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  1. NomNom1712
    • premium
    • 38 kudos
    Important notice about providing support

    Due to how busy I am, I have temporarily limited support to just my Discord Server. Therefore, if you need support from me, join the Discord Server and submit your support request under the "🚨︱support-and-remaster-suggestions" forum. I will, or someone, will
    try to help you whenever possible.
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Any reason the atracts weren't included, I love those?
    And where do I place all these files from that HEVC codec folder?
    I have the latest VLC installed, it claims to have this codec coming with it, is that enough?

    EDIT: ADHD life baby, I asked this question here and discovered 3 minutes later that I had to unpack the appx file instead of clicking on it while it's in the .7z file.

    Anyway, If windows gives other uses trouble you could use this guide:

    Powershell seems the easiest way after regular installation.
    1. D4nt3Soul
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you very much, it happened the same to me with the appx file and I was confused about what to do with those files too xD
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      It's worth it, nice to know this helped someone :D
    3. NomNom1712
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Oops, I just saw this now.

      Regarding the attracts, I don't think anyone wanted to watch them, so I left them out to save time.
  3. LunaticNM
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    I just want to clarify to any AMD Users:

    AV1 !!! DECODING !!! is supported on all RX 6000 and 7000 Series GPU's (Except the 6500 XT).

    Information about this can be found here:
    Just scroll a bit to the right, and tick the top-box for av1 decode, and you'll get a list of GPU's that support it.
    All that isn't supported until the 7000 Series is AV1 ENCODING, which should not be required for 99% of users anyway.

    Edit: This should maybe be changed on the "Files" Tab for any users, it is saying it requires the 7000 Series, which is wrong.
  4. DorrajD
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    I think it's an overall improvement but they look over-sharpened and the motion interpolation has the usual artifacting. I'd say if you've already played the game and just wanna spiff up the prerendered cutscenes this is worth it.
  5. Ridog8
    • premium
    • 91 kudos
    This mod is fantastic. Is it possible you will do one for Automata?
    1. NomNom1712
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Automata uses USM [CriWare 2], which I still have no idea how to extract and package videos to USM, therefore, I won't be unless I find the right tools for the job.
  6. DempseyRoll
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for the FMVs. Had some issues earlier but found out what the issue was. 
  7. zhiipezo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Seeing how noone mentioned anything so far, I guess it COULD be only me, but I'm like 96% certain it breaks the game at some cutscenes - the pre-rendered ones, I believe?
    The game just hangs as it tries to load them (I guess; black screen, nothing to do). And you are effed. Through my first playthrough I encountered it thrice (and no matter how many times I tried), quite infuriatingly all of them after some long-ass events, one being at the very end of Act I, after choosing petrify.

    The only other mod I have is Flawless Reshade - hence me being only 96%. I honestly can't see how that could be the culprit, but lucky for me, its preset-changer's log ('Home' key) actually pointed me in the right direction so I wouldn't go nuts - there was an error at the time of the hang, with it mentioning 4k dimensions for some things loaded (should've made some screenshots). So I eventually put back all the original .arc files (all, because of not knowing which had the cutscene in question) and yep, managed to get through then.
    I'm in Route B now, so when I get to the second video that crashes things, I guess I'll troubleshoot a little (I'll get rid of the Flawless files for the time being there, for one). Dunno if there are any other problematic scenes among routes B to E's new ones - hope not.

    Anyhoo, just an FYI and a heads up for anyone maybe in the same shoes.

    Thanks by the way, the cutscenes look and flow much better otherwise! orz
    1. NomNom1712
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      That's very odd. EVPointMaster (who tested all of the FMVs for me) did not had any issues with any of the FMVs. So, I am not really sure what has went wrong.
    2. xxblamxx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You're not the only one this happened to. But, I also had trouble with the base game files, too. Eventually found a post on Reddit that had me download some codecs among other things. I don't know which solution fixed it, but it did. I tried to use these cutscenes again but it didn't work still. I was using the HEVC ones, but I had to swap back to the base game ones to finally get it to work. Maybe the AV1 ones will work. I've since completed the game so it'll be a while before I'm replaying it to try. Not a pirated copy btw, Steam copy.
    3. zhiipezo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well... Just found the fourth... Damn.

