No Man's Sky
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  1. andrea1981psk112
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    Rendilo compatibile con l'aggiornamento della fondazione, per favore. ^^ Si verifica un crash ogni volta che appare il logo Hello Games quando provo ad iniziare il gioco.  :/
  2. djchris23
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    Make it compatyble with the foundation update pls. ^^ I got crash every time after the Hello Games logo when i try to start my game. :/
  3. Midgefidget
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    I put this file in the same folder as my other mods. I removed all the other mods.
    I start the game and it kicks me back out as soon as I select to start a new game.
    No one else seems to be having this problem. Is there some trick I'm missing?
    1. SpinningCloud
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      Has this even been updated since the new patch?

      I'd love to have this mod but I'm not seeing that it's been updated. Hopefully I'm wrong
  4. Joemarch
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    i have a question about a mod. How likely would it be to add aliens to the game.

    i was thinking about a game where its planetary exploration and then alien hunting or evading. Aliens can abduct you from a planet and you would be stuck in their planet or the planet they put you in and you have to excape it.

    Adding a bunch more of materials and rare materials that happen to be around the universe. As well with more items, that can eventually add up to alien technology. All used in the fight of the aliens and the pursuit.

    This idea could go big. I was starting to think it couldnt happen because noone really gives a fly about no mans sky. Everywhere i go i get loads of hate because of nms. Until i saw that you added more items. How is it possible that we could add buildings spaceships technology and even aliens. Aliens that hunt you too.
  5. MuteButtonHero
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    I gotta ask, where do I find uranium? Since I installed this MOD I've been to a dozen planets, killed hundreds of sentinels (all types), been to manufacturing centers, operations centers, trading posts, and more. I have gained lots of new tech, not not 1 unit of uranium. What am I missing?
    1. monkeyman192
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Which products required uranium? (I also replied to your message on reddit...)
    2. MuteButtonHero
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      Replied on Reddit
    3. MuteButtonHero
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      The issue is with the Laser Stabilizer (material 1) and the Ultra Armor (material 2) . Plus Ultra Armor shows Iron for material 1 AND 3. I just put more info and a pic on Reddit.
  6. ThingInItself
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    This mod is great, it adds more choices for the player on how to use their space. I've enjoyed it a lot, so thanks for making it.

    As far as bug reports go:

    I've had the same issue with Lithium only showing up as 'm' in the trade menu.

    I've gotten Ultra upgrades from shipwreck black boxes and damaged machinery, but not (to my memory) from alien conversations. Another mod I use conflicts with this one (Dismantle Core Tech) and wipes out blueprint knowledge and the actual upgrades whenever I enable it (pretty much when I get a new ship), so I've had to reacquire the technologies a few times and can definitely confirm that it happens with some frequency. They do seem rarer than most other techs. though. If it's of interest to you, the actual new materials (Steel, Graphene, AI Cores) in the mod stay without issue.

    So far the only new tech I've found that lists Uranium as a requirement is the Laser Stabiliser, but I haven't found all the blueprints yet, so there may be others. Also, the Ultra Armor lists 100 Iron, 100 Carbon, and 100 Iron to build it; the repeated Iron requirement I'm guessing is a bug.
  7. Phabin
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    For this post I'm using v1.09 of NMS and a slighty modified v1.1 of your mod.
    First off I'm quite enjoying this mod and would like to say thanks for making it. Second the slightly modified part mentioned above was unpacking the mod, changing the icon textures, and then repacking it (I'm using DeckyDoodles' Better Icon textures so I changed the icons in this mod to match that style).

    Gameplay Report and Questions
    1) You asked for reports if we received Ultra Techs from a source other than the monitors and I have. I did use a Q-chip on a monitor to unlock the ultra running technology, but later on I unlocked the launcher booster ultra as a reward from alien conversation, and ultra armour from correct monolith choice. Screens here:

    2a) Lithium is screwed up in my game, first time I saw it the item name was just 'm'. I only knew it was lithium because of the little title above the icon. 2b) Is lithium used for anything? (No screenshot at this time).

    3) How is the Vortex Cube Container Technology supposed to work? Since the description for the technology says it's meant to be broken down immediately I assume it was meant to take advantage of the stacking glitch. v1.09 of NMS removed that glitch so the function of this technology is broken unless I'm supposed to use it some other way that I haven't figured out.

    Texture Question and Comments
    4) Did Steel already exist in the gamedata of NMS and you just activated it? When I unpacked your mod to change the icons I couldn't find an icon for it leading me to believe the icon is already in the game.

