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Running combat tests on some NCR Deserter NPCs I set up around that fortified ranch I showed off last week.
Pretty pleased with how they're behaving; taking cover, flanking you, yeeting Molotovs, dropping down from above, running around the farm to hit you in the back... power of functional navmeshes. There's also environmental interactions like the campfire setting people on fire when getting too close.
Not featured here but happened on another run: dynamic interactions with TLD's NPCs where random travelers may happen by and start fights, Deserters running around the camp to get you from behind. Promising stuff thus far.

A remaining task is to implement a fully viable stealth path, as currently the NPCs aren't behaving entirely according to their AI Packages in their patrol patterns, hence not leaving the player enough of an opening to slip past their defenses.


  1. deleted142101718
    • account closed
    • 36 kudos
    Very educative vid :)
  2. Radioactivelad
    • premium
    • 187 kudos
    If you mess with the weapon range multipliers in their Combat Style you might be able to encourage them to stay more within the fort and on the ramparts. (don't forget cover data in the navmesh itself too)

    About them not behaving correctly, reloading a save in-game causes Navmeshes to stop working in esps, which might be a reason why their patrols aren't working so well.
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 324 kudos
      Yeah, I'm quite conscientious when it comes to setting up cover markers and all, but without proper combat settings most of these guys will just bumrush you anyway, so messing with those stats might be a good call.

      I always make my mods .esms from the start since the GECK Extender allows editing them now, so that's not the cause (though too many people seemingly don't know about that bug and the many other issues plaguing the .esp format, so it's still always good to mention it). In this case, it's most likely just the fact Obsidian sort of broke patrol packages. Sometimes NPCs in this game just won't update their packages and get stuck on their patrol routine. More specifically, the night guard refuses to go to bed in the daytime, so there's always too many rooftop snipers keeping watch.
    2. deleted142101718
      • account closed
      • 36 kudos
      Nice information.