      And yep, at the very-very-veeeery (probs) end of Route-E (naturally...).
      Right after defeating "Hook" "somewhere". Looked to me like the finalfinalfinal boss, too... xD
      Kinda cruel since this probably is the longest series of events which you have do without being able to save; by far. Almost at the brink of tears after a good 3 hours listening to and doing everything in this last sequence, on...hard... so prolonged fights, and keyboard almost smashed, too...

      Using the HEVC ones. Base game files worked without any problems (so just switching them back resolved the issue; I think it's enough to switch them back right before the cutscene with the issue would play, as per my tests, and switch them back out right after - but don't quote me on that; also the 'Now Loading' in the bottom-right of the screen might factor in to when's too late already or not )

      Gonna try the AV-1 ones too for giggles, though (hope my GPU RX6600 can handle it).

      Cheers for Route-E only saves, too btw. I get back my Route A-D ones, with which I could muuuuch easier troubleshoot, I would have to actually complete E? Ohhh, sweet irony. xD
      Think I'll grab some saves from here.

      This is the error that dxdiag.log shows (from Flawless Reshade, which attaches a dxdiag.dll; also I tested it and Flawless wasn't the culprit),
      (EDIT: damn, can't attach screenshot image from own PC, so text...)
      at the time of death...

      21:55:22:961 [19860] | WARN  | ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D failed with error code E_INVALIDARG.
      21:55:22:977 [19860] | INFO  | > Dumping description:
      21:55:22:978 [19860] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
      21:55:22:979 [19860] | INFO  |   | Width                                   | 3840                                    |
      21:55:22:981 [19860] | INFO  |   | Height                                  | 2160                                    |
      21:55:22:981 [19860] | INFO  |   | MipLevels                               | 1                                       |
      21:55:22:981 [19860] | INFO  |   | ArraySize                               | 1                                       |
      21:55:22:982 [19860] | INFO  |   | Format                                  | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:984 [19860] | INFO  |   | SampleCount                             | 1                                       |
      21:55:22:985 [19860] | INFO  |   | SampleQuality                           | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:985 [19860] | INFO  |   | Usage                                   | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:986 [19860] | INFO  |   | BindFlags                               | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:987 [19860] | INFO  |   | CPUAccessFlags                          | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:987 [19860] | INFO  |   | MiscFlags                               | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:990 [19860] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
      21:55:22:990 [19860] | WARN  | ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D failed with error code E_INVALIDARG.
      21:55:22:992 [19860] | INFO  | > Dumping description:
      21:55:22:992 [19860] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
      21:55:22:992 [19860] | INFO  |   | Width                                   | 3840                                    |
      21:55:22:992 [19860] | INFO  |   | Height                                  | 2160                                    |
      21:55:22:993 [19860] | INFO  |   | MipLevels                               | 1                                       |
      21:55:22:993 [19860] | INFO  |   | ArraySize                               | 1                                       |
      21:55:22:993 [19860] | INFO  |   | Format                                  | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:993 [19860] | INFO  |   | SampleCount                             | 1                                       |
      21:55:22:995 [19860] | INFO  |   | SampleQuality                           | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:995 [19860] | INFO  |   | Usage                                   | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:995 [19860] | INFO  |   | BindFlags                               | 0x20                                    |
      21:55:22:996 [19860] | INFO  |   | CPUAccessFlags                          | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:997 [19860] | INFO  |   | MiscFlags                               | 0                                       |
      21:55:22:999 [19860] | INFO  |   +-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+

      So, erm, I hope it's not something like...because the monitor is only FHD...That would make me...also petrified. lol
      ...oh that I have actually typed this...Goddamn...*insert random Kainé swear sentence*

      Anyhoo, in need of a much-needed break now.

      Will report back.
    4. Jomama2222
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm dumb lol
    5. NomNom1712
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Thanks for info so far. Can you guys give me more info:

      1. Except for Flawless Reshade, are you using anything else, specifically anything that injects into the game?
      2. Do you know if this bug happens on FMVs or on just a select few?
      3. Have you set your resolution aspect ratio higher than 16:9?
      4. What screen resolution have you set in-game?
      5. If, you are using something (from Q1), have you tried playing back the videos in-game, without any modifications?

