
Return Of Shadows Questionaire (27 comments)

  1. sanguine18
    • member
    • 8 kudos


    What did you think of the mod itself? Was it what was promised? if not why not?

    I felt the mod was delivered as advertised, no qualms at all there.

    Do you believe there was an area we should have focused more attention to? Why do you think so?

    I feel there should have been more custom textures/meshes/equipment/environments, this doesn't actually detract from the experience but in my experience more custom "stuff" makes the mod feel that little bit more "unique".


    Do you think we did well at immersion?

    Immersion was top notch, it really felt like I was playing as part of the whole ShadowKnight order instead of a stand-alone one man army ala vanilla Oblivion guilds.

    What could have been added to give the NPCs more life?

    The ability to interact more with your buddies would be cool, for example the Storm Aigues, that's a guy I'd happily go drinking with. Little day to day things like that really help with immersion.

    So far, who is your favorite Shadowknight? Why?

    Mirage and Nimbrinia equally win on that point, I really felt glum when Nim' was killed and Mirage gives off the impression that there's far more to her than she appears on the surface.

    Who is your least favorite Shadowknight? Why?

    Probably Celesta, not because I didn't like her character but because she felt kinda inconsequential to the whole plot.

    What did you think of the Order of the Dragon?

    They were a pretty cool nemesis for the order and they tie in with existing TES lore, I really felt their personality as a whole could have been developed more though as they were pretty much faceless drones for the player to destroy with abandon.


    We tried to create a curve of action for the quest, did we succeed?

    Yeah, the fights were worth looking forward to. The shadow runts were a real pain in the ass with their shadow trip magic, I didn't enjoy fighting those.

    Was it a wise Idea to do so?

    The combat was good, personally speaking some more puzzles and internal politics would have been cool too .

    Did you enjoy the quest in this mod?

    I did.

    Which Charge did you enjoy most?

    Completing the Nightwish.


    Chapter one focused on introducing you to the aspects of RoS. Do you feel it accomplished this?

    I felt it accomplished this well.

    Was the plot line interesting?

    Yep, like a good book I really couldn't stop till I completed it, after which I really, really wanted to play part 2

    The plot twist, especially the last one. What did you think of it? Did you expect it? Did you feel the impact of it all? How could we have insured this happen?

    Didn't expect it to happen, I expected there would be someone killed within the guild but not so early, and not the player's mentor. I don't know how it happened but I want to find out .

    Was the quest dark enough?

    As far as quests go, it was pretty dark, the people you have to kill really didn't deserve it (except one or two )

    Future Chapters:

    What would you like to see in future chapters?

    More character development, I'd like to find out more about the ShadowKnight order, I'd like more unique weapons, spells and collectables. I'd also like more morally weighty choices and actions that effect the plot, so that what the player does effects the path they travel within the guild.

    Namira's Orbs. If you could create one, what would it be and what would it do?

    An orb that allows you to turn into a shadow like the shadowguards in the sanctuary and that would give you 100% resistance to normal weapons, let you seep through locked doors and allow you to fly.

    How could we better cover the spectrum of Good and evil in the future chapters?

    Again, more moral choices where the player can decide what happens (for example, evil choices grant you more power and good choices grant you nothing except the disdain of Namira)

    What would be a cool quest to have in the future chapters?

    One that involves traveling to Namira's plain of existence and interacting with the souls of all the people you've killed.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer some/all of these questions. Please note that you may add whatever you would like here. If we like your ideas you may very well find them added to the next few updates or even in RoS Chapter 2.

    Again Thank you for playing Return Of Shadows. You may keep it loaded to keep the content in your game until RoS Chapter 2 is released. The OOD should act as guards. Beware though, they can sense evil and will arrest/attack you on sight if need be.

    The Haven of Namira, What would you like to see added to the haven?

    A bar, a library, a poison garden, a better enchanting room and maybe make the sleeping areas lighter and adding things like tables, storage areas, bookcases and maybe a couple of hidden rooms.
  2. Draconicsoul
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    What did you think of the mod itself? Was it what was promised? if not why not?

    I really enjoyed it. The theme of the whole quest line - dark, evil, menacing - was amazingly well done and made the whole experience that much more fun.

