About this mod
Fix for Oblivion Character Overhaul v2.
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There is now an alternative to this mod available at Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 - DLC Addon.
Nuska never got around to treating the various official DLC NPCs added by Bethesda. Most of them look fine, but others, like the merchant from the Vile Lair DLC and the Dark Minion needed treatment. Here's a very small patch for those NPCs. I have also fixed facial deformities that OCOv2 creates for the Mehrunes' Razor DLC.
I only support the latest version of Wrye Bash. Don't use CBash on older versions as it's redundant now and highly broken. Don't complain if it does not work on older Wrye Bash versions; just upgrade to the latest.
This mod was created via an xEdit script. UODP changes were carried forward as well. You can import it into your bashed patch.
Other mods seen in pictures (all mergeable or no .esp):
Seamless - OCOv2 Edition
J17's OCO and Hair Conversions
New Brows for OCO v2
New Eyes for OCO v2
Detailed Mouth for OCOv2 (can't actually see it here, but I recommend it.)
Also check out OCOv2 - Filter Patch for Mods and OCOv2 - Elven NPCs Eyes Fix Filter Patch.