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About this mod

Adds a (very) simple quest which leads to the Union Station, plus some other tweaks to make your journey to New Vegas more convenient.

Permissions and credits
UPDATE: I've added an alternate version which starts the quest after "Take it Back!" is completed.

~Rendezvous at Union~

Let's hope I didn't spend several hours learning how to use the G.E.C.K. just for this mod to be redundant.


I've always felt like the whole Union Station thing was a bit vague. Now, I haven't played TTW for a long time, but I've completed the main quest about 3 times, and every time, I end up searching "ttw how 2 go 2 vegas".

This mod adds a suitcase just to the left of the Scenic Overlook sign outside of Vault 101 containing a note which starts a quest leading to the Union Station.


  • The suitcase also contains a 9mm Pistol with some ammo, Pre-War Money, two tickets to New Vegas, and two tickets to Washington D.C..
  • The terminal that controls the Union Station reactor has its difficulty reduced from Average to Very Easy.
  • On the floor of the train that goes to Washington D.C., is a single ticket for convenience.
  • Upon completing the quest you get some yummy XP.

And more! (Maybe. Probably. I actually don't know. Download the mod and find out?)


Probably works with TTW... and I dunno what else. Find out yourself!


Tale of Two Wastelands - For giving me a reason to play Fallout 3.

ItsMeJesusHChrist - For making incredibly sexy icons. Oh, and the whole dying for our sins thing. That too.

Obsidian Entertainment - For making my favorite game of all time. <3

That 70's Show - For keeping me sane.

You! - For... something.


Decline Your Perceived Reality (TTW)
Adds a lore-friendly note containing a clue about the code for the simulation's failsafe, located in the Abandoned House.

Small Guns
(Attempts to) rename all instances of "Guns" to "Small Guns".

Not so Fatal
Changes Fatal Radiation, Hydration, Starvation, and Sleep Deprivation to not instantly kill the player, instead draining health.

And that's all! I haven't made anything else! Don't look! Because there is no point! YUP!