In vanilla Oblivion there are only 43 different loading screens combined with 278 loading descriptions (however some of these are the same). This mod links each of these original descriptions with different and unique loading screen. Each loading description is connected with matching loading screen (hence \'themed\' in mod\'s name). This mea
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
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In vanilla Oblivion there are only 43 different loading screens combined with 278 loading descriptions (however some of these are the same). This mod links each of these original descriptions with different and unique loading screen. Each loading description is connected with matching loading screen (hence 'themed' in mod's name). This means if you see description about thieves then loading screen shows some thieves as well. If you can read something about magic then loading screen shows some magic (and so on). No original descriptions were altered in this version.
Known Issues: There shouldn't be any. This mod changes only one menu file (loading_menu.xml) thus incompatibility is reduced to minimum (even with any GUI mods as those usually don't change this file at all).
Compatibility: This mod isn't compatible with other Loading Screens replacers. It should be compatible with mods which add new Loading Screens instead of changing original ones.
NOTES: 1. All Loading Screens fit both 4:3 and wide-screen resolutions. 2. Read-Me file contains list of mods that were used to make base screenshots for this mod. 3. You need 7zip ( or WinRAR to extract this archive. 4. To run this mod lower-end PC is recommended because then Loading Screens last longer ;]