Fallout New Vegas

Mod articles

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    How old is Medic?
    23, nearly 24. Her birthday is 3/3/2258. For other astrology nerds (like me), click the spoiler to see her birth chart.

    What's with her voice?
    Ask her yourself. As for who voiced her, that would be me.

    Can I romance her?
    Yes, in a later update after completing her loyalty quest (not yet implemented).

    Is she gay or straight?
    Medic's bi. Any courier can romance her.

    For any other questions - please drop a comment

  • (SPOILERS) Medic Timeline

    2258 (Medic’s DOB - 3/3/2258 01:32 in The Hub)
    Medic is born to two proud parents, who shortly enlist as soldiers in the NCR to support their daughter with the lure of promising paychecks. Medic is babysat by friends of her parents while they are away on tours. While the intentions of her parents were well and good, Medic felt alienated and alone most of her childhood. She never bonded with the people babysitting her as her caregivers would often swap. Medic and her family were always on the move and eventually wound up in the Mojave. Medic’s parents were part of the 3 battalions sent by NCR president Wendell Peterson to the Mojave.

    2269-2270 (Medic’s age - 10/11)
    NCR massacres raider tribes in Owens Lake and the area around Bullhead City under orders of Gene...