    Do you believe there was an area we should have focused more attention to? Why do you think so?

    The Haven was a bit (by I "a bit", I mean "way too") difficult to navigate and there were a lot of areas with some serious framerate hits in some places(mostly due to the strange lighting effects used sometimes, I think) and I had a few CTDs in the Shadow Den, and shadowstep doesn't seem to work for me for some reason (I'm guessing that's actually my fault, though, for other mods I have running).


    Do you think we did well at immersion?

    Options and choices; the ability to alter the path and the outcome of an (or a series of) event are what creates an immersive experience best. While this mod was a bit lacking in that aspect (I mean it this time - where there were options and choices, they were good ones with interesting results), it made up for it with detailed characters and a very interesting story line that wasn't all too intrusive on the basic TES lore.

    What could have been added to give the NPCs more life?

    Hmm... That's tough. The NPCs had lives of their own; opinions, ideas, and preferences that gave them real character. I'd have to say if anything could be added it would be seeing them in combat, and how each acted differently in the situations (maybe like a partner-like sort of system?)

    So far, who is your favorite Shadowknight? Why?

    Aigues. He certainly provided the most interesting dialogue of the lot.

    Who is your least favorite Shadowknight? Why?

    Nezere, I think, had the least interesting personality of the characters involved, though it seemed suited to her position nonetheless...

    What did you think of the Order of the Dragon?

    Sometimes...they didn't make much sense. There wasn't much information on them, but if they're supposed to be a group of truely "good" people, why would they use underhanded methods like traps and ambushes? The greatest conquest of evil is not destroying something good, it is turning what was once a champion of good into a champion of evil. The same goes vice versa, and even if not, shouldn't someone truely "good" focus more actively on redeeming evil before destroying it so wantonly as they did? I would have liked to see a few persistant NPCs in their group rather than just a bunch of expendable minions, too. Overall, they made for a good anonymous "protagonist group" to fight against the evil character, but did little more than provide a few bumps in the road.


    We tried to create a curve of action for the quest, did we succeed?

    It was very smooth with a nice peak. Well done in this regard.

    Was it a wise Idea to do so?

    Mmhm. It helped reinforce the feeling of evolution and development in the storyline.

    Did you enjoy the quest in this mod?

    Very much so. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.

    Which Charge did you enjoy most?

    Again, tough call... The Nightwish (a much more sinister version of a prayer to the Nightmother, it seemed) was an interesting concept and touched on a dark, mature subject that really hit the mark on the sinister story idea. The concept of the quest from beginning to end and the dialogue involved was gut-wrenching and really twisted the ideas of morality and duty.


    Chapter one focused on introducing you to the aspects of RoS. Do you feel it accomplished this?

    I definitely got the feel of the whole thing, yes.

    Was the plot line interesting?

    I was disappointed when it ended. I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

    The plot twist, especially the last one. What did you think of it? Did you expect it? Did you feel the impact of it all? How could we have insured this happen?

    It didn't feel like much of a twist, actually, because that's where the plot ended. I can't really give an honest opinion on this matter because there hasn't been more content post-twist to judge on.

    Was the quest dark enough?

    Visibly or morally dark? Visibly it might have been too dark (I know that was the intent, but there are lines to be careful of) . Morally dark, hmm...Yes and no. Even a champion of good would recognize the flaws in the plan to make eternal daylight (without the cycle of day and night, entire ecosystems would collapse), and even in prisons rapists and child molesters get the crap beat out of them for their crimes. But then again, there were the elements of slaughtering innocent people for your own gain - definitely a part of the quest series I thought was really well done - and battling against crusading groups of heroes trying to destroy you.

    Future Chapters:

    What would you like to see in future chapters?

    This was definitely one of the best "evil" quest mods I've ever seen. I would like to see the player character a bit more active, though. For most of the plot, it was just following orders without question of consequence or reward. I'd be glad to see a shift in that - seeing the quests take a more active approach.

    Namira's Orbs. If you could create one, what would it be and what would it do?

    You know that shadow guard and those shadow creatures? Invisible with a shroud of darkness around them? I want an orb that will do that to my character. I don't care if it even does anything, I just want the look. XD

    How could we better cover the spectrum of Good and evil in the future chapters?