      From what I have been told - 21:55:22:961 [19860] | WARN  | ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D failed with error code E_INVALIDARG. basically means the game is unable to create an DirectX Texture to render the video on, then it dumps the video info below. So, either way, something is very wrong.

      I may temporary suspend users from downloading the FMVs until an update is pushed out (if possible).
    6. Jomama2222
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am dumb and didn't realize I didn't have windows' av1 extension installed. Once I did that, av1 worked without an issue.

      This is with the aforementioned mods (sk high fps and 3d migoto ultrawide/ui/Taa fixes). I play at 32:9 (5120x1440) with a 4090.

      I'll delete my previous post. BTW the FMV's look fantastic!

      I would say to the original OP that it's possible they may need to install windows hvec extension. It's $.99 for the store (which is a joke) so you can try the free one here if your gpu supports it:
    7. zhiipezo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Checked the AV-1 files, absolutely the same unfortunately.

      Regarding your questions:

      1) Nope, nothing else. With or without Flawless: vanilla files, vanilla .arc movie packs -> cutscenes in question work as intended,
      2) I am not sure I completely understand the question, but there are exactly four videos that softlock the game the way I have described. Incidentally, one of them is the one you have in the '- Overview -' banner on the mod's description tag (or maybe, if they are separate, the 47-second clip of "BOOM" before that); another being the one showing up in your '- Credits -' banner at the same place. Not even kidding. lol
      3) Nope. Resolution is 1920x1080, 16:9. Everything dandy. Every other video/scene/scene transition in-game worked perfectly.
      4) Same, 1920x1080. Again, just the four giving the softlock.
      5) Nope, just Flawless.
    8. NomNom1712
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Oh good to know that installing the relevant codec works. I think in the included readme.txt I have provided a free HEVC codec installer that MS don’t give out for free anymore.
    9. NomNom1712
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      @zhiipezo, have you got HEVC codec installed from MS Store?
    10. NomNom1712
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Okay, I have exported both AV1 and HEVC codec from MS Store and uploaded it under main files. You can just download that, open it up and install it. Windows will recognise this as the same codec as you can get from the MS Store.
    11. zhiipezo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well... Damn. The HEVC codec/app pack fixed it...
      Damn. Again! xD

      Also, I installed it with PowerShell, as for some reason .appx couldn't be automatically handled by my W.

      I just checked and there was no readme.txt for the HEVC one unfortunately, btw; only the AV1 DL has that, and I think it also only mentions AV1 codec may be needed as an extra step.
      I think that Files tab now makes things quite clear, but just to be sure I'd put it under Description as well, since I guess it's a prerequisite like AV1 is, and AV1 is already mentioned there.

      Hope this helped. And thanks for the troubleshoot - and the mod.
      Damn. A third time! lol

      Also, just out of morbid curiosity, was there anything particular that made those very very few scenes different from all the others?
    12. NomNom1712
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Sorted. The overview page has been updated. I would update the readme that is included in the archives but my upload speed is bad as it is already. That was my fault on my part, where I have failed to mention the requirement of HEVC codec.

      As with your question, I believe the game was looking for the required files for the game to be able to playback HEVC encoded video files. Originally, the game uses Windows Media Video, so I am thinking the game uses Windows Media Player to playback the videos, with the interface hidden. If I can recall correctly, WMP isn’t able to playback HEVC without the codecs installed. It’s the same thing with Film & TV app (aka the video player in Windows 10/11).

      The issue would have continue to show up in other videos if you have triggered them without having the codec installed.
    13. zhiipezo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks and kudos.

      It's just major weird how ALL the other (encoded with HEVC?) hundreds of clips/videos/what have yous from your mod worked flawlessly for the game, but this exact 4 and only 4 somehow made it softlock itself - guess these were the ones that really needed the HEVC codec for WMP to be able to play them behind the curtains.
      They must have been special some way.

      Anyhow. All's well that ends well!
  8. LionCerieals
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    Here I was hoping someone made an FMV mod for this game and here we are!

    Always a shame when great FMVs are ruined by piss poor decoding that makes them look horrendous.

    Thanks for doing this! Really helps the game shine.
    1. NomNom1712
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Agreed. I'd say 95% out of all the games out there, has badly encoded video files where the game developers clearly did not give a crap about how they would look and prioritised them to be space-efficient.

      This is one of the reasons that drove me to do this.