimes see Ferul Ravel wearing Naihaan's Aqua Silk Robes remodel when he's in the background. 

Q: Why not have the table's location in the Better Daedric Shrines Compatible versions be the default position for the table? There would be less esps/it would have been less work.
A: Look, I'm OCD about the positioning of that table in the regular versions, okay?

Q: Can you change [random thing]?
A: Depends on the scope of the request; if it's something small, like moving an object slightly or deleting any object(s) you don't like, I might be willing to make another version for it (just ask politely, please).  If you know how to use the Construction Set or Tes4Edit, you're free to do it yourself and upload it as well. ;)

Q: Are you planning on covering all of the other Daedric Shrines as well?
A: Possibly; I at least want to try and make more mods for the ones not covered by Better Daedric Shrines (even though Sheogorath was...*cough cough*). It depends on what ideas come to me for them, and if I have the inspiration to make them (as well as the time to do so). Time will tell.

Future Plans:
I'm still not 100% done with this mod, but I'm getting burnt out working on it, and it's mostly done anyways. So I'm throwing it out here and taking a break working on it unless it needs some fixes/slight tweaks.
I'm planning on adding a few diaries/notes for a few of the NPCs to give them more flavor; I have a vague idea of what I want the content to be, and I know how to make my own book or note in the CS now, but the words aren't coming to write them. I'd rather have them be of decent quality before putting it out here. 
Possibly some compatibility patches for mods that edit the daedric shrines as well. For now, if you want to use that mod to change the other shrines and use this mod for Sheogorath's shrine, I'd learn how to use Tes4edit and edit out any changes to the Sheogorath shrine and NPCs yourself.
Possibly making a wizard installer for Wrye Bash for this mod. 
Adding new reactions if your character has become Sheogorath. I will be waiting until more voices/higher quality voices for VASynth are created for Oblivion first. 

Don't like this mod? Feel free to try:
Better Daedric Shrines 
Daedric Shrines Poked and Prodded with a Stick

Feel free to ask any questions, make suggestions (although if they are rather complicated, I'm unlikely to do them, aha), or let me know if something needs fixing/tweaking. I'm new to actually making mods, so I can't guarantee I'll be able to solve or fix any problems you have, but I'll try my best to help. Hope you enjoy!