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  1. Zella
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    I reported the problems with the site accepting Endorsements from some of you and they replied:
    "There are times when the site goes through a coding update and some data such as recent posts can be lost in the ether. The techies are working to remedy this.

    If users download the mod again, they should be able to endorse."

    I hope that downloading again, and Endorsing again, will now work for you. It is an important community service to endorse and comment, as it tells others that the mod is safe and worth downloading to see if is may suit their game. It also encourages modders to make us all more mods.
    So thank you for your community service and I am glad that Tonbogiri has such good friends.
    I hope that she brings all of you a lot of fun and enjoyment. Battle Cat purrs for everyone, and pass the platter of fried rats and the Battle Bunny Beer.
  2. Another amusing bug: During the Corruption and Conscience quest, during the part where an NPC releases some rats, Tonbogiri thought she needed to defend me, which resulted in me getting stuck in place... I just went back to the last save and told her to stay outside. :P
  3. Hi,

    Near Bruma, I came across Edla Dark-Heart and she began shooting my poor kitty. I don't think this is expected.

    UESP mentions there's a glitch with the same NPC where she kills horses trying to get arrows out of them, lol. 

    Anything to be done? Thanks.
    1. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Sometimes the game seems to glitch or somehow cause a npc to attack you for no apparent reason. If you have a horse, or companion, anyone who attacks you will FIRST attack them. This is a problem with the game & modders cannot do anything about that I am told. I suspect it is this reason that Ms Dark-Heart is so cranky about your kitty. If she attacks horses, it is likely that she will attack any companion that you have. You might have your poor kitty wait for you while you travel near MS Crosspatch. She will probably then attack you instead. When she has either suffered the consequences of that decision, or when you are far enough away from her, you can summon your kitty safely to your side again. Fortunately your kitty will survive anything that will happen to her in your adventures. None of my companions are allowed to die, although they might go unconscious for a time while you take care of the miscreant who abused them. Give them a poke for me while you are at it. I loath cruelty to animals. ;-D
  4. CarlosS4444
    • premium
    • 127 kudos
    A very fine companion, helps you a lot during adventures, thank you for this nice mod! Now to also install some other cat companions that you uploaded... The Mau cat and the black cat looks particularly well.
    1. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Thank you for letting me know that you are enjoying these mods. All of the Battle Cat mods are very strong & should help you greatly in your game. Their appearances differ more than their abilities. All should be strong fighting companions that are fit for an Emperor.
  5. David2014
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Love Tonbogiri, I have this cat everywhere with me! Only one thing is Vilja and Tonbogiri are fighting each other at times. I noticed Boss doesn't reconise the mod? Do you think its a load order problem that Vilja and Tonbogiri are fighting? DO I need to run a batch patch again? thanx..
    1. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Please let me know which mod manager you are using, & if these fights are triggered when the companions are fighting in a melee where they may accidentally hit one another & trigger a fight between themselves.

      1. If you are using the original (Old Version) Yokuda Battle Cat mod, change it for one of the later ones which have ONLY the Player Faction (V 1.1 or 2.0).

      The other Faction memberships seem to make her reactions unpredictable even without mod managers. (I leave that mod up for the wonderful artist who made her beautiful coloring & gave it to us. He wanted her to have several Faction memberships & it didn't seem they ought to conflict, though I had trouble with some odd fights within a faction & made two alternate versions.)

      Now that I have begun using a mod manager, I am seeing odd, & unpleasant, reactions in companion mods, even the very simple ones that I made myself. I am not seeing the attacking between companions that you & Sonja are getting, but I am not using the companions you use at this time. The only time I had that problem was when using Shadowmere, who would attack the companions FIRST, & they responded. I finally found a horse in a mod I liked better & it never happened again, until recently with Sonja & a mod manager.

      2. So I suggest testing Tonbo's mod (V 1.1 or 2.0) either following your other companion mod, or before it, to see if that makes a difference. Because Vilja is more complex & is recognized by BOSS, move Tonbo before or behind where she is placed by the manager.
      I would also consider loading all companions as near the end of your load order as possible to improve all their responses. That may require you to move Vilja lower than what BOSS recommends, UNLESS she is now working well other than fighting with Tinbo.

