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  1. ShadoxLunik
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    will wait an update for instal and maybe endorse.
  2. Snoopy81S
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    Need to be an update for newer version of game.
  3. megatech2795
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Lol I find it funny how I installed this mod to hover and it more than doubled the minimum speed. now I can't go below 43 u/s. I was 18 u/s before installing this.
  4. Snoopy81S
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    Please, make a revision of this perfect modification for Beyound - Synthesis version.
  5. Fallaut111
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    please update the mod, the mod is just gorgeous!
  6. tamagotchii2003
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hey yall I've updated the mod and tested working with NMS ver 1.76
    1. mikebug
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thank you for this - I took the liberty of changing "Miniwarpspeed" from 20000 to 100000

      Thus giving 5x pulse speed.

      Feel free to add this if you wish...
  7. Garbaron
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Mods broken again with Okt 1st Experimental ... plz fix. :-)
    1. tamagotchii2003
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hover mod now updated to work with NMS ver1.76
  8. Stormbow8821
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Great mod. Stopped working the morning of August 30th, 2018 after NMS updated (late). Apparently I'm -now- playing 1.57, which came out August 17th.
    1. jrbarrio
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      Thanks, just the info I was looking for. Seems like another one off mod that will get thrown into the rubbish. Moving on!
  9. Garbaron
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    This mod stopped working with the NEXT Experimental Branch 24/08 update.

    Hope you can fix it soon as I can't stand the ship moving on its own and not being able to come to a full stop.
    1. sydney666
      • premium
      • 612 kudos
      I second this. All hover mods have been broken.

      In fact, I read on a few places (mainly STEAM and YT videos) HG has put in some stops in their code to stop cheating.

      Save game editors now do not work, many mods that alter game-play have stopped working as well (but I can only confirm a few mods personally). There has also been talk of people noticing some edits in the game to begin putting an end to mods completely but I haven't seen evidence of it.

      At the moment just hovering, save editor and frigate reward mods are broken. If I have frigate reward mod, I literally get NO rewards at all. They also extended the frigate missions from 1-4 hours to being 8 to 30 hours long and made fuel costs X3. If they don't also buff rewards, no point owning a fleet.

      They even nerfed the fast X to transfer items fast to slow down the speed of trading goods and moving items fast via inventories.

      These guys at HG have lost their minds. If they stop the use of mods - I am going to boycott the game. Hopefully it's not going to be the case.
    2. Garbaron
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I think RayRods 20-20 cloud mod is broken too - clouds seem to be back to their vanilla blurryness - looks horrid if you played 70hrs with 20-20 mod. Could also be HG changed the lighting somehow - my home planet feels / looks different now.

      As for mod support - If HG stopps allowing mods this game will die very fast.

      NMS survived this long not only because HG put out patches, but because mods allows players to turn NMS in to what it should be and the community keeping it alive. We SHOULD be able to stop our ships to 0, it should launch and hover not start moving forward - we should not need a mod to do this. Its a starship not an airplane that needs lift by speed. There should be rivers, there should be volcanos and lava rivers, lightning, plasma, fire, what ever storms that darken the sky not 117°c rain and blue skies. Strange Lovecraft and HR Giger creatures not cheetas with wings or rhinos with tube shaped heads. Where are the remains of the civilisations destroyed by the sentinels, ruins or Rome, Maya, Aztecs and Egypt are still here! And so on. HG did a lot but for what the NMS universe is supposed to be it still not enough.
    3. Stitchless
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Cloud mods are likely broken because HG did a fix for some clouds. Save Game Editors are broken because HG did a fix for large save game files (basically they changed readable things like "Version" into crap like "A)>" to try and save filesize. goatfungus has already released a testbuild of his Save Game Editor for the experimental branch, so don't start panicking quite yet.

      As for this mod it just seems that due to a minor change in the file it's missing some new lines towards the bottom to do with speeds/coeffs/blah.

      As I no longer have the 1.57 files to compare to (I don't dream about unpacking the entire game files every update -- it's a bit masochistic ^.^;;), I'm not entirely sure what's new, but I suspect all this mod changed is the minimum speed in a few places from 20 (at least it's 20 in Experimental) to 0.01. I guess I'll give editing those figures a shot and see what happens...

      *EDIT: Here's a fixed file, all I did was edit the 3 "MinSpeeds" to 0.01 and the "SpeedUpVelocityCoeff" to 0. If your ship handles weirdly... then... hmm, I'd blame that on having to change the Coeff, but it'd not go lower than 10u/s without changing it:

      If tamagotchii2003 wants to reupload it to Nexus that's fine. It's just some XML edits after all.
    4. sydney666
      • premium
      • 612 kudos
      I personally don't mod NMS and never go into any file to check. Most of what I heard/read is from streams of the game and on STEAM forums. To be fair, I think a lot of people freaked out (including myself) that they were trying to put a stop to "cheating", but more than likely this isn't the case at all. I edited my original post a little to clarify some things as I posted that with no sleep in 30 hours and I was grumpy as hell with the 3xperimental patch. lol.

      This stuff aside, I still feel some of the edits HG made with the current 3xperimental are poorly designed and untested - especially how they broke loading times (which was improved just the patch before it) and the new inventory system which is not working as intended. In fact on a personal note, I never had an issue with the way the inventory worked before. Now I have to drag everything manually and it's frustrating to say the least.
    5. sydney666
      • premium
      • 612 kudos
      Thanks for the update to the hover mod btw. I have no clue how to mod those files. :P
    6. Garbaron
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Thank you for the fix!

      I hate the way HG implemented this, like I said we should be able to stop our ship dead and it should not move when it lifts form a landing pad. I dont get why HG keeps this feature - almost every Youtuber that came to / back with NEXT wondered why they can't stop the ship from moving. Its the obvious thing to do and HG doesn't get it.

      As for the clouds - depending on the light conditions clouds get a wierd halo / outline that makes them look super pixalated als the overall shaprness has suffered and HG chaged clouds to meer blurr of something in the sky.
    7. BigEx20
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I snipped the changes they made that more or less had to of affected hover mods and ship handling and also updated my hover mod. See imgur pic below.

  10. vimesUK
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Seems to work just fine with the latest 1.54 release.
    Hopefully it will be compatible without causing any issues....?

    Well done with your first mod.
    Great if you can confirm that all is still well with the latest 1.54 update