

  1. TrabberShir
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Newest upload was more than a year after the last post here. Any idea what got updated?

    Will put on my list of mods to investigate further in the meantime.
  2. taepal77
    • member
    • 134 kudos
    Congratulations on the new version released.

    But questions.
    This mode is compatible with U.L?
    1. Tempus707
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Late response...
      I've no idea! I don't use any U.L. but I imagine any package that alters the landscape in the area of this Mod would cause issues.
      (see map)
    2. Tempus707
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Lengthy response...
      Thanks for your question taipal77, it got me thinkin' & checkin'...
      It seems that 3 U.L. Mods converge right at the area of this Mod (Dunharrow) 2 of those U.L. Mods conflict with each other (there is a patch).
      The Dunharrow Mod alters only 5 exterior cells, but all 5 of those cells are altered by 1 or 2 of the U.L. Mods. I could download all 3 U.L Mods & patches, install and create a patch for my Mod. That would work for anyone who also has all 3 U.L Mods installed but not for anyone who only has 1 or 2. Hmmmmm.... Now I remember why I avoid Mods like U.L. & B.C. (they create problems while solving none.)
      Don't get me wrong, I'm all for making the game "look" better and use many texture, water & lighting enhancements as long as they don't cause conflicts.
      There are currently over 200 U.L. Compatibility Patches, "Castle Dunharrow" is not one of them and it's unlikely I will bother to create one!

      The U.L. Mods that WOULD cause conflicts are:
      ANCIENT YEWS : Version 1.4.4 - By Carel de Winter
      ARRIUS CREEK : Version 1.1.4 - By Malachit
      ROLLING HILLS: ROLAND JENSERIC'S FARM : Version 1.3.3 - By Malachit

      See Map Image.

  3. Tempus707
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Well.. I was about to start some Skyrim modding and thought I oughta warm up a bit, so..
    I dug this relic out and played with it a bit, decided to fix some issues that always bothered me.
    I removed that ugly grass that was growing through the entryway and fixed a lot of pathing issues
    interior (minor) and exterior (major). Who knows, maybe I'll spend a week putting the NPCs back in!
  4. Tempus707
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    A very late response!
    Lady Dunharrow is actually my CM companion "Faithwyn" available for DL on this site. She is pictured wearing what I think was:"Rogue Sun's Blood Lust Outfit for Exnem's Eye Candy"
    As far as further updates, I spent many many hours during the summer of 2010 adding NPCs: A Cook, upstairs maid (hot), a jailor , many guards with scripted duties ( they would train, eat, sleep in shifts & had some limited dialogue) then HD crash ruined all my work! <sniff> I may try to pick this project back up but with TES 5 coming out who knows.
  5. mccheez
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    when will lady dunharrow be available???
  6. Vietsean
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The exterior and interior are well done although if you have grass on you can see some of it poke up from under the ground near the front entrance. Another thing is once you open certain containers(chests, barrels, and jewelry boxes) they just stay opened and in some cases the cover just disappears. The water textures for the fish tank could have been done better, but overall this is a really nice castle. 8/10.
  7. JB.
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Very nice mod, looking forwards for updates!
  8. Tempus707
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I've was unable to download a corrupted ver of this file after
    several tries I've also been unable to reproduce any errors extracting or installing this Mod. Never-the-less I've repacked the archive in a newer format ".7z" ( I never liked "RAR" files anyways...) and re-uploaded it. I've also tested a bit with some CM Companions and the NPC pathing is helping alot.
  9. Tempus707
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Ok.. I've had 2 reports of strange error messages when uncompressing this Rar file. For now I've removed it.

    This file is the very same Rar I did my last test install from, everything is fine here. Is this mod working for anyone?
    is anyone else getting warnings and un-deletable files? Could
    the upload process be corrupting the file? Please send feed back! I'd hate my first Mod release in 10 years to get a bad rap!
  10. ginnyfizz
    • premium
    • 123 kudos
    Ahhh....I got some VERY weird error messages about security when trying to extract the files.So I didn't install the mod, unzipped to a separate folder other than OblivionData.Something VERY odd going on!