Fallout New Vegas


  1. GRUmod
    • premium
    • 196 kudos
    2.0 Update May 20, 2024:

    Changelog for most changes and details.
    Screenshots reflect most of the additions.

    This update is a year or so of in-and-out changes, tweaks, additions.

    Please let me know of any issues and i'll do my best to put any quick fixes out.

    New Vegas Reloaded is highly recommended for extra visuals and really makes Lumen a lot better.

    Thanks everyone
  2. GRUmod
    • premium
    • 196 kudos
    Vortex-related questions/issues:

    I can't support Vortex questions/issues, sorry. It does things that i don't understand and it's file-handling is illogical..

    Vortex is not the recommended option for modding in my humble opinion.

    Mod Organizer 2 is going to be a lot better and less of a headache from my experience.
  3. TK1000
    • premium
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    I'm running Lumen with the 50/50 Base Object replacer and NVR. Holy guacamole! Interiors and nights look amazing even without NVR Shadows. 
    I was really expecting a pretty harsh performance hit, but I'm getting 60fps with no real dips, even in large interiors or interiors with loads of lights (like Camp Golf). 

    Lumen is MAGIC!
  4. Matrimelee
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Would it be possible to give the Floodlights (FloodLight01.nif) found in TTW some love too?

    Otherwise, absolute fantastic work. The game looks really different with these mostly subtle changes!
  5. Emerald422
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    • 1 kudos
    At first I didn't notice much change, then I installed New Vegas Reloaded like you recommended and HOLY LUIGI DROP KICKING ME OFF THE GRAND CANYON. This is a BEAUTIFUL mod alongside your energy weapon mod!
  6. Knilles
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, amazing mod! I am unfortunately running into an issue where the iron sight of the plasma rifle is replaced by a green non transparent circle meaning its impossible to see what im looking at when ADS. I dont have any other mods affecting plasma rifle textures or meshes as far as i know. Would love to know of an solution because the rest of the mod is a must have after seeing the effect it gives in game. Thanks!

    1. cringeybaby
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
    2. Ausileth
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Also experiencing this issue
    3. SozialistischeCourier
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same problem
  7. cringeybaby
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Is this be compatible with NV Animated Immersive Lanterns?

    Also, overwrites some models in Asterra's Many Fixes. Does this forward whatever changes that mod makes?
  8. JadeFontaine
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I really love this mod, brings a gorgeous atmosphere to New Vegas. I am having issues with some lights being far too bright though. Is there any way I can fix this on my own? Specifically the Underground Hideout player home mod, which I love and cant go without on any playthrough. The lights absolutely blast the interior of the rooms in that mod.
    1. GRUmod
      • premium
      • 196 kudos

      Yes you can adjust these by finding the .nif that the model uses and editing the within there with another one that's in the GECK's lights list.
      Out of curiosity, what light are you finding is very bright? 

      Steps on how to create/edit the lights are on the mod page :)

      edit: here https://geckwiki.com/index.php?title=Adding_lights_to_models_in_NifSkope
    2. JadeFontaine
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! Specifically the lights in the kitchen area, armory area, and display areas of the mod. I'm not sure what exact lights are causing the problem as there are many kinds, but I will try to find out.

      Edit: here are some screenshots

    3. PapaDredd
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I was losing my mind trying to figure out why my lights in the Underground hideout mod were so bright in area's then i saw i wasn't alone here lol
    4. PapaDredd
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Solved, Not sure what else these refs affect but you can use these without removing the chemset:
      prid 67028D51 to select it then disable command
      prid 67028D4F then disable again

      or markfordelete instead of disable if it's only tied to the chem sets. Again, not sure what else those firewisps are attached to.

      Got this from trial and error, the two lights causing it are inside the Chemistry Set. In full it came up with this after disabling the chemistry set: "EHFXFireWisps01" (67028D51) - UHNV.esp and "EHFXFireWisps01" (67028D4F) - UHNV.esp. 

      It fixes the entire Underground Hideout Mod. Let me know if this fixes the chem set in DocMitchells house too. I can grab the refs there if not
    5. Perquid
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much for the help. Iv been modding for a very long time now, so it was a pretty easy fix. But I was wondering if youd know how to make a patch for this? Im not requesting you do it but if youd happen to know how to or where I would go to find this info id really appreciate it. It may be useful to have these fixes consolidated in an easy download.
    6. hughmaniac
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the fix, king. This was driving me nuts. 
    7. Thojaim
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I can't seem to do this fix
       - I've Tried that NifScope program
       - I've Tried the FNVedit
       - I've Tried Ingame
      So now I must ask what I'm missing, if you could please help me out with this one.

      Edit: Never mind I just went in and selected them with the mouse 😆
  9. Kilo64
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Should Lumen be loading before or after mods that conflict with meshes (NVMIM, WMIM, ITEM, MAC-10, etc.)?
  10. Matrimelee
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Absolutely incredible!
    1. Matrimelee
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      This mod in combination with ESPless Better Fire Barrels is crashing my game(JIP NVSE.dll error)

      Crash can be reproduced every time I load the game. If I delete either meshes\effects\ambient\fxfiresmall01.nif from this mod, or the script injectors + config from the Better Fire Barrels mod, the crash disappears.

      Was my fault. Bad edits from a plugin changed the forms that were being targeted by this mod! Sorry!
  11. SupaSTO
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Hello GRUmod,

    I have been a big fan of Lumen since the mod released and love it very much. I was simply wondering, is it tweakable in any way? For example, I think the Nuka Cola Quartz bottles are way too bright and are kinda blinding in the mojave outpost bar and wanted to tune then down a little.

    Thanks and kind regards!
  12. rainvendor
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos

    Added lights to wasteland pool meshes from Irradiant Muck as I was fixing conflicts. Very cool result! Thanks for the mod.
    1. GRUmod
      • premium
      • 196 kudos
      Nice! That looks great
  13. Goiram
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I run a very vanilla+ visual setup and this really makes things look much better! Btw, is it safe to remove mid-playthrough? I only ask in case I see performance issues and need to regain some frames.
    1. GRUmod
      • premium
      • 196 kudos
      Yes it can be removed mid-playthrough with no issue.
    2. Goiram
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you! Really looking forward to anything you might add in the future <3