      3.Then you will probably need to run your batch patch with Tonbo as low in the load order as you can. It should NOT be necessary to have her the absolute last. If you have other mods that need to be at the end, they shouldn't interfere with her. It might just be the load order between companions that is crucial, & juggling them may be all that is required. I still believe that the mod managers are loading companions improperly so that none of them function properly. It may just be me though since I am new to them.

      4. If all else fails use your Summon Tonbogiri spell to re-set her so she is not in fighting mode. Also, leaving one companion behind for a melee may work if they are accidentally hitting one another to trigger a fight between themselves.

      Please let me know how you fare with Tonbo & share any strategies that improve things for other users. I am really sorry that I don't have a better solution at this time. I am going to do more testing & ask if Emma if she can help us.
    2. NumberAte
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Just use "Ring of companionship" mod and insert the rings into the cat using the "Active Inventory Spell". The rings prevent companions from attacking each other at all.
    3. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Thank you for sharing your solution. I haven't been able to contact Emma as yet. Perhaps she is on vacation.

      I have been playing with Douglas & Tonbo & can't get them to fight one another. My Load Order claims to load the Pack Ponies just before Tonbo, & loading her after Vilja may work also. These complex mods may change some crucial setting when loaded after, but the simple Tonbo one might not. Maybe. It seems to work in my set up.

      (The "Active Inventory Spell" is good to use occasionally to see if your companion is retaining old arrows. I am not sure about the effects, if any, but the idea creeps me out.)
    4. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      Thank you so much David2014 for posting this solution, and also thank you, Zella, and NumberAte, for suggesting the Active Inventory Spell mod!
      I have been dusting off Oblivion, and ended up here, since I couldn't recall where to find Tonbo... and then I saw this post. I tested out the rings and inventory mod with Tonbo and Douglas for about half an hour. It WORKS ! This makes me very happy, because I prefer animal companions in Oblivion, and now I can have a nice little party of two cats (I also have the wonderful Shazzan), and Douglas.

      For anyone else experiencing the issue of companions attacking one another, these two mods seem awesome:


  6. Equeon
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This looks great, but is there any chance you could make a version without a bell collar, or a spell to hide it? My characters would much prefer to have the animal in its "natural" state.

    If not, how might I remove the collar in the Construction Kit?
    1. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      I do understand your desire. It was mine also, since I thought it inappropriate to have a collar & bell on a Battle Cat. My modding ability is very, very basic & does not include using NifScope to create new creatures.

      I was fortunate enough to be allowed to use HISSSSA's cat meshes & textures (instead of making them as little mountain lions) & was grateful for that. I have been unable to remove the bell without disabling the cat altogether. It probably requires using NifScope to reassign some necessary paths. I have used NifScope for some minor tweaks but am not competent enough to do very much with it. If someone would do that for us, I would be grateful & give them credit in CAPITAL letters.

      There is a tutorial at http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=NifSkope_Comprehensive_Guide#What.E2.80.99s_a_NIF_file.3F
      that may teach you how to do this. If you succeed we would be happy to post a new version of Tonbo & credit you for providing a naked Battle Cat. ;-)

  7. Sonja
    • member
    • 181 kudos
    Thank you for this beautiful and adorable little companion!
    I'm currently playing a character who, due to her recent past, is something of a lone wolf, and Tonbogiri is the perfect company. Unlike humanoid followers she never becomes irritating, and she's small enough that she feels more like a real life cat. I love cats.. so.. *smiles*

    One thing I have noticed is that Tonbogiri doesn't always fight.. I'm not sure if it is something on my end, though, because I've experienced the same thing with other animal companions. However, it isn't a major issue.. I mean, she's a cat, it seems fitting. And, at least, she won't perish; so no matter what, she's always lovely company.

    1. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      I am so happy that you enjoy her. Thank you for letting me know.

      My characters are much like yours & usually only take animal companions for the same reason. Also, they seem to be easier for the game to handle well. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/145272/?

      Sometimes I use Jo Virr. He is a low maintenance companion. He worked better before I began using a mod manager though. Everything did until last year. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/153943/?