    I would suggest taking a closer look at the objective concepts of good and evil and apply those to the quests. How would the good guys (Order of the Dragon) act, really? Would they be more prone to slaughter evil or capture and convert it? What sorts of methods would they use to destroy that which is irremdially evil? How would a truely evil person respond to someone threatening their goals? What motivations do evil characters have? Being evil will gain you a lot of enemies, what is worth such a massive inconvenience? What is the true nature of an evil act, and what makes it evil? I think considering these things within the plot would definitely help the depth of the story.

    What would be a cool quest to have in the future chapters?

    Something more open-ended. In the beginning, Namira questions your vice or sin, but we don't see much impact on the story from the choice you made (I'm to understand it affects your weapon but I didn't really see a difference). Maybe some more quests touching on that idea or showing how that choice affects your character.

    The Haven of Namira, What would you like to see added to the haven?

    Teleport pads in the major areas to other major areas and a some less framerate-killing lighting.
  3. Raineamorie
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    What did you think of the mod itself? Was it what was promised? if not why not?
    It was honestly more than I hoped for, I loved it, it was exactly as promised.

    Do you believe there was an area we should have focused more attention to? Why do you think so?
    I know it was mentioned before but yeah, the haven was so much like a maze sometimes than even quest markers didn't help


    Do you think we did well at immersion?
    It great! ^_^
    What could have been added to give the NPCs more life?
    Voice acting >.> but other than that no.
    So far, who is your favorite Shadowknight? Why?
    My favorite....Aigues by far, cause hes easily the kinda guy I'd get along with no matter what...in fact if I didn't know better I'd say he was me turned into a game character >.>
    Who is your least favorite Shadowknight? Why?
    Hmmm gotta say Nimbrinia, she was to nice and it just struck me as....strange for someone to be so nice in an "evil" sort of guild.
    What did you think of the Order of the Dragon?
    I loved them, in fact I think they need an HQ or something that I can infiltrate and slaughter them by the dozens! Need more of them in towns in fact!


    We tried to create a curve of action for the quest, did we succeed?
    To my satisfaction, yes.
    Was it a wise Idea to do so?
    Yeah I'd say so.
    Did you enjoy the quest in this mod?
    Which Charge did you enjoy most?
    The nightwish, nothing better than killing an abusive husband, coming back, denying the wife her wish for her child then slitting her throat!


    Chapter one focused on introducing you to the aspects of RoS. Do you feel it accomplished this?
    I think it did, could have done better in some places but did good overall
    Was the plot line interesting?
    It kept my attention and wanting more every step of the way.

    The plot twist, especially the last one. What did you think of it? Did you expect it? Did you feel the impact of it all? How could we have insured this happen?
    I loved the twist though I didn't feel the impact, I feel npcs should discuss it or be at least more mistrustful of you or react more to it, instead of going on about their normal schedule.

    Was the quest dark enough?
    Hmmm I feel it could have been darker, more morally wrenching.

    Future Chapters:

    What would you like to see in future chapters?
    I'd like to see a nice Shadow Knight vs Order of the Dragon fight, perhaps they invaded our Haven and we gotta fight to reclaim it or we are picking off their leaders within their own HQ?

    Namira's Orbs. If you could create one, what would it be and what would it do?
    Hmm an orb that perhaps summons a shadow guard or an enslaved guardian (like what Nimbrinia had) or perhaps summon one of those shadow/shroud creatures from the cave, I just feel we need something that benefits the conjurer type.

    How could we better cover the spectrum of Good and evil in the future chapters?
    As I stated above, a good ole fashioned battle between the Order of the Dragon and the Shadow Knights, maybe some elite among the elites going toe to toe with our Nights?

    What would be a cool quest to have in the future chapters?
    The one in the trailer >.> taking down a castle but that was mentioned already... x3 so I'd have to say...(god I've mentioned it three times now) a good brawl between Order of the Dragon and Shadow Knights, like we find some fort or base belonging to them, they got it on lock down, heavily guarded and its up to you to find a weak point in it so the other shadow knights can slip in and tear things up or perhaps an assassination of their leadership? Or if you want to make us struggle, perhaps the Order of the Dragon found our haven(seriously happened to me in game, a squire somehow followed me from Skingrad all the way to the Haven then Mirage killed her) and they drive us out? Maybe costing us a life of another Shadow Knight *wink wink* put some more pressure on us.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer some/all of these questions. Please note that you may add whatever you would like here. If we like your ideas you may very well find them added to the next few updates or even in RoS Chapter 2.

