No Man's Sky
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  1. MarcusInVR
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Extracted the game, and found GCSOLARGENERATIONGLOBALS to still be in the game, including the parameters mentioned by Phantomhate below. So it is possible to update the mod. Since the values are floats from 0.0 to 1.0, the spawn chance can be changed to different values to produce heavier or less inhabited galaxies. Of course, completely empty galaxies are still possible.

    I will see what I can do... Echoes is coming out so I will wait until then to upload something.
  2. JGyro
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Unfortunately, This mod doesn't work since the update on April 13, 2022. :(
  3. nexusnookie
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Is it possible to make virtually all planets completely lifeless IE: no equipment/ships/buildings or plants or animals:  just minerals.

    One of the reasons I uninstalled NMS was the jarring all planets pre-explored (safe locator device) and almost all planets with complex life.

    I could live with moss or algae, but planets with actual complex life should be as rare as current science seems to indicate.

    Kind regards,
  4. deleted42202115
    • account closed
    • 67 kudos
    GSolar - Uncharted or Abandoned Systems can be altered to replace this mod here.
    WARNING: These changes will change your saved game!
    This will make all systems Uncharted.
    Read here about Uncharted -

        {["PRECEDING_KEY_WORDS"] = {"AbandonedSystemProbability"},
        ["VALUE_CHANGE_TABLE"] = {
            {"Yellow", 0},       
            {"Green", 0},
            {"Blue", 0},
            {"Red", 0}
        {["PRECEDING_KEY_WORDS"] = {"EmptySystemProbability"},
        ["VALUE_CHANGE_TABLE"] = {
            {"Yellow", 1},       
            {"Green", 1},
            {"Blue", 1},
            {"Red", 1}
  5. Wyano
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Your mod is awesome in my opinion, the game should be like that from the begining, NO RACE is able to conquer the entire galaxy, that make no sense, and more important, the feeling of exploration is 100% broken when you ALWAYS look around the see any inteligent life remains... it is really boring! :(
    Please update mod, don't underestimate this mod importance! 
    1. deleted42202115
      • account closed
      • 67 kudos
      I read initially NMS had all systems occupied then later added Uncharted Systems to the game and removed inhabitants from some systems. . I would imagine the best way to have empty systems it to mod the variable that chooses chance of Uncharted System to only choose Uncharted ones. I am new to NMS and do not have that knowledge. The more complicated solution would be to use many mods like "remove cargo drops" and maybe mod some mods like "less NPC ships" to remove all NPC ships. You would need to do word stones, buried tech, and stations so I think it is too much. Maybe one of us will take the time to learn, extract the data, and change it to give only Uncharted. People that think this is foolish have no idea how many of us like it but I bet if you asked one of the serious NMS modders here to try and make that variable I bet you would have it in a day.

      EDIT: Found a solution. I will make a fresh post.
  6. likmereet
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Funny, I am not planning to using this mod because I like the 'company', my main goal in this game is actually figuring out what the most lively place in the galaxy is and after finding different player settlements, choosing one I like to settle there.

    That said I do like what this mod is offering for people who dig your vision of the game, realistically speaking space is an empty place so this only makes sense in the end.

    I hope you will share more work in the future :)
  7. RochelleNight
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    • 1 kudos
    In my opinion (to taste colors and flavors), it sucks the direction this game is going. From a space exploration and survival video game, to a mere guided casual; Any adventure must be like a mission, totally optional and not compulsory, and please, that the buildable objects are for more than decoration (it can be, include personal needs such as the sims and other games, hunger, hydration, hygiene , social, bladder, etc. beyond the suit and the spaceship; Specialization with a basic? Not all travelers are the same and can do the same. Why not start a colony and not a base - for me, aka, "space gas station" - with its people etc.?) and fill youtubers videos with ultra graphics (yes, optimization is something mandatory and necessary that seems increasingly neglected).For all that rubbish, to understand how it works, you already have the guide option in the options and other games. That a mod game like Starbound (in the community it is known as "Good Abandonware"), even Rimworld offers that instead of this (I love the latter, it even has those graphics)...

    And for when simply gravity system (each planet have their gravity pressure), female bodies, voices ... and minimally customizable human faces (doesn't need to be the sims, a thing same old RPG will work good) visible behind the glass of the astronaut helmet? You can be a horrible looking alien (yes, I DON'T LIKE ANYONE; horrible, I mean almost nobody would use and not that they are ugly, I would use a Predator or Alien, even some from another movie, series or video game, but those of Hello Games ...), but not a human person.

    For all, this Mod is a "must have" for those who, like us, do not like ordinary mortals and are looking for something more.

