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  1. Elflady182
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    This house is amazing! Cozy, useful, in a good location. I love all the new food items that were added; in fact, the only thing I'd change if I could is adding functionality to the cookpots so you can make some of the new foods.

    I did find one bug: the dog is listed as part of the bandit and marauder factions, so it and Vilja attack each other on sight. It was an easy fix - just removed the dog's faction assignments in the CS - but you might want to fix it if you update this. Otherwise it runs like a dream. Great work!
  2. Wintermane555
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Holy Cow! The level of detail is astounding! This was a real labor of love by someone with a real attention to detail! I felt like the owners would be walking in the front door at any moment! Now this is a place that I would love to live in real life! I know there are a lot of exclamation marks here, but this is truly amazing. I've downloaded, installed and checked out just about every player home on the Nexus for Oblivion, and in my opinion this leaves them all behind in the realism and placement of things.

    Just some of the things that stood out to me; Kitchen had a nice mixture of veggies, and I felt like I should be cutting them up for lunch. A steaming hot bath, a smoking Hooka pipe, shoes and boots in the mudroom, like the place is really lived in. The placement of books and nic-naks, a variety of pastries and cakes. The wine/root cellar was also fantastic. Wine making area near the grapes, the garden. Ducks in the pond with little chicks, chickens (and eggs), a dog (who I swear was barking at and chasing a butterfly), horses, baskets placed on the back steps like I should be bringing them inside. Hell, there is even crap in the outhouse! I took an hour and a half just to look at and admire things! I don't think there was any detail that was forgotten. This must have taken months to put together.

    Very well done indeed. I can't believe there are only 59 endorsements since June! People don't know what they are missing. This is a real treat and highly endorsed!!
    1. flintone
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      @ Wintermane555 Thank you for beautiful description. The details will kill me one day eventually , but I can't help myself.
  3. flintone
    • member
    • 60 kudos
    Thank you for downloading and endorsements. I'm glad there are still people who play Oblivion. :-))
    Thanks to Mhahn123 for the compatibility patches.
    1. Mixinc
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The folders for meshes and textures are missing from the download so my game crashes when I get to the area. The screenshots look really great though! :-)

      Edit: Well they seem to be inside the bsa-file but my game does not load them.

      Edit2: Extracting the bsa did the trick, don't know why it didn't work before.
    2. flintone
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Did you check the Pinewood.esp in the launcher?
    3. Mixinc
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes! The esp is active in the launcher, but it's called "Pinewoodnew.esp" for me. (I tried renaming it to "Pinewood.esp" but it didn't help). Also when I try to load the Pinewoodfarm-area inside the CS I get multiple "Error inflating ZLib stream for file XXX.nif" errors.
    4. flintone
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      This is strange. is not a big mod that affect in this way the game.
      -you can have the corrupt data, try to download again
      -the files must be the same name Pinewoodnew.esp and Pinewoodnew.bsa.
      -try to estract the Bsa with some Bsa extractor and put the meshes and textures in data files
      -if you play with other mods, try only Pinewood on clean save without mods
      -try to go directly in interior cell with console: coc Pinewoodfarm and see what happens
    5. Mixinc
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      - I tried to download again with the same results
      - Both filenames are the same (esp and bsa file)
      - Extracting the bsa into the data folder also got the same error
      - I deactivated all mods except the inofficial patches on a new savegame, same error again
      - Teleporting directly into the interior cell crashed the game

      This is indeed really strange. Damn, I would really love to live on that farm! :-(

      Edit: I have no clue why, but after extracting the bsa a second time it works now. Awesome! Thank you so much for this mod.
    6. flintone
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Glad for that
  4. MaeseAtorrante
    • member
    • 37 kudos
    a version without free house!!
    1. flintone
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Sorry, I think it will be free for ever.
  5. mhahn123
    • premium
    • 208 kudos
    A set of compatibility patches for use with Pinewood are now available. Includes patches for Battlehorn Castle, Roads of Cyrodiil, and Tona's Mods Store. There are a number of combinations as well so you can choose 1,2,3 or even all at once. Files can be found here.
  6. Khettienna
    • supporter
    • 283 kudos
    I have loved this house for years. It's been an inspiration to me as a modder and a favorite retreat as a player. Thank you. <3
  7. jwoltz
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Beautiful mod. One question before I install...Are there any compatibility issues with Battlehorn Castle? Land tears, etc.?
    1. flintone
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      There should not be issues with Battlehorn Castle. Is near but on the other side of the road. I refers to visuals because I don't played with this dlc.
    2. mhahn123
      • premium
      • 208 kudos
      Conflict report:

      There is in fact a conflict with DLC Battlehorn Castle. The two mods both make landscape edits to cell -22,23 which causes a land tear regardless of how load order is set. The conflict is worse with mods that expand the DLC, such as Battlehorn Refined and Battlehorn Upgraded. Pinewood also conflicts with Roads Of Cyrodiil which causes land tearing in one cell. Other conflicts include Lilyvale Town and Tona's Mod Store. Garnet has kindly given permission for me to prepare compatibility patches. I have patches for Battlehorn and ROC which were made for Pinewood v1.0, they just need updating. The others are fairly simple fixes also. Look forward to seeing these by this coming weekend.

      On the brighter side Pinewood is already compatible with a few mods which edit nearby surroundings. This includes AFK_Weye, Hoarfrost Castle, Verona House: Bloodlines, and UL Colovian Highlands.

  8. Bess
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    I'm so happy to see this posted here!  I've always loved the version I got from ORE a few years ago, and I'm very eager to see this new version.  Before I even install it, I already know you've made it even better  -- thank you!
    1. flintone
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      Few years, it was in 2009
  9. Clashhewhe
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    What a pleasant surprise to see your home again. The minute I saw the name I said "I used to have that house!" Thank you for giving it back to us. Kudos
  10. Indiwolf14
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    This looks beautiful, but I don't see a file to download.
    1. flintone
      • member
      • 60 kudos
      I'm pretty sure I uploaded it, but now is here for sure.