      Tonbogiri is made so that she should ALWAYS fight & I didn't realize that it could happen otherwise. Thank you for reporting that.

      I do not understand the cause but will look into it. I have been having trouble getting companions to keep up with me since I began using Mod Organizer & wonder if you are using a mod manager. If she is too far behind it would make her miss the skirmish sometimes. If she just stands there it would be a different matter. She USED to ALWAYS beat me to the attacker & leave me with nothing to do at all. I have used all of the ways I believe are available, to program my companions to fight for you, & I don't know of other means to do that. It doesn't mean they don't exist though. ;-)

    2. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      You are quite welcome

      Great minds I think (though fools may be the case too ).. I like Jo'Virr a lot as well, but he can be a bit buggy... I have used OBMM (in addition to Loot, and Wrye Bash) forever, and it has always served me well.... I'm not sure if any of these is causing the bugginess or if it is something to do with Jo'Virr.
      I have, unfortunately, become very spoiled by Skyrim companions which are some of the best I have ever seen for a game.. Inigo is beyond amazing, and numerous others are very good as well. Oblivion really doesn't have the same choice... Vilja (for both games) is a beautifully made mod, and I think she's brilliant, but sadly, she doesn't usually mesh with my playstyle. I tried Dairanath Avari, and he's very well scripted, but... the author tends to shape your character in dialogues with him, and the shaping that results really isn't how I imagine my character. She began in Morrowind and is strong and seasoned in her own right..she's not a star struck teenager.
      Probably the best (for me, personally) humanoid companion I have tried in Oblivion is Valtierro, but I can't seem to get him to work this time around (no join dialogue despite having CM Partners installed, as required).

      Back to Tonbogiri. I am not sure if it is this mod, or something more general, because I was experiencing similar issues with Sher'ja and Sable. Another thing I have encountered, with Tonbo and the other cats, is that they are all prone to fighting one another, when a battle ensues, as well as any other members of the party. I just have Tonbo and Douglas now, and every so often Tonbo will attack Douglas during battle. I've used the console to set Douglas' disposition to 100 toward Tonbo, which helps because now he doesn't fight back. But, using the same commands, I can't seem to raise Tonbo's disposition to Douglas beyond 40, even though I'm typing 100 in as the parameter. I have Douglas following at distance, which helps, and if I click on Tonbo or use the summon spell, it seems to reset her AI, but other than that, I'm not sure what I can do.
      As I said, I don't know if it is just Tonbo, I have experienced this with the other cats too.
      Regardless, I enjoy travelling with her a lot.. she has a lot of personality and is pretty low maintenance.. sort of like a real cat, actually.
      Speaking of which, my little tortoise shell always looks up toward my computer when Tonbo meows.

    3. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      OMG I never had any of my companions fight one another, or anyone who was supposed to be a friend, except that Red Eyed horse that attacked them first. It was such a problem I stopped using it & then other mods came out that I liked better anyway (like Emma's pack-ponies). I have never had those be a problem & they have played many hours together.

      Wait! Are you using the Main file one? If so, change to one from the optional files that say they have "only the Player Faction". The original one was made for the person who gave us the beautiful Tonbogiri coloring & was made with several other Faction memberships which can cause unexpected conflicts in my experience. I had no reports of it bothering anyone else but it could be causing some of your problems.

      Version 1.1 is more like the one you have, if it is the first one, & requires only an esp change.

      Version 2 can cast a self healing spell & swim instead of walk underwater, but requires a complete change out to obtain all the required Meshes. Self healing makes her much less trouble IMHO but you don't get the Healer's spell on the dagger.
    4. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      Thank you very much for the quick reply!

      Yes, I do have the original... Hmmm...
      If I replace my current version with either of the others, will this cause problems in my savegame? I imagine I'd dismiss Tonbo in a separate cell, exit it. Save, close game, uncheck esp, launch game again, create clean save.... install new version, run LOOT, Rebuild Bash Patch ???
      Will Tonbo still be where I've left her, or will I need to grab her again? Sounds like 1.1 would be safer ???
    5. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Urg. Those are questions for players with more experience with mod managers than I have. If you do not reintegrate it with the mod manager, it will probably continue to follow inappropriate rules in a mod managed game. You shouldn't loose all your saved game if you do change her out as though you were changing to another mod as you anticipated. You may need to go back to retrieve her form her island though, since the esp name will be different (& you should leave it that way to get the mod managers to completely redo how it behaves).

