
Glitches, Errors, And Fixes (72 comments)

  1. Drunkslaver
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    umm...can someone help me ive played the game for a few hours now and da'cryon isnt comming to challnge me and start the bloody quest.... is this a bug?
  2. Gravemynd
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    Well, I'm back with an actual issue.
    I've killed the SR and gotten its heart. My map marker tells me to leave the cave and go back to the Haven, but I have no way out of the cave. The rusty iron door that leads out? I have no key for it, I've searched every place in the cave, and nothing. The Order of Dragon guys have a key on them (I think it's third chamber key?) but that doesn't seem to open anything.

    So I no clipped out of the cave, went back to the Haven, talked to mirage, and she told me to go to nimbrinia. Since my map marker still points to mirage, I asked one of the squire guys where nimbrinia was, and the map marker they put down is back in the cave, specifically the upper right corner of the yellowish cavern.

    I do have one older save from when I first entered the cave, but I wanted to know if there is anything I can do before reverting to that.
  3. Gravemynd
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    In response to killan2010: There are currently no voice actors in this mod, so you're mod is working fine.

    Edit: My problems were due to my ignoring the fact I needed to put the BSA into the data folder. Great Mod so far.
  4. killan2010
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    I've just installed the mod but none of the characters have voices, the mod works but when the characters speak all i get is the subtitles, no sound.

    Does anyone know what to do?
  5. Sayannel
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    Same problem here as hypnotiq17: I tried to deactivate the mod and the game crashed every time I tried to launch it. I tried removing the mod completely with OBMR, and the game still refused to reach the main menu. Anyone have an idea as to why this is happening; better yet, anyone know how to fix it? Because i'd like to avoid having to reinstall the game for the fifth time --"
  6. TommygunCZ
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    Im having a problem. When i slayed shadowrunner, his body just dissappeared...it pissed me a bit off, so i stoped playing oblivion (not only because of that), now after 14 days i loaded that game, and i still cant find it, in my quest log i have active quest to take his hearth back to sanctuary, but i dont have that heart, so when i get back there is no option to continue in quest, is there something possible to do i would preffere some cheat...you know that player.additem (shadowrunners heart) etc.

  7. hypnotiq17
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    hello , i have a major problem with the mod, i downloaded this mod. decided to play oblivion and then a strange man came wanted to kill me because i was strong and all that. i didnt even get a quest or anything, i have 189 infamy ( enough to get the quest). i killed the guy with a bow. now ive been trying to remove the mod to reinstall it to see if the quest will come in. but if i remove it, next time i play oblivion if get to a loading screen my game shuts down. sooo i may like to ask for help please thank you
  8. captain_r3d
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    Aright, So during the quest Wish Denied, Sumaria trips and falls... she doesn't get back up on her own so I talk to her. She begins the same dialogue where she asks you to escort her to the fort which is aright I guess, bump on the rocks musta given her amnesia, but then she just stands there. I've tried attacking her, resetting her, I can't find her base ID so I can turn off her essential and kill her. So... do I have to reload from an earlier save? or is there a way to salvage this?

    Thanks! Awesome mod by the way, I would have bothered to post anything if I didn't want to keep playing.
  9. keogy
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    Problem with the mod, After i Join the Shadowknights are hostile. I havent the slightest clue why <img class=">
  10. zARCADEz
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    my issue is after i have collected all the innocent souls, i head back to the shrine and their is blood an weapons ect, but thats it, i picked up all the weapons in hope that would activate a quest update but nothings happened, i also went inside the haven in hope that would activate something but the quest marker just tells me to go outside, help!