    Again Thank you for playing Return Of Shadows. You may keep it loaded to keep the content in your game until RoS Chapter 2 is released. The OOD should act as guards. Beware though, they can sense evil and will arrest/attack you on sight if need be.
    The Haven of Namira, What would you like to see added to the haven?
    I'd like the Haven to perhaps have a secret entrance/escape route ya know, in case trouble hits the shadow knights to hard and they are forced to retreat *hint hint*
    If you do not post within 5 days Namira will send Mirage to come for you.
  4. shadowman117
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    Return Of Shadows Review

    Hello, we thank you for playing our mod and hope that you enjoyed the overall experience so far! In an effort to continue improving RoS (Return Of Shadows) We would be pleased to hear your input. Please copy these questions and answer them on the Discussion tab of Return Of Shadows on Tesnexus.com!

    Remember, you may add whatever questions/answers you would like, this is just a guide to help you review!



    What did you think of the mod itself? Was it what was promised? if not why not?

    It was a mod better than most i have played for tes IV Oblivion. The armor for the shadow knights were well chosen. I enjoyed the Macabre tastes and personality of the NPCs Especialy the vampires crude humor.

    Everything that was in the discription ran in conjunction with the mod itself, It was satisfactory. Though I find it easy to get lost in the shadowknight sanctuary even with the quest markers highlighting specific NPCs .

    Do you believe there was an area we should have focused more attention to? Why do you think so?

    Well i know that voice acting was put on future plans, as i understand the difficulties one has getting voice actors for thier mods,.
    A different less maze like shadowknight base would be nice. Could have added more Blood and gore, A sacrificial alter infront of the statue of namira,
    Kind of like the one in the dagon shrine of vanilla oblivion but darker maybe?


    Do you think we did well at immersion?

    The Immersion in my opinion was satisfactory, Could use more contracts to kill marked men and women. The thrill of infiltration and assasination can get addicting.

    What could have been added to give the NPCs more life?

    Voice acting (i am aware that this idea is already under development.) A deeper storyline like i.e "The dark brotherhood has survived for over a milienea,
    The right of purification is one of the most extream measures we are forced to carry out") History behind the shadownight faction. How it originated i.e
    "Dark Brotherhood brances off from the Morag Tong" A way for the NPCs to explain the history of the faction kind of like scribes or Whatnot.

    So far, who is your favorite Shadowknight? Why?

    Celesta, Because Shes childish, The childish smile the overshadows the cold blooded killer, She is simply un predictable. she was the only NPC that made me be on gaurd and wary of her intentions the whole time.

    Who is your least favorite Shadowknight? Why?

    Well if you insist,....It is Ethin, why? Because much like Maraj Dar of the dark brotherhood, He is the biggest Asshole, even Moreso than Omaru in my opinion.
    I wanted to kill him the entire time playing this mod. A real horses ass to the end, Just like Maraj Dar of the DB quests. I hate them both equaly lol.
    But him being an ass is not a bad thing for the mod or the immersion. You asked, and i gave an awnser. thats just about it.

    What did you think of the Order of the Dragon?

    The only good order of the Dragon, Is a Dead one. (Unless im the champion of cyrodill of cource) . I enjoyed laying those pathetic ingrates to waste
    in the void of sithis! *Coughs* i mean namiras shroud. Seriously you should have them in the next chapter. I enjoy killing them. I love killing paladins, Monks,
    and anyone accociated with the light or the Imperial Legion.


    We tried to create a curve of action for the quest, did we succeed? In a manner of speaking yes, Like i said, Could of used more contracts for assasinations or marked men and women,..But yea
    i would say you all did Succeed

    Was it a wise Idea to do so?

    I suppose so

    Did you enjoy the quest in this mod?

