We All Make Mistakes Lets Move On

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  1. Myst42
    • premium
    • 538 kudos
    Looks amazing and colorful
    I'm still using that Cinematic thing, but sometimes it gets too pale and greyish, the one thing I'd like in it is more color.

    I'm also curious about your water... what is it?

    That shot reminds me of OBGE Liquid Water... but that one doesnt work with ENBs... Right?
    1. Dazaster
      • premium
      • 408 kudos
      Correct, as far as I'm aware.
      I'm using it's previous version, Improved Water , which works fine, at least with my enb.

      Also, you can add colour to Cinematic by editing enbeffect.fx with notepad.
      Look for saturation in the color tweak section or even the EColorSaturationV2 in the postprocess2 section, and increase either or both a little bit.
  2. naritete
    • member
    • 113 kudos
    Good gif animation