    For the creator of this Mod and his fans (please make it work in the latest versions ... Feels sad when the mod community makes the game better, instead of the paid developers), some nice accessories to make the experience more complete and that are available in this community:
    > "Fast Start - No Tutorial - Random Ship and Multitool (Harder)" by HauntedKobra.
    > "No-nagging (aka, remove the blue stupid-I'm stupid and didn't read the guides-quest popups)" by Barberetti.
    > The classic "Black Space (option without nebula, so "the nights are darker and harbor horrors" :-) )" by Lo2k in combination with his "Asteroid Fields" (the latter was implemented in this mod, I think).
    > For more atmosphere, from Degraaaff we have "Natural Nights" and "Brighter Sunlight" (which are fantastic alongside Black Space).
    > Icecub's "_ LightFix" makes some lamps (he says it will take time to fix all of them) actually serve as true lighting. A "must have" if you have Black Space and Natural Nights.
    > It is assumed that with the absence of space stations and "gas stations" on each planet (it is something I hate, it loses the grace to explore the cosmos ... It seems that everything is already taken over by some McDonalds type company) in this mod, no it is necessary, but just in case. "Random AI Ship Flyovers Disabled" by GhengopelALPHA, you only see ships in the sky near stations and these disgusting space gas stations.
    > Another Mod that improves things is Better Planet Generation by WoodyMontana, which is compatible with all of the above. He's having trouble getting it to work though, as again the new Halloween update smashed the terrain generator (planets are back to endless hilly plains); the alternative is "Project Valkyrie" by Ramster, but it is not compatible with some mods, although the author says that he will release versions in modules to make them compatible.

    We only need this Mod to work, and add some mission that removes the default, configurable, type "Space Opera" back to home (Earth/the home planet or Space Station house of our character, I do not know if there will be a way to achieve it, that by the way, obtaining resources is incredibly scarce and realistic; the latter is still easy to do, the former not being the same) ... And visitable asteroids from which to obtain resources, asteroid ships, gas giants (it could be achieved by taking the normal generator of oceanic planets, replacing the water and the bottom with some kind of texture or gaseous object, insta-death in the depths; No flora, and fauna... Take these vanilla alien-animal that levitating and fly).

    Thank you very much for your Mod, ah, a suggestion for the next one, a "Dead Space" version, but with a predominance of extreme and dead planets (rare habitable ones, yes, hardcore mode, if you put it in Permadeath ...: - )) and a single space station in the entire galaxy, located only in the system from where you start your space journey (or/and in the end of travel? Like the center of galaxy?). I don't know if that will be possible to do... Sorry for that.
  8. DarkLordAinsley
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please Update
    1. brenton1214
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'll see what I can do.
      You'll know when it's finished.
  9. P210dash6
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The few, the proud, the Empty Galaxy Travelers!

    Some more feedback for you brenton1214. I started a new game (used Camus' "Quick Start") with the Lo2K asteroid field option and space is very nice now, thank you.

    Now here is what you could do to take this mod to the next level for us Empty Galaxy Travelers who have played the game numerous times:

    How about COMPLETELY removing the main quest lines? No Artemis, no Atlas, no etc. Been there, done that. No annoying quest reminders on the bottom right of the screen destroying immersion. Just start on a planet with the crashed ship and be left alone by the game developers.

    The mod "Quick Start" by Camus makes an attempt at this in early game play. It makes the intro tutorial missons more bearable. But it would be a whole new game if this was taken a step further with all the quests removed (or disabled) and then be faced with a crashed ship and an Empty Galaxy.

    Let us know what you think about doing something like this.
    1. brenton1214
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I love it and nowwww...
      I'm all over it!

      Hope to have something to share soon.

    2. brenton1214
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Working version combining other user mods as well as some personal tweaks.
      Will release sometime late this evening PST as I'll have to type out the copy and credits for the other authors.

      Hang tight!
    3. P210dash6
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I asked the creator of the "Quick Start" mod to do a version that nukes the main quests. I tried it and it works but the Save Game Editor can't open the save files. So we wouldn't be able to add any quest items like gliphs using the editor.

      I would think at a minimum it would be nice to have one portal per system (and access to gliphs), or a way to generate a portal using map data, just in case we ever want to visit another system in the galaxy that others have found cool stuff at.
    4. brenton1214
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Ahh that is a problem.

      Not sure this would be worth releasing then otherwise, I'll leave that up to you.
    5. P210dash6
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I got it to work by saving, then removing the Quick Start mod, then resaving. I can now edit the save game. I am going to continue this new game up to a point where I have the things I need from the quests but cannot obtain without a little editing and searching the currently populated galaxy. Then, when I'm all set I will re-enable this mod to give me an Empty Galaxy without any of the main quests. It is such a liberating feeling!
  10. SPilot
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Lol of course the one option I would love is but not available is: EG LITE Young Galaxy with Asteroid Fields. Ah well...
    1. P210dash6
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I bet we'll get this option as well. The creator seems very responsive to requests. I am using the EG with asteroid fields and it is very nice. But I too would like to see a EG Lite version with L02k's asteroid fields.

      Great work brenton1214, endorsed!
    2. brenton1214
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      As mentioned, I'm always open to any and all requests for improvements or variations so never shrug your shoulders in that regard, I'm sure many other community modders share the same sentiment.

      As a result:

      Your wish is my command!

      Thank you for your feedback and enjoy your now more tailored mod!
    3. SPilot
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You are the best!!! Thank you.