    5) When I google image searched for graphene for a bit of reference when changing the icon I had a good chuckle when I saw that the icon you used comes from the very first image in the search results. It must be a good choice though as farther down in the results is an image that looks like it could be from a power point presentation that uses that same image.
    1. monkeyman192
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Thanks for this!
      Ok, I will have to have a look into that.
      Lithium is there from when I was testing, I was planning on using it and I will implement it later when I modify some biomes to give more different elements. I thought there was no way of getting it. How did you receive it?
      The vortex cube was meant to work as you said, but I removed it (or at least I thought I did) due to that update. I will totally remove all the data for it in the next update, but that won't be for maybe 2 more weeks unfortunately...
      Yes, it did. It is in the same location as other products in the games files.
      Yeah, I was lazy, I will have better icon images coming in the next update thanks to some great graphics skills by Virakotxa on discord.
    2. Phabin
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      I've only found Lithium in the market and from traders, I haven't actually bought any yet though since I hadn't found a use for it. It's not super rare, but I only seem to see it about once every 5 or so markets I look in. It's also been interesting because it's name keeps changing. The very first time i saw Lithium its name was just 'm'. The other day when I took the screenshots of unlocking the ultra techs it's name was something along the lines of 'mOD_NAME' whereas todays screenshot shows it being 'mUT[]3_NAME'

      The other screenshot just shows that I can make the VCSU and waste the resources lol. Actually if there was a way you could make the construction cost be like 5 or 10 vortex cubes and then when you go to break it down be able to get 100% refund on the cubes (maybe still only 50% on the titanium).

      Or better yet, make a new product, rather than technology, that costs 5-10 vortex cubes (or any of those rarer items) and 250 Titanium and set the base value of that product at 5-10x that of the vortex cube (or other rare items). Then you are essentially item stacking by putting 5-10 of said item into a titanium box that only takes 1 inventory slot.
  8. teknomedic
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    thanks for this.can't wait until you add more ultra techs

    request... since you've made a quantum override chip thing.... are you able to make a "universal" hacking pad or computer thing? an infinite use item that would replace bypass chips as well as V1, V2, and V3 atlas passes?

    that way I could stop needing to manufacture bypass chips and using 3 or 4 inventory slots for the chips and passes..... unless i misunderstood and your quantum override already does this.

    Maybe the building requirements are something like 10 bypass chips, v1, v2 and v3 atlas passes along with your quantum override chip and a few resources to create the Quantum Hacking Computer...or whatever... a device that can open any door, container, or computer. ha.

    edit... another thought. Any chance of a 5th tech tier to completely replace (instead of attach to) core techs?

    I'll use shields as an example...
    so upgrade path would be...
    shields + v1, v2, v3 to...
    shields + v4 to...
    Quantum Shields

    Quantum shields would simply include all previous upgrade bonuses.. and maybe a little bit more, yet only take up one slot.again maybe the build requirements needed are having all previous upgrades in inventory first plus some hefty resource requirements?

    as an fyi... currently the game crashes if you remove the core shield tech while inside or upon entering a ship without them. Unsure if having a total shield replacement would cause this too.reference is the "dismantle core tech" mod
    1. monkeyman192
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      • 12 kudos
      Yeah, I think that will be the future aim for the override chip. Maybe I'll make a lower tier one. I wanted the Quantum override chip to be very powerful but hard to make, so if you hack something with it you will get a good reward (in this case, ultra tech). Could make something lower that is just like a single atlas pass to open all those doors. I will look into it

      Ultra tech is meant to replace the previous technologies (the launcher booster is a good example, because if you install all 4 you will actually gain fuel when you take off!)

      I am planning on making some kind of ultimate armour to protect against all the elements. It is still in the works
      I don't think that mod and mine are compatible. I was going to integrate it into this mod however as it is just changing a few True -> False values, so I will look into that also
    2. teknomedic
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      I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say about the upgrading path... or I'm misunderstanding you, ha.

      I don't want to install all 4 upgrades and I don't want to stop at installing (Coretech)+(ultratech)

      Ultimately what I want is to get down to just ONE inventory space being used.

      I'll use the jetpack this time.... so the game starts and you have the jetpack then you can find the upgrade blueprints for v1, v2 and v3 of the jetpack. So then I'd have installed (jetpack)+(v1)+(v2)+(v3). Now I find or use your blueprint for (v4 ultratech) of the jetpack, but that blueprint requires (v1, v2, v3 AND extra resources) to construct so after making your (v4 ultratech) upgrade... I now have the following equipped (Jetpack)+(v4 ultratech) since your blueprint used up the (v1), (v2) and (v3) upgrades to construct.

