
RoS FAQ (120 comments)

  1. Jordanator2700
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    will this affect any of the vanilla quests?
    1. tc2r
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      No. However the latest copy I am adding will add more NPCs to the main quest. But they have all been tested to react with all vanilla quest properly
  2. Drunkslaver
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    umm...can someone help me ive played the game for a few hours now and da'cryon isnt comming to challnge me and start the bloody quest....
  3. Unther
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    So, I summoned the Shadow Clones and they're draining my mana. How the heck do I get rid of them?
  4. tinygerbil
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    Sweaj1: Does your character have infamy? I started a new character and after gaining one infamy he showed up at the waterfront at midnight.

    I don't know if that means you need more infamy than fame or just one infamy, though...

    Hope that helps some!
  5. tinygerbil
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    To those who cannot find Creal's note:

    Go to the inn that is marked on your map (Two Sisters Lodge) and head upstairs. Look in the room second to the right (with the white colored bed and drawers in the middle of the room). It will be inside those drawers and will be labeled "Handwritten Note".

  6. sweaj1
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    ok so i downloaded the mod and everything i kille the de'cryon guy and mirage never appears i have no clue what to do i have already uninstalled and reinstalled the addon but no dice help !!!
  7. PewterMoon
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    I haven't exactly downloaded this, but it looks interesting, so I was wondering, will the armors in this conflict with the HGEC body mod? I don't want to download this and then have my computer freak out because the armors and the body are incompatible.
  8. tc2r
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    • 40 kudos
    glad you resolved this. Note to others, if something isn't working, try changing the load order.
  9. shadowman117
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    Problem Resolved

    Its a load order problem.

    I found the Issue....To all of you out there who have OBSE and still have the issue that i had of mirage not showing up at the shrine.....Take these steps.

    Deactivate the mod,....run oblivion, load your recent save,....go to some place like the imperial city waterfront shack, overwrite your save.....Quit oblivion....Launch OBMM, Put Return of shadows sep last in your load order....check the box near return of shadows esp and launch oblivion...follow the quest after you kill da cryon de mesh sir whats his face and mirage will be at the shrine.

    Problem solved.
  10. shadowman117
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    Meh,..I killed decryon de mesh sir whats his face.....Mirage apprears,....tells me to go to the shrine.....i go to the shrine and she is not there....

    I Have OBSE v 20 and everything that is required to use this mod as i have used this mod, played it from beginng to end twice. I look up and read the entire FAQ (includeing all the comments) Few other people besides myself have this problem, the only awnsers i see are get obse....I see users here that say yeah well i have obse,....and there is not one response of awnser to thier questions....i would like to know why....

    I certainly would know why she is not at the shrine, Its no conflicting mod, Its not a lack of requried files on my part,,,its a bug i think....

    If i am wrong,...shame on me.


    here is what i will do......I will deactivate and reload this mod,...kill de cryo de mesh sir whats his face and follow the quest a maximum of 3 times,,,if nothing changes and i still have the issue i will wait a few days here for an awnser..

    meanwhile i will do what i can to try and fix the issue myself.