    Yes, Cant wait for chapter II

    Which Charge did you enjoy most? I would say the scorceress charge who tried unleasheing eternal day upon the eath. I feel as i did the world a favor by dispatching her and her magi from the world.
    I loved the part where i followed her to her base as a so called "Escort" and slaughterd them all like the vampire hateing pigs they were. I was expecting her to lead me to her people.
    That charge gave me an oportunity to employ my strategies.


    Chapter one focused on introducing you to the aspects of RoS. Do you feel it accomplished this? To a degree, But not fully. As i got lost several times because of the way the intirior cell was built.
    Took me two hours to figure out the routs.

    Was the plot line interesting?
    Yes it was.

    The plot twist, especially the last one. What did you think of it? Did you expect it? Did you feel the impact of it all? How could we have insured this happen? It was satifactory.
    not much to say other than there could be more.

    Was the quest dark enough?
    to an extent yes, Though the keys i would be looking for if i were makeing a mod like this are acts so heinous not even a semi evil person would be caught dead doing.
    Actions committed by people Like hannable lectre, Charls manson, Adolf Hitler, Che Guverra, & Atilla the hun type acts of torture, dismemberment, and Tyranical mass murder
    and geanocide. Kinda like a rob zombie film, Devils rejects, ect.

    Future Chapters:

    What would you like to see in future chapters? More Order of the dragon, More blood and Gore!, more assasination charges, More fights, Leveld Bosses from the order of the dragon and dark sisterhood. I.E.
    Order of the Dragon Elite Vanguard//Knight. Ect. And last but not least Voice acting.

    Namira's Orbs. If you could create one, what would it be and what would it do?
    It would be simular to Deadly reflexes combustive convusion but in a ~ killall command effect. Basicly all the enemies within raidius of the player who are non essential Explode and bodyparts, Limbs, Organs,
    and blood fly everywhere, in a storm of chaos and discord! Well it sounds like it would be more of an orb of Mehrunes Dagon, But you get my drift.

    How could we better cover the spectrum of Good and evil in the future chapters?

    Make the choices so extream that it would test the players mind and concience. To let them see within themselves if they truly are evil or not. If they truly can carry out what is needed to be done,
    And to do what must be done regaurdless of ones personal morals. To place the mission first of the lives of 100 innocents for example.

    What would be a cool quest to have in the future chapters? I think a cool quest qould have to be an assasination of a high ranking official in the empire. EXAMPLE: By some twist the empire figures out you murderd
    High chancelor Ocatto's Son. and sends bounty hunters after you, Find a note on one of the bounty hunters corpses and find out later on what fation is behind the price put on your factions head. Infiltrate
    thier HQ in a covert mission and silently & systematicly kill off thier leaders one by one thus createing a domminoe effect.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer some/all of these questions. Please note that you may add whatever you would like here. If we like your ideas you may very well find them added to the next few updates or even in RoS Chapter 2. If you enjoyed our Mod please take the time to vote for it as File Of The Month! or/and Endorse it.


    Again Thank you for playing Return Of Shadows. You may keep it loaded to keep the content in your game until RoS Chapter 2 is released. The OOD should act as guards. Beware though, they can sense evil and will arrest/attack you on sight if need be.
    The Haven of Namira, What would you like to see added to the haven?

    If you do not post within 5 days Namira will send Mirage to come for you.

    Well i might look forward to that, I might ask for more Charges.
  5. tc2r
    • member
    • 40 kudos
    I don't usually post here, I just read up on what we can improve, but I thought it should be hinted at given this last review:

    "What would be a cool quest to have in future chapters?
    That trailer you made, where it shows the Shadowkights killing a Countess? Something like that."

    >.> First Quest of Chapter 2, except we rebuilt the town, the castle and etc to be a REAL town and castle with real guards and etc. Aka no cake walk.

  6. rpgkipp
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    What did you think.....-
    I rather enjoyed it. It was what it promised, or rather, the beginning of. As more chapters are released, and the present content is expanded on, I know it will only get better. Having said, I suffered from a few glitches which while not major issues, did subtract a bit. One was the eye glitch that has been brought up. Second was that Celestea, the "cutesy" one's eyes were really messed up. Like she was wall-eyed, but worse. Third was that when I did a sneak attack on the target of the woman's Nightwish, when he detected me he just stood there. I could go around him and do another attack. Several poisons show up in my inventory as potions. And the map marker for Namira's Shrine is gone. That's it.

