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NooBzPoWaH - Backing vocals by Babscoole

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About this mod

Sets Mission Timers for Base Computer,, Living Ship and the Scientist from your Base to zero. Greatly decreases Fleet Expeditions time to less insane values and several Settlement Timer Reductions.

Compatible with NMS "AQUARIUS" v.5.12 (Steam's build 15728657).

Permissions and credits
Here's a cheaty little Mod for you all impatient players !

It sets Mission Timer for Base Computer and Living Ship to Zero (minutes/seconds).

It also Greatly Decreases Fleet Expeditions Time to Less Insane values.

Added several Settlement Timer Reductions to v.3.63.

Added Timer Reductions for the Scientist from your Base to Zero (minutes/seconds) to v.5.05

Several variations to choose from.


Compatibility : 

Compatible with NMS "AQUARIUS" v.5.12
( Steam's Build 15728657 ).

3xperimental branch is not supported !

Modified Files :

Main Mod

"Mission Timer Redux"
(For Base Computer, Living Ship,
Fleet Expeditions, Scientist & Settlement Timer Reductions)



Optional Variations

"Mission Timer Redux BCLS"
(Only for Base Computer and Living Ship)


"Mission Timer Redux Fleet"
(Only for Fleet Expeditions)


"Mission Timer Redux Scientist"
(Only for the Scientist from your Base)


"Mission Timer Redux Settlement"
(Only for Settlement Timer Reductions)


"Merged MTR-LMF"
(Merged "Mission Timer Redux" with "Legit Max Frigates")
(Since they're both modifying "GCFLEETGLOBALS.GLOBAL.MBIN")




Thanks to Babscoole some .lua files (script) are provided with every variations.
So you can merge this Mod with any other one modifying any of the same files,
or update it yourself with "AMUMSS" if i'm not around to do it.

Thanks also to PuffedSmoke for providing the Settlement Timer Reduction lua code,
which debuted with version 3.63.

To merge Mods with "AMUMSS" it's real easy !

First of all install/update your .NET to the latest 6.0 Desktop :
(at the time i'm writing this it's ".NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.33")

You would have to choose a lua file from the Mod you'd want to merge and one from MTR,
put them both in the "ModScript" AMUMSS' folder, run "BUILDMOD.bat", answer Y(es) to the first 2 questions
and whatever you want for the last ones, then get the pak file in "CreatedModPAKs",
to use instead of the ones coming from our two Mods
(that can be renamed to whatever).

For more details or updated ones check out "How to use AMUMSS".

That merge needs to be done again every time a Mod is updating !

Updating the Mod (in case i'm not around to do so)
is the same process as above with only one of our .lua file instead of two or more.


Installation Instructions :

Manually :

Put the "_MOD_....pak" file which is inside the archive (.zip) you choose in your
InstallPath\No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS\MODS folder.

If that doesn't exist, create it ("MODS" not Mods or mods or whatever,
as it's case sensitive and uppercase is the rule).


Via Vortex (Nexus new Mod Manager) :

Just click on the "Mod Manager Download" button.

In any case:

Delete, remove or rename the file DISABLEMODS.txt from the PCBANKS folder
(also watch out for big updates since HG often add one back then).


Uninstallation :

Such a nasty thing to do...
Delete the "_MOD_....pak" from your MODS folder, or
Disable/Uninstall and Remove it via Vortex.
That's it. Bye Bye ! ;)


Thanks to monkeyman192 for keeping updating his great tool "MBINCompiler".
Thanks to all members of the No Man's Sky Modding Discord Channel for their kind help and insight.
Big shout out to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/users/62067056]Babscoole for providing some of the .lua files.