Fallout New Vegas
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  1. Xilandro
    • premium
    • 2,579 kudos
    yall missing the best part:
    FNV not being canon (or being not exactly/entirely canon) means just one thing - we can make whatever story mods for it that we want.
    "hurr durr you can't add polar bears with laser eyes that talk in verses to Jacobstown! Polar bears are not canon!!!"
    "Well, neither is Fallout: New Vegas"

    1. 7Satellites7
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      ^ ily
    2. Xilandro
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  2. ArizonaRanger10
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    Wait, FNV isn't canon!? 
    1. AKRamirez
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      It is canon, and I don't know what kind of psychosis these people are currently experiencing.
    2. caniscanem
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      • 11 kudos
      Vault-Tec of all people nuked the NCR five years before the events of Fallout New Vegas, turning the NCR into a loose group of bandits. Somehow, the events of FNV still happened, according to Emil. We are supposed to believe that the nuked NCR that is shambles actually held the Mojave and had working trains, cars band agriculture.

      Also, by the end we see a shot of New vegas and it's run down worse than ever before.

      Oh yeah, Vaul Tec is the one who nuked the world and Enclave is back again
    3. Acctoburn
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      No the Nuke of the NCR was AFTER the events of New Vegas. The Chalkboard scene has it listed as being chronologically after it. I saw this youtube video which goes into more detail https://youtu.be/KXJ_08tRxJ8
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      for someone talking about basic literacy, your failing spectacularly.

      the show states that shady sands was nuked in 2277, whereas new vegas takes place in 2281.

      TV Show


      so either the chalkboard is wrong, and the showrunners put the wrong date in, or the entirety of new vegas cannot be considered canon anymore.

      Unless you can come up with a plausible and believable reason why the ncr would still be able to fund an army, run an embassy, and somehow still have both a senate and a president when their own capital was supposedly bombed to hell 4 years before the game even took place.
    5. SlavKingBoris5
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      Ignores GIANT ARROW pointing to AFTER 2077. smh
    6. MrJakeD420
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      "for someone talking about basic literacy, your failing spectacularly." says someone doesnt know how to read a timeline chart LMFAO.
    7. MolassesMansandtime
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      It was Shady Sands that outright fell apart during 2277 not getting nuked till 2281, but Id actually argue thats worse, as if the NCR cant keep their capitol from suffering an economical collapse that outright destroys it, especially during a time period when they held hoover damn and had literally infinite energy, how can they amass an army, let alone one strong enough to easily Obliterate the brotherhood?  And wouldnt the NCR aknowledge the fall of the capitol, ever, especially since it seems thats where president kimball returns post speech.  Tho lets not get ahead its still a fun story, but thinking bethesda even knows what happened during fallout 1- NV is a joke, especialllly when those new vaults are a bike-ride from the heart of the Master's bases, and somehow still full of humans.  Its far more logical to assume fallout 76, 4 and the show exist in some alt timeline where the Master never existed, house failed to stop the nukes, and the Brotherhood and the Enclave are literally the same faction, considering Maxson's views are literally just the Enclaves but 13% less severe.

      But no seriously enough caring, its not like Todd is gonna write a story that he doesn't force full circle anytime soon, so if nothing matters, then im labeling the hatsune Miku mods lore friendly.
    8. Nalushedesh
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      See, that's why I stopped caring about TES or Fallout lore years ago. Bethesda doesn't care, so neither should you IMO. Their lead writer said that videogame writing is stupid and pointless, Todd likewise has never seemed to much care for videogame writing, and Pete Hines openly thinks canon and verisimilitude are stupid wastes of time.

      That's the reason Starfield is shit. Not because "muh sweet baby" or "muh pronouns" or whatever other right-wing bugbear, but because modern Bethesda, as it is now, is literally not capable of making a compelling IP. The most they're equipped to do is make story-lite dungeon crawlers (which is fine on its own) and parade around the corpses of more competent writers' works.

      I already noticed this after Oblivion and accepted it after Fallout 4. That's why I take each game as its own isolated thing, completely separate from anything that came after. It's also why I haven't spent money on anything Bethesda made after Fallout 4.
  3. deadpie321
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    • 0 kudos
    When I'm in an annoying competition and my opponent is a New Vegas fan
  4. Glagolio
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    NV fans can't stop bitching about small mistake in TV show 
  5. SadaDarling
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    • 1 kudos
    new vegas is directly referenced in the show and mr. house has a speaking role. what are you smoking?
  6. JA1881
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    • 2 kudos
    Does it really matter when it happened on the timeline? All of the NCR suddenly getting nuked and everyone immediately turning into raiders, and then the brotherhood magically becoming the dominant power of California is stupid whether or not it fits on the timeline.
  7. Itsahobby
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    The wikipedia page don't even say that, you mfs will believe anything.
  8. hunteradkinson
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    I hate that shady sands and seemingly new vegas got destroyed but they didnt retcon NV, the writers said so themselves. Not defending the show it isnt perfect but you guys are overreacting, new vegas fans got plenty of fanservice too, sunset sarsasparilla crate, fiends, and not to mention the final scene literally being a zoom out of vegas with a destroyed wall and securitrons. And im pretty sure securitrons were established in new vegas lore. Maybe season 2 will reference the canon ending of the courier. Also, pretty good chance obsidian will make another fallout but we'll see, microsoft owns them both now and wants money, bethesda can only make games so fast, it only makes since.
      • supporter
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      f*#@ off 
    2. FalloutFan2281
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      • 0 kudos
      agreed, too much people are overreacting
  9. Falloutfan2001
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    FNV is still canon. 
    1. FalloutFan2281
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      yo wassup brother
  10. GeneralGpatton1993
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    Another Disney episode. Bethesda has plenty to work with, but they decide to change what happened to suit their stupid vision. Well, at least we have New Vegas. Knock on wood. 
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      bethesda couldn't write themselves out of a paper bag 
  11. DocInsaneo
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    It's still canon, nobody said anything about it being non canon except people who never watched the show