    Do you believe that there was.......-
    I think the mod was rather well-rounded, but there was little bits I'd like to see focused on, mainly items. The potions and poisons were interesting, but I wish the shopkeeper would have more on hand. The weapondry was also interesting, but I'd like to see a bit more variety. Like shortswords, daggers, bows, etc. They may already exist and I have yet to find them, but I'm answering based on what i know.


    Do you think we did well....-
    Yes I did. It did feel rather real.

    What could have been added to.....-
    Maybe have them leave the Haven occasionally on their own Charges, or have idle conversations about them, when/if voice acting is added. More variety in clothing as well as more conversation topics.

    So far, who is your favorite......-
    The other Shadowknight who serves under Mirage. The guy who talks about sex a lot. He feels like he could be a roommate(which I guess he is) or an old college friend.

    Who is your least.....-
    All though she's nice, probably the wood elf woman with green hair. I do like her, but the least of all of them. Where the others have something that makes it obvious they're there, or at least a personality that fits, such as Anthrops' greed, she feels like she's just sort of there.

    What did you think of the Order....-
    Good premise, but they don't feel like an order of heroes yet. It could just as easily have been the Imperial Legion that jumped me in the cave. Having them throughout towns and having a few different races was a good idea, but there's more room for improvement. A few headquarters or chapters maybe, or some kights and squires in inns or pubs relaxing. Having Magi (male mage) and Magea (female mage) wearing special robes, paladins is heavy armor with capes or sacred symbols in their off-hands, or having lighter, faster members in light armor would all help make them feel like a more well-rounded, genuine threat, as opposed to the Legion who goes clunking around in big, heavy armor. Some of these suggestions are unreasonable, but it's just a list of examples. Regardless, I look forward to watching the Order's role continue to unfold.


    We tried to create a curve....-
    I rather believe so.

    Was it a wise idea to do so-
    Yes. A gradual descenion into "true evil" is better, and more believable, than the "Boom-hit the switch" that some people use.

    Did you enjoy the quest in this mod-
    Yes I did. Liked that not all evil groups are compatible, like the Shadowed Creatures and Dark Sisterhood, who given that note I found I'm looking forward to encountering again.

    Which Charge did you enjoy most-
    Ooh. Tough one. The thief one was interesting, but the Nightwish would have to be my favorite. An evil deed done due to a woman's good intentions struck me as a bit profound.


    Chapter focused on.......
    Yes is it did. I did find by playing and talking that this is a group that takes what they want, uses it to grow stronger, and uses that new strength to take more. Sin is power. And the lack of infamy boosts helped show they truely are a hidden order. But that makes me wonder how the order of the Dragon found out about them.

    Was the plot interesting-
    Yes it was.

    The plot twist, especially the last one....-
    I see the impact all right. A Night can take down an army, and something killed her. This raises many questions. Will Mirage, being the next highest member of that/my branch replace her? Is she not yet worthy/powerful enough? How powerful will the new Night become? Etc, etc. The plot is very interesting.

    Was the quest dark enough-
    So far, yes. But as I rise through the ranks, I think more evil and corrupt tasks should be assigned to me. Things that show why Mirage and Celestea are how they are. Somebody like Celestea or Mirage wouldn't just kill a target. Oh no. And since Charges are given to Shadowknights they best suit, that means she'd probably have torturing people missions. I'd like to see a few things like that thrown my character's way.

    Future Chapters

    What would you like to see in future chapters-
    A few more abilities, but I have no doubt you guys are all ready working on that. New members perhaps? For higher ranks, more powerful armors or weapons? Also, a book that explain the abilities. Some I still don't know what they do. Like the "Inspire Fear" one. Also general books. For all the rooms in the haven, the armory, archives, collectible rooms felt empty. Like ShadowKnights just ran out of everything and said "We'll let the new guy get everything." Also a way to avoid joining the Shadowkights. My paladin doesn't like the idea of being forced to join a group of crazy daedra worshippers.

    Namira's Orbs.......-
    The Orb of Midnight. Invisibility, Night Eye. Duration of however long would be fair for something like this.

