TesModManager by monpetitbeurre
I don't really have much time to maintain this so I'd recommend checking that out
Based on Oblivion Mod Manager 1.1.12
Source Code for included DLL
Requires Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5
This is preinstalled with Windows 7, and should already have been installed via Windows Update on Windows XP/Vista (Unless ye be a sea dog)
Modification that allows use of archives as OMODs and faster loading times is in the mirror section
- Automatically fills OMOD fields for mods downloaded from TES Nexus (except Adult-only since TES Nexus requires a login for those)
- Check for updates from TES Nexus
- OMOD Conversion Data list to automatically fill the fields for mods that are not OMOD-ready
- Overall interface clean up (see screenshots)
- Script Templates/Prefabs (Manage Prefabs on the top bar in the Script Editor)
- SelectWithPreviews supports http image links
- Auto update (Under Extended Utilities)
Interface Clean up
I have cleaned up the interface, most notably the OMOD creator. There is also a bar at the bottom of the main screen that allows you to see the esp/esm's info, which is useful for long descriptions as the tool tip disappears after a few seconds.
OMOD Conversion Data List
Certain mods without OMOD conversion data will automatically have their fields filled in.
Version 10.6.14 adds a GUI to edit the OMOD CDLs. It is in the Utilities menu.
Put CDL requests or submissions into the discussion under OCD Submissions or OCD Requests
New functions
Currently there is only one new function, SelectNumber, that allows the user to select a number with a minimum and maximum set by the script. (See screenshots)
Help files (obmm.chm) updated to show the features added by OBMMEx and some features not listed in OBMM's original documentation.
Added OBMMEx history & some OBMMex specific sections. Cleaned up the files.
Added 2 function list index to show easily OBMM functions and structure (collapsible panel).
Added 2 mods lists & load order utilities section to set the load order by hand according to the recommended order of BOSS (search capability).
To see it use the "help" option in the OBMM main interface.
Valid for OBMM and OBMMEx.
Alternative Oblivion Mod Manager Extended Modification: OBMMEx Monpetitbeurre modification 10-12-20
Check the mirrors section to download it. Includes a detailed readme WITH INSTRUCTIONS in the compressed file.
- Any feature present in OBBMex 10.11.15 (last version). Check the docummentation included within OBMMex.
- Greatly improved load times at the start(x100). Load +1000 mods in a few seconds.
- Improve the speed of OBMMex in general use due to changes in the list view.
- Key word Filter: search and filter mods in the list by adding a key word.
- Custom serialize/deserialize Mod list ("data" file) + list view speed boost.
Oblivion Mod Manager - Timeslip
Oblivion Mod Manager Extended Modification - Monpetitbeurre
Help Files, OCD List Submissions and Bug Finding - Isabelxxx