Planet of Women

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This user's image description contains 1 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Surenas
    • BANNED
    • 34 kudos
    I feel honoured by your comment and the fantastic idea behind, Aurasoma. Thanks
    However, as one of the people (we're already 1.6 million on TesNex) I know none of these great game artists that make their art from scratch and nevertheless it looks so real... and none of them knows me, probably cos there wasn't yet any image-maker breeding season ^^

  2. Aurasoma
    • premium
    • 76 kudos
    Some one needs to turn your images into in game art work.

    Planet of women, That would be Charlies dream and nightmare if hes got them made at him.
  3. Surenas
    • BANNED
    • 34 kudos
    Thanks for the overwhelming support of my craftwork, friends, I love all y'all
    Here I am, Lautrec and I like these lil innuendos, James, the obvious behind the apparent, to show erotism were there is none, or is it? ^^
    Yes sonk2, it was indeed one of my great moments, oh, how rare they were
    You're indeed a credit to any woman you'd accompany on a vernissage, amnis *froi*
    Warhol? Hahaha - that was a good one, de Tomaso *lol*, although I look a great deal better than Andy in the days of his prime *g*

    Again, thanks folks for having shared the work with me. That gives a very good feeling. *thumbsup*

    And Malachi is finally right - only the quality of the comments decides the maker's fate! And I got the good quality, yeah!

  4. User_726256
    • account closed
    • 104 kudos
    Very, very beautiful : )
  5. DeTomaso
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Wahooo! Annie Warhol is back in town!
  6. amnis
    • premium
    • 272 kudos
    Wow, du solltest mal eine Vernissage mit deinen Werken machen. Ich waere natuerlich sofort dabei... ; )
  7. Walker64
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    Great Banana and pretty character ... well done !!! Hope to read you Anne (angel of music) ... Lautrec
  8. true highlander
    true highlander
    • member
    • 55 kudos
    Oh my, Hannah...so much innuendo, great tunes and forthright comments all at once.

    I think I may need a cold shower though...

    Seriously? Fantastic stuff! Thanks for sharing and being you.


  9. Surenas
    • BANNED
    • 34 kudos
    Thanks a lot Mal & Mercury11

    Well, the banana spot (hopefully it's a commercial one soon *g*) shows an advantage compared to the original from ages ago (still in the gallery) - I've made the shadow of the banana from scratch and now it looks almost real. Dunno why I've ever uploaded the old one ^^

    You're right, Mal. A banana without a beautiful woman that pops up in a spot... umh... that's just half the battle, I guess
    And yes, Mercury, me too knows how a banana has to look... ooh yeah! *g*
    ZZ Top fits here, good sound and a perfect message
  10. Malachi Delacot
    Malachi Delacot
    • premium
    • 224 kudos
    Love them true to life type pictures. Just when you take a shot, some person pops up in it between you and the subject....