

  1. Wolflady500
    • premium
    • 95 kudos
    I'll be doing a big update for this soon, mostly new fur colors/eye colors, a wolf pack and 'home' of sorts, also a console free way to reset stats to a level 1 alternative.

    Update: Okay it's done.... more or less, but if you have any requests, questions or concerns feel free to state them here.
  2. DaSkaSi
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Trying to use this, but something must go wrong no matter what I do, I only get the wolf's face showing and it's all purple, like there's no skin, no ears, just a purple wolf face, for some reason. Such a shame, I was hyped to play this. It seems to work just correctly with only the original mod, the whole wolf is showing there, but not with this.
    1. PancakeShiners
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm having this problem too. :c
    2. Bizkiit
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      me as well would love some help if anyone has found a fix?
  3. SynthwaveKitsune
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    This is glorious.
    The wolf appears out of nowhere with the Amulet of Kings in its mouth, baffling Jauffrey. 
    The wolf enters the gates of Oblivion near Kvatch, closes them and leads soldiers to victory.
    The wolf saves Martin Septim, the last Emperor of Septim dynasty and is hailed as Hero of Kvatch.
    The wolf stops the Mystic Dawn cult and is honorably declared a Blade.
    The wolf plays the key role in stopping Mehrunes Dagon and ending the Oblivion crisis.
    The wolf becomes the Champion of Cyrodiil.
    The wolf enters the realm of madness that is the Shivering Isles. 
    Sheogorath passes his title of the Mad God to the wolf.

    Alright, the last one actually sounds like something Sheogorath would do.

    Amazing mod. Adding to favourites for my next playthrough.
  4. roblesstevena
    • premium
    • 40 kudos
    This did finally inspire me to get off my rear and finish an Alfiq and Pahmar race for my mod on another site... >.> Thanks.

    And...you can 'probably' stop some of the crashes by adding the missing bones present in the biped skeleton that aren't in the dog skeleton, then toggling them to Hidden...so copypaste the UpperArmTwist and LowerArmTwist, the Op1-3, the Neck bone, and whichever fingers/toes are missing. They would still screw up graphically if someone equipped random armor, but the game would in theory avoid crashing long enough for a script to de-equip them...

    For example, in my aforementioned mod I have a quest that checks when a Ka Po' Tun actor equips Foot objects. If it's an armor that I have a feline foot-modified version of (most of the vanilla armors I have one), it replaces the boots with a scripted pair and equips those instead. When those are removed, the original boots reappear. If a replacement doesn't exist, it's automatically de-equipped with a message "Your feet don't fit..." Something similar could be implemented for non-human armor.
  5. roblesstevena
    • premium
    • 40 kudos
    Hm...with the magic of OBSE and Blockhead, it might actually be possible to keep equipped armor from crashing the game. I'm trying to think of how it would work.
    1. Wolflady500
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      Well the wolf clothing item takes up like all body slots so it might just revert back to a human but the script freaks out trying to force the player as a wolf and that's why it crashes, but not sure. You'd have to really look at how Stevepit did it exactly.

      I tried to remove the part that teleports you to the forest but that just causes more issues lol, at least not without knowing OBSE better
    2. roblesstevena
      • premium
      • 40 kudos
      This mod works by switching the player's skeleton to use a modified dog skeleton, so they can equip the dog "parts"...which is 100% incompatible with the human skeleton and body parts, obviously. If you try to equip a piece of armor, it tries to load a human part onto the dog skeleton...'Boom'.
    3. Wolflady500
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      Perhaps then the best thing to do is make armor for the modified dog skeleton... something I could maybe attempt to dabble into