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  1. dj2darrell
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Gret mod nice to see t's still up  I had it years ago when it first came out sill lovin it few conflicts  almost 0 
  2. DionneJinn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love this mod! Big fan of big cats (especially black ones)! But I have a dilemma... Sable does not get along with my unicorn. Everything is fine as long as I stay on the unicorn, but as soon as I get off the mount, Sable attacks her. Is there any way around this?

    Because of this poor Sable is currently locked in Frostcrag spire, because it was one of the few places I could think of where I could dismount, enter a building and tell Sable to wait fast enough and with no soldiers/guards or what-evers starting to attack the unicorn that simply defended herself against Sable.
    1. Maigrets
      • member
      • 230 kudos
      It's probably to do with Factions.Sable and all my other companions use the Player Faction which stops them turning on the player and friends of the player, if hit too many times, hopefully by accident.....lol.I did add a new faction to Sable and one of my other critters that should stop them fighting among themselves, but haven't bothered with the others.They all get along in my game and it's heavily modded.

      The problem is most likely that all mounts are based off horses and use their factions and scripts and behaviour packages, unless completely custom of course. Horses are flagged as "prey" if I remember correctly.You might have noticed that most, if not all enemies will attack your horse first, even when you're riding it. And the silly horse will attack back instead of running away.

      I know we're talking about a unicorn, but unless you have entirely custom scripts etc this is one of the irritating built in issues with the game.

      Did you make the Unicorn mod? If not maybe you could ask the author about factions if they are still active.Or point me to the Unicorn mod and I MIGHT have a look at it. I won't promise though as Oblivion is not really on my radar these days, even though I still have it installed.
    2. DionneJinn
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No mod. Just the basic unicorn that is found among those damn minotaurs. And there was no problems with Sable and my regular horse. I started to wonder if the unicorn thinks Sable has "a drawn weapon" because it has natural claws. The un-modded unicorn attacks even the player when s/he dismounts if they draw a weapon.
    3. Maigrets
      • member
      • 230 kudos
      There's a partial answer then. The Unicorn isn't a typical mount and being quest related would have a script dealing with aggression and being ridden.

      I did a bit of checking and it seems besides having a weapon or fists drawn making the Unicorn hostile, there's also a Personality check. So, if you the player have a high Personality, it's possible to draw a weapon without it becoming hostile.According to the CS Wiki it needs to be very high though. Over 180 plus for enemies not to attack you and may need to be even higher for the Unicorn.

      Personality, as you would expect affects the disposition of NPC's and creatures. This might be the reason. I've honestly only ever done that quest once because I never seem to be in the area to discover it any other time and forgot it existed. Sable has a low Personality and I'd bet so does the Unicorn if Sable is attacking it, but I think Factions may also be a factor if Sable is the only aggressor.

      No, Sable's claws aren't classed as weapons. The game isn't that sophisticated as far as creatures go, but I imagine some talented modder could probably make it though.

      I've made a note to do some proper checking in the CS over the weekend and see what I find. If it can be resolved by a quick change to Sable then I'll post it here because I don't want to upload another file. Then you could do it yourself by following my Creature Companion Tutorial linked in the Readme.Google will have some results for it as well, but the only up to date one that is supported by me, is the link I provide.

      If I work out the issue I'll post it here but I don't want to upload another file.

  3. AramilMS
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For you certain fans of a dark elf, I used the console command to change her name to guenwyvar.
    1. DionneJinn
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I also considered doing that. After all, my unicorn is already named Mielikki... Too bad they don't get along at all...
  4. Maigrets
    • member
    • 230 kudos
    @ wynterknight

    Yes, I know she's a bit overpowered but I use overhaul mods and even with the healing abilities etc, she can be knocked down easily and in a frantic fight she needs to get up quickly to help me out at times. I did actually adjust the abilities down a bit compared to my first mods which were even more overpowered and a learning experience really. I've changed the stats in those as well.

    If you use the CS you could change the abilities to suit yourself if you like. I haven't played Oblivion for a long time and probably won't in the future, but I still have it installed so anything's possible I guess.

    The problem with enemies and companions, including horses, is a faulty scripting or game engine problem from Bethesda unfortunately, and I don't think anyone has been able to change it.

    It's something that also annoys me no end as well and I find it hard to understand the reasoning behind it unless they intended all companions and horses to be distractions and expendable, which is probably the case, intentionally or otherwise.There's no other "logical" reason for it that I can think of. However, it doesn't work very well with friendly fire which is why my companions are Player Owned so they can't hit you back if you hit them accidentally, which will happen sooner or later.

    If you play Skyrim the same thing happens and is even more noticeable. Horses in Skyrim are suicidal to the point they will attack a dragon when it lands and don't get me started on horses bandits and wolves...lol.At least they seem to be more hardy in Skyrim and don't die at the drop of a hat. They still do the guards job for them and report you for crimes though as in Oblivion. Horses are in league with the chickens as they also report you.I'm not joking...the chickens really do report you and they are everywhere, even in places you'd least expect. It's a known bug but the devs thought it was funny and left it in according to a few things I've read.

    Thank you everyone for the nice comments. I'm glad you like Sable.
  5. wynterknight
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Fantastic mod! Endorsed.

    Sable is hands-down the best-looking animal companion I've seen. She is a maybe a little too powerful, but after reading the other comments I might try bumping up my difficulty. As it is, she frequently kills monsters before I can get more than one or two hits in. That wouldn't be a problem if I didn't need to level my skills

    Her self-healing and resistance abilities are nice; it helps when she accidentally gets between me and my target, and avoids the annoying post-battle Convalescence-spamming I have to go through with my horse (who apparently looks like the most delicious treat ever, to bears).

    One strange thing I've noticed: 9 times out of 10, enemies will rush past me to attack Sable instead. It sort of offends me! I'm level 16 right now, so I'm no slouch. Is there any way to adjust that?
  6. omgaduck
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Thank you so much she goes really well with Sher ja. I love big cats as companion because they are so majestic in my opinion.
  7. deleted1354564
    • account closed
    • 41 kudos
    My favorite animal companion <3
    Makes me feel like my sorcerer in Neverwinter Nights 1.

    Endorsing here as well! =D
  8. Ashleya
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sable is really beautiful.
    Well... and fast and strong and loyal. The perfect companion =P

    It would be nice if there was a little quest introducing her like the one with Satu Ra, but I don't REALLY mind that there isn't.

    Endorsed of course =3
  9. Xtudo
    • premium
    • 4,421 kudos
    Thanks for creating and sharing this mod.

    Now, Vilja and I have a new friend for adventures!

  10. Maigrets
    • member
    • 230 kudos
    Please see the top of my Readme for details about the re-upload of this file if you are wondering why it's the same as before. There are no other changes.

    @ MorpheusDruidic
    Thanks, I'm glad you like Sable. I'm afraid if you want access to the custom skeletons and animations you will need to contact Waalx at the link in my readme. You can just download his mod for personal use, but it is very large at almost 600mb as it's not just creatures. The forum requires registration however.

    Adjusting the scale of the creatures will make no difference as no creature or NPC in Oblivion can jump. Making them smaller will cause greater problems and larger causes collision issues and "floating", depending on how big they are of course. Up to scale 2.0 is as far as you can go without issues.

    @ foxthehunt

    Belated comment now, but all of my companions have the same aggression level so I have no idea what's happening with the others. I run them all together sometimes, or at least the non pet ones, to test and never came across this.

    At the present there's nothing I can do anyway as my games hard drive is dead and I'm waiting on a new one.