    How could we better cover....-
    Show that some people aren't good or evil. Have the Order hire mercenaries to attack the Shadowkights, or have the Shadowkights kill people who aren't doer of great deeds, but people who are just going about their lives, like when we needed the innocent souls. Have true paragons of goodness show up as well. Like a powerful wizard who has sworn a vow of poverty, and so wears lower class clothes and gives away what wealth comes his way. A vampire hunter who is himself a vampire, using his powers to hunt down the creatures he has become. Have noticeable effects of killing these people. Find a way to show that the world has become a darker place due to the absence of the heroes we've sent to the grave.

    What would be a cool quest to have in future chapters?
    That trailer you made, where it shows the Shadowkights killing a Countess? Something like that. Assassinate an important politician, so that a Shadowkight who's infiltrated the Imperial government can take his/her place. A town where the Order isn't welcome, where Shadowknights' crimes never seem to be noticed, the town supplies the Shadokights with resources. Sort of like how in Superman, Lex Luthor owns legitimate businesses, you know?
  7. JeRize
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos


    What did you think of the mod itself? Was it what was promised? if not why not?

    I found it very evil and dark, as it was promised. I also liked the battles alot with the other guilds.

    Do you believe there was an area we should have focused more attention to? Why do you think so?



    Do you think we did well at immersion?

    Dont have an anwser to this, because i dont understand the word immersion

    What could have been added to give the NPCs more life?

    You could add personal side-quest for a few important npc's

    So far, who is your favorite Shadowknight? Why?

    Omaruu, because he thinks that im not worthy... cant wait to let him find out that i am

    Who is your least favorite Shadowknight? Why?


    What did you think of the Order of the Dragon?

    Hmm founded that not that special, seems like just another "Blade" faction


    We tried to create a curve of action for the quest, did we succeed?

    You did that very well

    Was it a wise Idea to do so?


    Did you enjoy the quest in this mod?

    I did

    Which Charge did you enjoy most?

    The Ritual, it has great turn of events and it felt really impressive fight all the other guilds


    Chapter one focused on introducing you to the aspects of RoS. Do you feel it accomplished this?

    It did, but i find that there needs to bee some more background story... or i missed all the background story

    Was the plot line interesting?

    Didnt expect that one coming

    The plot twist, especially the last one. What did you think of it? Did you expect it? Did you feel the impact of it all? How could we have insured this happen?

    I think it was vert good, altough i didnt like it that she had to die.
    I didnt expect it at all, because of fighting side by side with her a while ago
    I felt the impact at the beginning, though i didnt felt like the other shadowknights acted different to me. This could have been worked out better, so you can really feel like they're acting very mysterious towards you

    Was the quest dark enough?

    Dark, but could be pitch black with quests that are more darker


    Future Chapters:

    What would you like to see in future chapters?

    The quest getting darker and darker. Something you see in (bad example but it is noticable in the series) the Harry Potter series.

    Namira's Orbs. If you could create one, what would it be and what would it do?

    Some sort of ForceChoke spell?

    How could we better cover the spectrum of Good and evil in the future chapters?

    Dont know, because you did it very well already

    What would be a cool quest to have in the future chapters?

    Offcourse destroying the Order of the Dragon and the Dark Sisterhood (Hate the dark sisterhood, there acting like they are the dark brotherhood so i would love a quest to destroy them)
    Maybe a quest that involves you to look for potential candidates to join the Shadowknights
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    What did you think of the mod itself? Was it what was promised? if not why not?

    I enjoyed it, I feel that some time and effort went in to insure a good experience, it was everything i expected.

    Do you believe there was an area we should have focused more attention to? Why do you think so?

    Some of the effects of the poisons and spells were somewhat vague, i found myself saving before using for the sake of experimentation


    Do you think we did well at immersion?

    It was quite immersive, i enjoyed your attempts to be unclear in quest objectives, it made me think more about what needed to be done.

    What could have been added to give the NPCs more life?

    ...i don't know, more dialog options, getting to talk more with them. Get to know them better.

    So far, who is your favorite Shadowknight? Why?


    Who is your least favorite Shadowknight? Why?

    Nimbirinia, i don't like dead people, otherwise she would be my fav. But really i like em all

    What did you think of the Order of the Dragon?

