No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky has an active modding community.
New mods are developped and enhanced every day and a lot of players are using mods to enhance their game experience.

But after each game update, you probably noticed that some mods don't work anymore. And merging them often fail too.
Sometimes it is barely visible and only a few days later, mods start to be updated again. And sometimes it lasts longer, several days during which you just can't play with mods anymore.

The reason is simple : a new game update means file changes, and to work, mods must update files very precisely.
If there's a single error, a mod could fail to load, but most probably will load and edit something else than expected, causing a lot of in-game issues.

To be able to edit the game files precisely, modders need to know what are the values in each file, and for that, No Man's Sky modding community relies on a tool named MBINCompiler.
To simplify, imagine that game files are lists of values like "1, true, black, 5.33...". Just values. Tens or hundreds of thousands of them !
Now MBINCompiler will add a label to each of them : "Number of capital ship per fleet : 1, Enable storms on planets : true, Alternative building color : black, pourcentage of agressive creatures : 5.33%..."
Now everything is understandable.
Modders can point exactly again the variable they pointed before in their mods.
They can update existing mods and create new ones again.

What you have to know is that MBinCompiler is mainly developped by one person, helped by a few others. As all of us, he can be sick, he can be tired, he can be on vacation, he also have a life and a work. He built processing tools to help him updating MBINCompiler but it still needs some manual work to map the hundred of thousands of values present in the game file.

So now you understand why mods are not updated immediately after each update : It's because MBINCompiler needs to be updated and it takes some time.

You might see some mods being updated or created anyway, because some files didn't change and can still be modded. A very few modders also know the approximate place of their variables. So they seek them again manualy in the new files and update their mods accordingly, but they are a minority. And this can only be done on very simple mods. It's just impossible to seek each and every variables of big mods editing thousands of values like mods changing every building parts for example.

That's the reason why after each update, it needs some time before the modding community could be working again, but you can be sure that ultimately, as soon as they could, they will update all the mods you love and used before, to keep enjoying at its best this great game we all share.

I hope this note will make sense each time a game update will brake mods.

Thanks for your attention and have a nice time playing No Man's Sky.

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