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Tweaked the colors, used script-enabled evnironmental effects and emittance settings to fake a day-night cycle. Note that due to the timescale being 40 times faster than normal, the script controlling environmental effects lags behind the actual light. What you're seeing here is WIP and subject to change, both in regards to the lighting as well as the interior portrayed here.


  1. aubrii
    • premium
    • 344 kudos
    this is so atmospheric and beautiful wow wqowowowoww
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 324 kudos
      Thank you!
  2. Ghoules3000
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    This is some absolutely beautiful cell design (? I am unsure what the proper word would be ). I can't wait to see what the end state of this mod will be!
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 324 kudos
      I guess environmental or level design would be the proper terms, though I'm too much of an amateur myself to really understand the distinction. In any event, appreciate the kind words and can't wait to share it with the world once it's done.
  3. LurkingPhilosopher
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Could you explain how you did this?
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 324 kudos
      Which part of it precisely?
    2. LurkingPhilosopher
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      How did you make a day-night changing skybox in the windows. I tried doing something similar by putting sky planes agains transparent window pieces. I guess what you did is more involved.
    3. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 324 kudos
      It's just the NVDLC04 skydome with SewerRegion emittance settings. There aren't any windows up there, just wood struts forming a skylight that you can see the skydome through and low enough fog density to ensure it doesn't get obfuscated.
    4. LurkingPhilosopher
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      I sec thank you very much.
  4. ashtonlp101
    • premium
    • 174 kudos
    Very based, especially red-pilled.
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 324 kudos
      I prefer bread pills myself, higher nutritional value.
  5. lucianhector
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    Amazing work as always man - your level designs are top tier
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 324 kudos
      Lucian, how've you been, it's been a while! And thank you, I appreciate it.
  6. Hadanelith
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is the kind of high-detail, high-effort level design New Vegas deserves. Extremely well done!
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 324 kudos
      Thank you, a *lot* of effort went into this cell indeed (and it's not even finished yet) so I'm glad to know people appreciate my work.
  7. PineappleSurprise
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    That's some of the best lighting/atmosphere I've ever seen in New Vegas, tbh. The little details like the light coming up through the cracks in the floor were a really nice touch.
    1. ELPascal
      • premium
      • 324 kudos
      Thank you!