    They NEED more back-story...or any story. i always enjoy the history and goals of the main enemys, especially when its done well, maybe an infiltration mission.


    We tried to create a curve of action for the quest, did we succeed?


    Was it a wise Idea to do so?


    Did you enjoy the quest in this mod?


    Which Charge did you enjoy most?

    all, well some of your...'inspired concepts' involving a certain book with a death god tied to it sort of killed the mood, it stood out but was still well done.


    Chapter one focused on introducing you to the aspects of RoS. Do you feel it accomplished this?


    Was the plot line interesting?


    The plot twist, especially the last one. What did you think of it? Did you expect it? Did you feel the impact of it all? How could we have insured this happen?

    it was masterful, but nobody would think you were the killer, she is far to tough for you to kill, you have no motive, and she DID have enemys after all.

    Was the quest dark enough?

    literally, yes.
    metaphorically, could drop a shade darker, but not much, maybe having to torture someone, that would be a fun scripted event.


    Future Chapters:

    What would you like to see in future chapters?

    More of the same, with some of the ideas mentioned above

    Namira's Orbs. If you could create one, what would it be and what would it do?

    Shadowstep was cool, maybe more WoW abilities like that....i guess, you already kinda covered all the bases

    How could we better cover the spectrum of Good and evil in the future chapters?

    Your black and whites are covered well, try working on the shades of gray.

    What would be a cool quest to have in the future chapters?

    The obvious ones would be to infiltrate the dragons, pretend to be one of them to gain their secrets, if you screw up they will lock you up to torture you for info like how much you know on them/how much you told, info about your group, then you got to bust out and kill em all, the dude that was doing the torturing would be the boss as it would be nice to cut him down after.
    maybe get a group quest, getting to team up is a great way to a know more about a certain character/develop a more friendly relationship with them.
  9. houseramster
    • premium
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    good intersting, but i think it could have went farther..


    nice people..lol sarcasism.
    could have voice acting


    alright but could be longer and a little more diffucult.. but that just me prolly since im at level 98.


    the twist, could have gone father,, like who did it.. and then you become high level the mirage.
  10. shaunostler
    • member
    • 0 kudos


    What did you think of the mod itself? Was it what was promised? if not why not? no i was expecting it to have a longer storyline and i expected there to be more armor but still a good mod.

    Do you believe there was an area we should have focused more attention to? Why do you think so?


    Do you think we did well at immersion? its was so good i didnt think i was finished. lol

    What could have been added to give the NPCs more life? voice acting im not shure if it was just me but there was no voice acting! people that are lazy dont want to read what there saying thay want to hear it.

    So far, who is your favorite Shadowknight? Why?

    Who is your least favorite Shadowknight? Why?

    What did you think of the Order of the Dragon? i would have liked to know how they started because you only talk to them and interact with them when your after the heart.


    We tried to create a curve of action for the quest, did we succeed? i would have liked to have some out door quests. i was thingking when your getting rid of the order of the dragon there boss is being escorted to a new city then you have one powerfull arrow (like the dark brotherhood quest) and you need to hit the boss and only the boss the run away from all the guards.

    Was it a wise Idea to do so?

    Did you enjoy the quest in this mod? yes but i would have liked it to be longer.

    Which Charge did you enjoy most? getting the soules was good.


    Chapter one focused on introducing you to the aspects of RoS. Do you feel it accomplished this? yes we know that the order of the dragon are bad the shadow ppl are good so we have the teams.

    Was the plot line interesting? not realy.

    The plot twist, especially the last one. What did you think of it? Did you expect it? Did you feel the impact of it all? How could we have insured this happen?i stll dont know who killed her!

    Was the quest dark enough? yes all of it was dark but i think you should put a night eye orb in or make night vision masks or something.

    Future Chapters: the killing the boss thing, a player home, night eye orb/mask, companion, more guild halls, order of the dragon castle.

    What would you like to see in future chapters? the killing the boss thing, a player home, night eye orb/mask, companion, more guild halls, order of the dragon castle.

    Namira's Orbs. If you could create one, what would it be and what would it do? night eye orb/mask.

    How could we better cover the spectrum of Good and evil in the future chapters? more guild halls with shadow priests, order of the dragon monks

    What would be a cool quest to have in the future chapters? a shadow horse!