Fallout New Vegas

Mod articles

  • Legion Arena Expanded V1.1

    Hey everyone, thanks so much for the support on this mod so far. 400+ downloads in two days

    Please remember to endorse this mod if you enjoy it! It helps with bringing new people to the mod quite a lot.

    May 4th v1.1 update is out, with some neat new changes:

    Female characters can now fight in the arena unless shunned or lower in reputation with the Legion. I didn't want to completely destroy the lore, so Otho will not let female characters with negative Legion rep fight in the arena (and will still say his regular lines), but if you are neutral or higher he will let you.
    Added recurring fights against captured creatures - currently there is a mini bighorner, giant radscorpion, fire gecko, nightkin and super mutant. More to come in the future