      Now that I have (Jetpack)+(v4 ultratech) installed... I can now find or use your (Quantum Jetpack) blueprint because that requires (Jetpack, v4 ultratech AND even more resources) to contruct. In the end I now have (Quantum Jetpack) installed without needing any more upgrades.

      Power progession would be
      (jetpack) --normal--
      (jetpack + v1, v2, v3) --stronger--
      (jetpack + v4 ultratech) --stronger still--
      (quantum jetpack) --strongest and only using one inventory slot--

      Not sure if it's doable or if you don't like the idea anyway, but my ultimate goal is to be only using one inventory slot for each coretech (jetpack, shields, phase beam, etc), but still get all the bonuses.

      I mentioned the shields before due to the "dismantle core tech" bug with CTD in a ship without shields in case removing shields with "quantum shields" would invoke that issue.

      Also, if you're looking into making your own version of the "dismantle core tech" please check into also adding the ability to move the core techs around too.

      Of course name doesn't have to use "quantum" lol... you can call them whatever you want. Hopefully I made more sense.
    3. monkeyman192
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      so if I understand you correctly you effectively want something so that it replaces the actual jetpack tech in your inventory with a far superior version that has all the upgraded stats? As opposed to the base jetpack and the ultra tech? (so 1 icon for most powerful jetpack, not 2?)
      I think that would be possible

      I think the moving ability is achieved through NMSE, but if you can disassemble and reassemble wherever you want, that is basically the same thing right (just a little more costly...)
  9. PattyCakeChamp03
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    One quick thing I noticed while playing: When I try to use the quantum chip on a shelter computer screen I get a "inventory full" notification, and I've tried using it with up to 20 slots free in my inventory (literally just my suit techs, atlas pass v3 and the chip.) Bug by chance? I've tried at a few terminals now.
    1. monkeyman192
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      hmmm, interesting... What version of the game are you running, and did you already have both ultra tech blueprints?
      Also, what happens if you interact with the door debris that gives you steel, does that still work or do you get the same message?
    2. PattyCakeChamp03
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      I believe im still on 1.03? I didnt update yet because i read somewhere it fixed the item stacking of things like gravitino balls etc and i was using ship salvaging to make money while upgrading my ship/inven to 48 slots. Last night I did obtain the ultra armor and ultra launcher from aliens. I also tried to salvage door steel (I hadnt tried since i had a stack of steel saved from the earlier version of your mod) and had same issue. Guessing updating to latest version will probably fix.
    3. teknomedic
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      Update the game and use this...

      I'm running v1.09 with this mod and it works great. The only downside is that if you have more than the default amount and you transfer from backpack to ship or ship to backpack the game will put those into the default size chunks... but it's a simple to deal with that. Read the description and setup your game how you see fit.
  10. DudeOTron2012
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    Great idea for a mod I have some ideas that would add some variation

    Boltcaster - Sniper - Single more powerful shot reduced mag size

    Boltcaster - Explosive Projectiles - Bolts do explosive damage and can be used damage terrain

    Plasma Launcher - Auto - Quicker fire larger mag size smaller blast radius lower damage

    Plasma Launcher - Airburst v1 to v3 - Grenades explode mid air after a short to medium distance

    Plasma Launcher - Cluster Launcher - Multiple projectiles lower individual damage per projectile lower radius per projectile projectiles spread out over larger area

    Pulse Engine - High Speed v1 to v3 - High speed but no increase in manoeuvrability

    Pulse Engine - High Manoeuvrability v1 to v3 - High manoeuvrability but no speed increase

    Photon Cannon - Single Shot - Single much more powerful longer ranged shot overheats much more quickly

    Photon Cannon - Torpedoes - Homing shot very long range high damage slow speed overheats very quickly

    Photon Cannon - Flak - Single spreadshot multiple projectiles lower range overheats quickly

    Please could you let me know if you think that this would be possible and also what you think of my ideas?
    1. monkeyman192
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      cool ideas. I think some are possible, others are not. Will have to work through and see...
      There is already a torpedo mod somewhere I think on here...
      Also, fun fact; I think there is a 'clusterbomb' setting for the multitool, but adding it makes the grenades just not destroy terrain lol. Didn't do anything proper unfortunately...
    2. DudeOTron2012
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      Thanks I'm glad you like my ideas.

      I was hoping there was going to be a mod like yours to add new stuff to the game.

      Perhaps instead of the cluster Launcher upgrade maybe a really long range Plasma Launcher upgrade something like a rocket launcher?