About this mod
Blends the Cheydinhal abandoned house in with the surrounding city. Now compatible with Better Cities, Open Cities Classic, & Open Cities Reborn.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
To leave the house abandoned and in shambles invites investigation and vandalism. This simple immersion mod changes the Cheydinhal Abandoned House to Alamo's house. No one can remember the last time they saw him; yet his house remains well-kept, his fireplace lit, and his taxes paid. You may find a few more ambiguous clues about his identity if you become involved with the Dark Brotherhood.
There are a lot of mods that renovate the abandoned house in Cheydinhal into something quite livable, but I wanted a subtle story to show how the sanctuary remains undetected. If a house is not abandoned, it has a resident; and then there must be a reason that the resident is either unaware of or understanding of having a Dark Brotherhood sanctuary is his or her basement.
This is not meant to be a player house, just an immersion/beautification mod. I knew some of you would try to live in it anyway, so I made the containers non-respawning; however, it is as bland and unmemorable as possible, so as not to rouse suspicion.
Objects have been added to and moved in the house, the basement, and the immediate exterior. One load screen had its text changed so that it no longer mentions the Abandoned House, but rather refers to Alamo. The Abandoned House Key has been renamed to Alamo's House Key.
Since the house is owned, you can no longer just waltz in without consequence. Those who are welcome in the sanctuary below may stay and go as they please, however.
This mod was designed to complement my Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary mod; however, the two are completely modular and can be used separately. You can download Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary here.
All meshes have been pyffi'd for best performance, all resources have unique file paths, and all plugins have been cleaned with TES4Edit for best compatibility.
New this version:
- Removed all land edits for easier compatibility with the five other mods using the same land.
- Added plugins to fix a vanilla land texture seam no longer fixed by the Better Abandoned House main plugin (details below).
- Adjusted some exterior objects to compensate for the removal of land edits.
- Re-created the Better Cities, Open Cities Classic, and Open Cities Reborn patches. Load order has changed!
- Optimized the creature's script a little to save some performance.
- Added a tiny present for those who complete the DB quest line (given automatically).
Land texture seam fix:
An ugly land texture seam in Cheydinhal next door to the Abandoned House was previously fixed by this mod, but that is no longer the case since all land edits were removed for compatibility's sake. Therefore, the following plugins have been added, please use only one:
- Landscape fix for users of vanilla cities or Open Cities Classic who are NOT using UL - Cheydinhal Falls.
- Landscape fix for users of vanilla cities who are using UL - Cheydinhal Falls.
- Landscape fix for users of both Open Cities Classic and UL - Cheydinhal Falls.
- Better Cities and Open Cities Reborn do not have this landscape texture seam, and therefore don't need fixing.
These landscape fix plugins are optional. They are not dependent on Better Abandoned House, so you can use them standalone if you wish.
*until you see how many patches there are to wade through, gl.
New this version: Fixed Alamo's AI so he would be more responsive in combat.
Requires the latest official Oblivion patch (
Mod Installation Guide
Mod Troubleshooting Guide
Special thanks to Ismelda & XMarksTheSpot for AWLS & the IllumAnimation tool, which was used to convert this to an AWLS-friendly house.
More special thanks to Demni for testing out the Better Cities patches as I worked on them. That was super helpful!
You may re-use any of this mod's content in your own Oblivion mods, as long as you don't charge money for it, you credit me for my work, and you credit anyone I credited for their work.
You may share this mod freely, as long as you don't charge money for it, and you include my original Readme.
Please enjoy. =)