Fallout New Vegas

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1.) Follow our Installation Guide to avoid any installation issues
2.) If you do run into issues, visit our FAQ & Other Help Pages and come visit us at our
3.) DO NOT bother the Tale of Two Wastelands or other mod teams about troubleshooting issues. Even if you think your issue is due to Tale of Two Wastelands or another mod, we handle all of our support internally and other discords will likely either turn you to us or disregard your help question entirely.
4.) We do not handle support in the comment section here. Again, visit our Discord or Help Pages above for support

Welcome to the New Capital Punishment Nexus Page
This page will serve as a repository for our most recent Wabbajack file releases. If you've played Capital Punishment before then welcome back, if not then I hope we can get you to stick around and try it out! As a side note this list is in no way lightweight, a modifiable framework, or a stability list. That being said we have utilized a plethora of resources including Viva New Vegas, The Wasteland Survival Guide, and many others to create this curated experience and make it as stable/balanced as possible.

What is Capital Punishment?
Capital Punishment is a hardcore survival oriented list which seeks to fully overhaul most elements of the Capital & Mojave world spaces. Utilizing Tale of Two Wastelands as the framework of the list, we have curated the following overhaul mods below to hopefully create a unique, fun, and challenging experience. 

  • Graphical Changes
    A large majority of the landscape, visual effects, world objects, weapons, armor, and anything else you can think of have been completely changed in some form. Whether upscaled, added to, or retextured entirely, you can experience the visuals of both wastelands in a new fashion.

  • New Weapons, Armor, & Clothing 
    A host of new weapons, armors, and clothing pieces adorn both the NPC's and fill the world. These all breathe a new life into the game, creating both diversity to NPC's and new playstyles for the player.

  • New Quests, Jobs, & Adventures
    Many new quest mods have been added to this pack. Whether full fledged adventures, new occupations for you to partake in, or small additions throughout the world, countless hours of content lay ahead. 

  • Player Homes
    Many new player homes accompanied by quests or found hidden throughout the wastelands. Adobe themed faction homes, shanty shacks, and updated existing player homes all can be found hidden throughout the game for you to settle down and take a breather.

  • Hardcore & Realism Features, But Casual As Well!
    Play this list how you decide. For hardcore users, thirst, sleep, and hunger are just as much of a concern as the enemies which surround you in the world. Many new changes and modifications to existing elements have been made to make this game a challenging experience that will require you to take the world much slower and appreciate the adventure you are taking much more. No more are the days of walking out of town without preparing. Now, a lack of bandages can mean you bleed out. Not carrying enough food or water can mean starvation or dehydration. Not taking a second to wash your nasty ass after rolling through the Capital dirt or Mojave sand can mean the difference between sneaking past that Mother Deathclaw or her picking up your stench. You will have a hard time, but as you grow and level, you will see these elements wain in severity and your effort to endure the punishment of the wastes rewarded.

    But for those who wish to play a bit more casually/without the need to micromanage the world around you, we offer this too! Play Fallout 3 and New Vegas as it was originally intended and enjoy a fairly challenging, yet more laid back experience!
  • Stability, Balance, Bug Fixes, & Performance Improvement
    A large problem with New Vegas, modded or not,  is that it is party to a host of issues. Without boring you all with the details, I will mention again that this list was made with resources such as Viva New Vegas & TWSG. Further additions past that have or are currently being tested/vetted for any issues they may present in this ongoing project and at this point, many already have.

    To ensure both balance and non-confliction of the many mods installed, we have created our own custom xedit mega patch (Thanks to our own Camboi) which remedies the many conflicts previously in the early stages of this lists development

    Disclaimer to the Above: As for performance improvements, we have had mixed results. A large majority of users including our staff team have had no issue running the game well above 60 FPS. Others have complained of minor to severe stuttering and performance issues on both low and high end specs. This is something we are constantly improving and is our primary focus as of now, but for the sake of transparency I wanted to share this with you all. 

  • And Much More!
    I will continue to update this page as we have much more on this list than the above already. For those interested in our full list of mods, you can see that here

Final Note:
None of this would be possible without the hard work of the many mod authors, the staff behind the Wabbajack platform, or the people who have worked alongside me during development. They have all sacrificed their free time to develop and release the works associated with this list, and absolutely free of charge. Please take the time to endorse some of these authors if you can or send them some kind feedback as they are more than deserving.

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