      I do feel strongly that you do need to change the mod out & re-do the set up.
      The way it is, is not working well, & you do want to alter that.
      The best way to do that is to get a different esp set up & then reintegrate it into the game set up.
      Both sound like they would be required for it to work properly. I really think that the Faction Memberships may be causing your problems. No one else has reported this problem (though having one other companion that is likely to attack FIRST will cause a fight. Shadowmere was like that & I had to stop using him). All other of my mods are set up with ONLY the Player Faction checked. It sounds like this is the only version that has a problem for both of us. It seems to make her responses unpredictable. At least you are free to choose either version since there will be the same amount of work either way. If another companion attacks her she will fight them though. Be sure that is not the problem first, since this solution will not fix that.
    6. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      Well... I followed the procedure outlined above, and replaced the version I had with 2.0. Tonbo attacks much more consistently, which is good. But, she is still periodically attacking Douglas. I honestly think it is something to do with my install, because I was having the same issue with Sable and Sher'ja. However, since I have Douglas following further behind, and I can use Tonbo's summon spell to stop the attacks, it isn't too huge a problem.
      I have no idea what is going on with my companions, though. Overall, I'm happy with this install, and it is stable, but all of the companions I've tried have acted a bit funky. I'll periodically keep chipping away at it, but I'm not going to sweat it too much. Like I said, Tonbo isn't continually attacking Douglas, it's only if they end up near one another in combat.
      Thanks for your ideas
  8. highhthere
    • premium
    • 340 kudos
    D'awwww, what a little angel she is! So ferocious too :b
    she's perfect, thank you so much! ^_^
    1. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Thank you for saying so. I am so happy that you enjoy her.
  9. HelloNeko
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    If Tonbogiri starts at level 5 and levels with the player, will her level be recalculated if I add her to a game where my character is already level 10+? Will she still start as level 5?
    1. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      I believe that she will update on her own. However, the Reflect Damage that I gave her should protect her against strong opponents as it reflects a portion of what they send instead of a fixed amount. So it will increase as they do. It seems the best way to ensure she remains strong at higher levels & it does not depend on what the game decides to do about leveling. I do not believe she will have any difficulty, but if she does, please let me know. The complaints I usually have are that she is too strong. ;-)

      At lower levels you can pick mushrooms while she fights your attackers, but at higher levels she can really use your participation. The leveling up does not make the difference it did at the start. Learning the techniques of hitting an opponent in the head, from back or side, or before or after she leaps at him, takes some practice, so that you do not hit her. The game is sometimes unfair (wrong!) in making these calls .
  10. SaoTeYin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    You have mail.
  11. misctag
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Im gonna give this fancy cat a go ! ^^ hope You will not mind if I give her a different name and roleplay a bit about how she came to be in Cyrodill in my game With my Knight character I will be probably keeping her at home to guard it's environs since I'm quite fond of fighting to protect others myself and would not want her to get hurt when I swing my claymore ) but she sounds like a super-usefull companion for a healer/monk character which Im planning to do in some future playthrough ! Thank You for this mod
    1. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      zeebnorb & I are sharing this mod with you for your enjoyment & want you to make it suitable for your game. (Our only objections would be if someone used it in a way that encouraged cruelty to animals, & that is obviously not your intent.) The story I gave her was just for enjoyment, & another story will do much better if it supports your particular role play. (I probably should make a more equal partner version for people who want to be sure to get some time to participate in battles at lower levels. To tell the truth, you could probably go most places in the game unarmed if you can run around long enough to avoid attackers until she can get to them all.) I am delighted to hear that she will have such a good companion.

      I am very happy if she adds enjoyment to your game, & for a new name & story to go with her also. Sharing these changes in Images is also something you should feel free to do. That is what mods are for, enriching the game & giving us more choices. Actually, even their sex could be changed to suit their new roles, as there are no external clues.